Please add the High-performance order storage (HPOS) compatibility declaration:
add_action('before_woocommerce_init', function(){
if ( class_exists( \Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\FeaturesUtil::class ) ) {
\Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\FeaturesUtil::declare_compatibility( 'custom_order_tables', FILE, true );
This plugin is simple and still works great in the lastest versions of WooCommerce but without this declaration can’t activate the HPOS in our e-commerces.
]]>Just checking…
]]>Hello, with elementor, the plugin is not displayed ?? can you give me a short code so that I can display the plugin below the cart ?
Is it possible to use the product attributes to add a product to the cart using this plugin?
For example:
I have a variable product with variations made up of 2 attributes. I would like to fill the cart with the product variation that corresponds to the combination of attributes passed through the URL.
Thanks in advance
If I am logged in everything works well but when I come as unregistered user I am not able to add product to cart.
Do you know how to sort this issue?
Thanks in advance.
I’ve been using your plugin on several websites (it’s awesome), but I have a new problem : one of them sometimes has to retire products from the store, and to do so, they either turn the product into a draft or put it in the bin. When they do that, the link just take customers to an empty cart page.
Could it be possible to put a failsafe in place that either :
– redirects to the shop page when the ?set_cart parameter has only one product (however its quantity) that does not exist anymore
– adds a notice to the cart page when the product is as a draft or in the bin that says something like “this product is unavailable”, like you did for when the stock equals zero ?
Thanks !
]]>Dear @josk79,
Please change $product->get_title()
to $product->get_name()
on lines 181 and 184 in your great plugin, to show the variation full name instead of the variable product title in warning messages when the given variation is not available.
Thank you for the really useful plugin.
Have a nice day.
Best regards,
Hello, I want to say that I really like how simple and easy to use this plug in is.
The cart link works great with standard products, it also works well with products with a single variable, for example, length.
However when the product has multiple variables, for example, length and color, the customer sees an “Array Error” in the cart link, and the products with the dual variable do not show.
Is this normal behavior? Is there something we can do to fix it?
Also thanks for providing this great plugin for free, we will be happy to make a donation.
Is the plugin WordPress 5.6 compatible? Thanks.
How to show pre-set cart in landing page ?
is correct ?
Thanks for help !!!
I added ‘coupon’ to the cart and changed shipping address to show shipping cost as well at cart. But, when I opened the URL created, it did not show the coupon applied and shipping address changed.
How can I resolve this issue?
Thank you!
]]>Hello, as you suggest here my own thread.
I use cartlink to send cart with a few products by email ??
But I notice that the link I send redirect to a wrong cart. A bug or wrong use ?
So what is the process to send several cart link with differents items each time ?
I mean when I send a cart link, my correspondante will use it few hours or few days laters.
Meanwhile, I have to send new cart link to a new correspondante.
=> My wish is to send several and differents cart link to several and different people in a few hours.
PS : When I do this, I cancel the firts cart before make the new one and generate a new link.
Today, the only result I got are wrong cart with mix products.
]]>I noticed that the plugin doesn’t work consistently since the recent update. I used to use the link behind a link (for example.. a href=”″ ) and it worked great up until the recent woocommerce update. I am wondering if an update can be made to this plugin. Thank you for an amazing plugin!!
]]>Thank you Soft79 for this awesome piece of code.
Issue: The cart link can increase the quantity but can not decrease it.
This URL will populate the cart with 2x item with id 44.
This URL will increase the quantity to 5x from 2x
doesn’t reduce the quantity to 1x from 5x.
Hope this can be addressed.
Thanks, Manju
The new theme I am using does not display the link text box, probably something to do with the new theme cart page setup. Is there a way to call the correct function(s) to display the link text box in another area on the cart page by adding the code to the cart template?
]]>Hi there,
I have an issue with this plugin where it does not work and produces a bad gateway 502 error if I send links to customers with more than about 10 items.
I have not been able to be sure of the cause in the sense that if I take the same 12 items with different quantities it fails with different combinations although always about the 5-7 items upwards amount.
I end up having to send multiple hyperlinks to the customer and asking them to click each in sequence.
It is not one specific item that is failing.
Given that it will accept sometimes more items and sometimes less it almost suggests that the string length itself of the URL is what is causing failure rather than the number of parameters.
