[26-Nov-2020 22:45:51 UTC] PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant COOKIEPATH – assumed ‘COOKIEPATH’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /plugins/software-issue-manager/assets/ext/wp-session/includes/class-wp-session.php on line 142
I’d like the admin to receive emails when a new issue is created.
Secondly, I’d like users to receive confirmation emails on status change.
How do I do this?
Thank you!
]]>Screenshot of code
When I install the plugin I quickly notice a spacing issue in my sidebar. It seems when the plugin is installed, it adds <p></p> tags to many parts of the site. You can see this from the screenshots above
I’ve checked the “Disable EMD Templating System”, “Disable Bootstrap CSS”, and “Disable Bootstrap JS” box. The issue was not resolved.
What is causing this and how do I stop it?
I have a large team and different members have different skills. Rather than assign tasks/issues to individual people, I would like to create tasks and then have anyone who is “watching” or “subscribed” to that category or tag would be notified via email. The idea is if they have a particular skill, they will get an email and can grab the task to do it before someone else takes it. As I pay by the task and they need to complete it quickly it seems to make sense to do it this way.
Is this possible using your plugin please?
Thanks ??
]]>Had created 2 projects, one public and another private, but
1. login as the creator of projects and site admin, only the public project can be found in the Affected Projects of issue-entry form.
2. login as the Contributor/Author/Editor can not find any in the Affected Projects of issue-entry form, nor in the “All Projects”
Besides, while trying to create an issue using issue-entry form,
“Possible spam attempt detected. The posted form data was rejected.”
But the user is login as Editor.
any suggestion?
Clicking ‘Do not allow’ button does not work.
The notice is not dismissed and is not dismissable.
I’m just trying out your plugin and have no wish to ever send anyone usage statistics of my website, let alone start receiving emails.
The notice is huge and invasive and distracting.
Uninstalling until this get fixed. I can’t get any work done with that notice present, and am always fearful I’ll click the ‘allow’ button by accident when scrolling.
This plugin seems to break several of the templates that I have tried it on, the main cause seems to be the plugins failure to output its content through the normal content methods, but instead tried to override all of the output.
]]>We do not check this support section since we offer free support at our own site: emdplugins.com/support.
Please open a support ticket there.
How can I allow public users to see a list of issues and their statuses? (without searching)
]]>Why are existing projects visible for a guest/no logged-in visitor?
]]>Why does the recent issue widget show issues for a guest/not logged-in visitor?
I wonder why that form has no filed to enter an emailadress?
]]>Is there a way to bulk add issues?
I’m trying to use this to keep track of migrating a DNS server. I would like to make each domain I have to move a separate issue to track.
Any suggestions?
]]>Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead
I thought you might wanted to know. I get this message only when your plugin is active
]]>Have installed the community edition of SIM on our test server and having following questions:
– Can I place a Search and Entry Shortcode on the same page?
– How can I use wild cards in the [issue Search] form?
– Can I limit fields requested in [issue entry] form?
– Are WPAS Shortcuts for Software Issue Manager and Forms not part of the community edition?
– Are there feature limitations using behind corporate firewalls?
Thank you.
]]>I am getting error when I add projects or issues. here is error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method DateTime::createFromFormat() in [root]/wp-content/plugins/software-issue-manager/assets/ext/meta-box/inc/fields/date.php on line 105