When I am in the settings of the plugin and I click “Load all Pages” or “Load all Posts” and it is not successful. If I go to the SOLR admin screen in the browser I see the error:
org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Unknown commit parameter 'waitFlush'.
I am using SOLR 4.3. I also tried to replace the SolrPhpClient with the most recent one (https://code.google.com/p/solr-php-client/downloads/detail?name=SolrPhpClient.r60.2011-05-04.zip). Any ideas anyone?
]]>Using wordpress 3.5.2 and solr 4.1.0, schema.xml is causing errors when starting local instance of solr server.
]]>To Matt Weber (the author of this plugin):
I’m using Solr for WordPress with separated solr servers for search and update.
In WordPress debug mode, there are ~30 PHP notices about undefined indexes, variables, and trying to get property of non-object. I’m using PHP 5.3.15
Just wanted to let you know, for the next version.
I install Solr for WordPress with Solr 3.6.
I want to make a search autocomplete but he doesn’t work.
Why ?
Thanking you in anticipation
]]>When I search for something, then order (eg by date) it produces this URL:
When I click the page 2 link at the bottom it loses the sort order, eg:
This is obviously a problem because it’s no longer the second page of the same results.
The link for the pagination is set in solr-for-wordpress.php on line 806, so I can’t fix it just in the template.
I’m trying to configure Solr for WordPress plugin with Solr 4. It seems that is necessary some changes. I did the following:
1. solr.EnglishPorterFilterFactory is deprecated. I replaced it with “SnowballPorterFilterFactory with language=”English”.
2. Disabled transaction log in solrconfig.xml file:
<!– <updateLog>
<str name=”dir”>${solr.data.dir:}</str>
</updateLog> –>
The connection to Solr is ok but it continues reporting an error with “commit” function. It seems it using a deprecated option. Do you know the exact changes in the schema file to support Solr version 4?
]]>Hi, I have a query on the plugins ability to achieve my issue.
The problem: I have 3 post search filters, (keyword, category and time published (Category and time published are wp_dropdowns)). Asume they select a choice for all three. e.g. SEARCH: keyword: packaging, category: Food & Drink, published: August 2011.
I want to display results that match all 3 into a list of results. On each result it will have the usual title, featured image and extract. I also want it to have a footnote ‘This post matched 3 filters: keyword, category and publish date’.
Then underneath these results I want to show remaining posts that match for any 2 of the filters. ‘This post matched 2 filters: keyword and category’.
Keyword will be a mandatory field so after 2 filters it will simply display anything that matches the keywords. Simple enough.
I suppose you could say, the ‘loop’ is collecting everything that matches the keyword but it’s separating the results into how relevant based on the extra parameters and placing the ‘best’ results that match all filters at the very top.
I hope that makes sense. I’ve been trying several approaches on this and just cannot manage to grasp it.
My question: Is this something that could be easily (or even difficultly) achieved with solr?
]]>This function seems faulty:
function s4w_handle_modified( $post_id ) {
global $current_blog;
$post_info = get_post( $post_id );
$plugin_s4w_settings = s4w_get_option();
$index_pages = $plugin_s4w_settings['s4w_index_pages'];
$index_posts = $plugin_s4w_settings['s4w_index_posts'];
s4w_handle_status_change( $post_id, $post_info );
if (($index_pages && $post_info->post_type == 'page') || ($index_posts && $post_info->post_type == 'post')) {
# make sure this blog is not private or a spam if indexing on a multisite install
if (is_multisite() && ($current_blog->public != 1 || $current_blog->spam == 1 || $current_blog->archived == 1)) {
$docs = array();
$doc = s4w_build_document( $post_info );
if ( $doc ) {
$docs[] = $doc;
s4w_post( $docs );
It calls s4w_handle_status_change, which correctly deletes a post that has changed to Draft status, but it then always adds those documents back the index. The result is that draft posts are searchable.
I fixed this by adding this code before $docs = array() :
if ($post_info->post_status != 'publish') {
Hopefully if the author agrees, this will be included in the next update.
]]>I need to clarify following questions:
Custom Theme Integration
Create a new theme file called "s4w_search.php".
Insert your markup, use template methods s4w_search_form() and s4w_search_results() to insert the search box and results respectively.
Add result styling to your theme css file, see solr-for-wordpress/template/search.css for an example.