I am on version 1.14
To give you a working/non-working example :
This does not work :×33008,100×34060,10×58720,100×58742,5×58752,100×63366,25×52332,45069,100×63740,100×55915,100×63749
But these two in succession do :×33008,100×34060,10×58720,100×58742,5×58752,100×63366×52332,45069,100×63740,100×55915,100×63749
Any ideas? Thanks,
]]>Great plugin!
But we realize that the link doesn’t work after the first click.
For example:
I click the link,21981,21151
and perfect, it adds correctly the 3 products.
But if I like to click again the link or I remove one product or I clear the cart and than I try to click again on the link …nothing happens! no product is added to the cart after the first use of the link.
Are you aware of this behaviour or it is our specific problem? thank you! ??
]]>Hello @josk79
I have seen there is a “set_cart” option, which empties the cart before adding the passed items.
It would be great to be able to select which one should be used on the site.
Also it would be nice to be able to set the cart sharing url to be available to public (all customers) by removing “current_user_can( ‘manage_woocommerce’ )” restriction by using a simple checkbox.
Could you plese create a settings page at woocommerce where the admin or shop manager could manage these settings?
It would be great at this location, for example:
Thank you for the great plugin!
Best regards,
I’m wondering if it’s possible to send the contents of the shopping cart and user information to a different site.
For example, customer shops at, and when ready to check out is directed to with contents of shopping cart coming with them so cart at is populated with the same items as
Upon a user clicking a link that adds products to cart, is it possible to bypass the cart page and go straight to checkout? This would remove one more step for our customers and allow them to checkout even faster, which would be awesome.
I found this cart to checkout redirect script but it doesn’t work with your plugin (it works when your plugin is deactivated):
* @snippet Redirect to Checkout Upon Add to Cart – WooCommerce
* @how-to Watch tutorial @
* @sourcecode
* @author Rodolfo Melogli
* @compatible WC 3.3.3
function bbloomer_redirect_checkout_add_cart( $url ) {
$url = get_permalink( get_option( ‘woocommerce_checkout_page_id’ ) );
return $url;
add_filter( ‘woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect’, ‘bbloomer_redirect_checkout_add_cart’ );
Thanks you!
]]>Hi, the items get duplicated when we have products grouped together using Woothemes “WooCommerce Product Bundles” plugin.
Do you have a solution?
]]>Hello, thank you very much for the great and simple plugin, it has been a great help in my routine!
In my ERP, we`re creating a function that send an email with the link to fill the cart based on internal rules, but we only can get the SKU of the products.
Is there a way to set the cart link using SKU of the product too? Or even choose if I want to use SKU or Id?
I`m picturing something like: “,2Xsku2,3Xsku3”
I was trying to change the behavior of the plugin by changing some variable, but I still did not succeed:
“$product_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT post_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key=’_sku’ AND meta_value=’%s’ LIMIT 1″, $add_to_cart ) );”
P.S.: My code skills are not so good…=(
Thank you in advance!
]]>Good day,
There is no notice for any errors with adding goods to cart at the frontend:
Adding a real goods with overstocking quantity –×1946 – No message
Adding a not existing goods – – No message
Thank you in advance
]]>Caused a total downtime of 8 hours and had to go through a Multisite Network system to identify it was your plugin that caused the issue.
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Please fix. Really like your plugin and would be a shame to have to stop using it.
Cheers, Jeasy
When trying to update from v 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 plug-in can’t be activated because there is an info “Plugin file doesn’t exist”. It is causing white screen.
]]>I am using Woo commerce ‘Coupon Extended Features’ plugin in conjunction with ‘Cart links for WooCommerce’. It all went well until the woocommerce update 3.0.1. After 3.0.1, the plugin populates cart but doesn’t apply the auto coupon.
Link to my website:,46,50,53
]]>Hi and thank you for your work
The link generated add items to the cart, but it doesn’t clear it first.
A customer might already have something in the card before hand.
Can You clear the cart before adding items?
I don’t want customers to order thing they did not intend because they trusted my link.
Hi and thank you for your work
Why did you limit the usage of this great plugin to admins only?
I would love for my customer to be able to send link to carts to friends.
It appears we get a ReferenceError originating from your plugin at
jQuery(".soft79_fill_cart_url input[type='text']").on("click", function () { jQu...
It’s probably due to our JS scripts getting placed at the bottom of the page, but i was wondering if you could update your plugin so it prevents this?
I haven’t tested, but possibly wrapping your JS in the following, could help?
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { }
Was working fine, but now items are added to cart but no coupon is applied
link is: /shop/cart?fill_cart=50×9&apply_coupon=code
older method still works though i.e.