Dear Support,
First of all thank you for this wonderful plugin. I felt it was very much worth the PRO version.
I have a table with dates as the first column. By default the table get sorted from oldest dat te newest.
How can I make it sort the tables from latest dat to earliest by default.
Please advise.
]]>It appears that the minified moment.js (moment.min.js) bootstrap plugin causes a conflict with The Event Calendar plugin. This conflict is corrected by uploading the most recent version of the full script and updating the wp_enqueue_script to use moment.js instead of moment.min.js on line 235 in bg_sort_table.php
]]>Hi and thanks for the plugin.
On the linked page click the Guitar Hero Tab and check the Guitar Hero 1 table.
Thanks for helping.
]]>The sorter seems to work well but it broke my existing CSS. Oddly enough I an creating tables very similar to you color table sample but when I add the shortcode it breaks my cell width in my header cells.
Also, just like your example, the color swatch cell is not sortable. Is there a way to remove the sort option from that column?
Page with correct CSS:
Page with broken CSS:
]]>Hi. I am trying to get this plugin working. I bought the PRO version because I wanted the responsive feature. I can see it works when I create a table in the visual editor, but I need it to work on a table I am generating through a PHP loop. I have tried do_shortcode, which always works, but for some reason, it doesn’t here. Help?
]]>Hi, first of all i’d like to thank you for this plugin, it’s simple to use and very fast im loving it so far! But i’ve got a little problem, if i try to sort Dates it doesnt work properly for italian formatted date DD/MM/YY it just keeps sorting them MM/DD/YY
this is the shortcode that im using:
[bg_sort_this_table pagination=1 perpage=100 showsearch=1 showinfo=1 responsive=1 lang=”it”]
Sorry for bad english and thanks for your time!