You can use the search widget in your sidebar for search, or use a custom search box that submits the query in the parameter "s".
]]>I’ve created a new custom post type and it doesn’t seem to index posts created in this post type when I select the Load All Posts option in the settings page. I can search or posts created with the original Post post type but ones created in my custom post type just return empty results.
Is this a limitation of the plugin or am I doing something wrong?
]]>I have a patch for doing Basic Auth. Are you interested? We (Lucid Img) want to support WordPress for our hosted Solr (LucidWorks Cloud Amazon/Azure) but the code is generic.
It took a little addition to the WordPress part and a fair amount to the SolrPHP part. I’m not a PHP expert so the code is strictly monkey-see/monkey-do.
]]>some js errors when trying to index. also notice about has_cap in menu.
I really, really don’t like to flag this plug-in as “broken” but I’ve made two attempts to install and configure it using two freshly installed WP instances. One version 3.2.1 and on 3.3.1 but I get the same result: “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
I’m logged on with admin privileges but it doesn’t help.
I really hope that somebody, more knowledegable in php is able to make this plug-in work…
I’m unable to enable this plug-in using a fresh installation of WP 3.3.1. I’m logged on as administrator and install the latest version from github but when I try to install it I get the following error:
“You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
I’m running my WP installation on a VPS using Debian as OS. Any suggestions on how to solve this is very welcome!!!!
]]>Hi there,
First of all, many thanks to Matt Weber for contributing such a great plugin to the community.
I have set up a fresh installation of WP 3.3.1, created a network of three subsites, installed the 0.5.1 version of the S4W plugin and inserted some posts. I configured the S4W plugin correctly and it is connected with my local Solr environment.
Then I run a search query and nothing is found. So then I head over to the S4W configuration page and click on the ‘Load all Pages’ and ‘Load all Posts’ buttons. Still nothing found. Then I pick one of my posts, edit and save it and rerun the query. Then the post if found!
Newly added posts are found instantly (without first having to edit and then save the post).
Is there anything I possibly do wrong? Is this behaviour by design or is it a known bug?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
]]>SOLR for WP does not appear to index custom taxonomies hierarchically. Anyone find a workaround for this?
]]>I like the idea of filtering down the results based off a selection of categories and sub-categories / post types / whatever but I don’t see that capability. I would guess that the faceted search takes place through checkboxes but I’m only left with a hierarchical list of categories (which means I can’t select more than one).
I have seen it in Drupal.
]]>I’m using the Suffusion theme, not sure if that matters.
I tried activating SOLR but I receive two errors when I perform a search (see below).
Error 1:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hermes/web02/b1930/moo.caringfamiliescom/blog/wp-content/plugins/solr-for-wordpress/template/s4w_search.php on line 67
Line 67:
foreach($results[‘results’] as $result) {
Error 2:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hermes/web02/b1930/moo.caringfamiliescom/blog/wp-content/plugins/solr-for-wordpress/solr-for-wordpress.php on line 890
Line 890:
foreach ( $facet_on_custom_fields as $field_name ) {
So I’m not quite sure what to make of this.
HTML editor in post not full width.
template > search.css > Remove/Edit
#content { width: auto !important; }
]]>On lines 1098 and 1105 of solr-for-wordpress.php you have
return FALSE;
and the false should be lowercase. This breaks the explicit indexing in the Solr options page. I can obviously fix this manually, but would be nice for you to roll in the fix. Thanks.
]]>Currently the plugin doesn’t work with Solr 3.2.0. Many things in the shipped solr schema.xml (tokenizers ed) are deprecated.
The plugin is not compatible wit a networked wordpress 3 instance: a post_id is not unique, so solr docs will be overwritten by a other blog.
So, what are the plans for an upgrade of this plugin?
]]>Hi there,
We’re investigating using Solr for our site, which uses WordPress and BuddyPress, with WordPress in multisite mode. There’s also a MediaWiki.
So, we want to replace the WP search with one that covers BuddyPress, the main WordPress site, the WordPress network sites, and the wiki.
Can solr-for-wordpress do that? If not, can it be modified to do so? Happy to put some time into it, if this plugin is a good starting point. Happy to feed updates back as well, if that’s useful.
]]>Anyone know if this plugin works for wordpress 3.0.1?
]]>I was wondering whether I need to manually re-index after making changes to documents (edits, deletes, new docs). Or whether these are automatically picked-up and trigger a re-index?