Hi, thank you for your plugin, the image swap works perfectly.
But I have another problem. Your plugin seems to not only change the images but also the text. This is what I want, but my shortcodes don′t work for the variation.
For example: I have a product with the shortcode [tabs slidertype=”top tabs”]… On a normal product without variations this gets transformed into html, but on a product with variations it just outputs the word “[tabs slidertype=”top tabs”] into my frontend, which is obviously not what I wanted…
Thanks if you have a solution for that
]]><script type="text/javascript">
$( document ).ready(function() {
$('div.wpsc_variation_forms select.wpsc_select_variation')
[Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]
By using the above script i’m able to change the price and select the non default option, but the problem is that the image is not swapped according to the changed variation value.
Please help.
I have issue with loading swap image. It took so long to load one… Is it just me or ?
Here is the link – try to change color variation:
I have some products with two variants: color and size.
I need to change the image selecting only color.
By now it’s not possible because I need to select both variants (also the
size) to make the image change.
Is possible to setup your “SP WPEC Variation Image Swap” in a way that
the image changes if I change only the color?
]]>I have set Color Variation using your plugin, The image swapping is working fine. The problem is when a user is clicking on add to cart button without selecting any color its adding to the cart but I want to make the color variation as a required field so that every user has to definitely select the color otherwise it shows an alert “please select any color”.Thanks in advance for your reply. Advanced Happy New year….
]]>There is no documentation of this plugin at all, no support and no one answering the questions… I’m even using a theme of splashing pixels so that won’t be the problem. I can upload a picture for every variation but it doesn’t show them on the customer site.
Can anyone explain exactly how to implement the plugin or is it just a joke?
]]>Hi, is it possible to ignore the image swapping for a particular variation? I have a variation (size) that applies to half of my products and wouldn’t make sense to show an image for it. I’d like to keep the original product image. I have other variations (colors) that I would love to have the image swap functionality for. I am using Responsive theme & Grid View with Gold Cart. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is a great plugin, thanks for your work.
I have a problem with the size of my thumbnails. I have 3 image sizes : 148×148 for thumbnails in products page, 220×220 for single product image and 497×497 for the big image in the ThickBox.
– My single product image size is set to 220×220 but when I change to a variation the image changes to a 148×148 image size (Default Product Thumbnail Size) which give it a bad quality.
– Then if I click on this variation product image it opens the ThickBox with the same 148×148 image and not the 497×497 version.
Looks like it’s not calling the right image size or something like that. I hope I’m clear.
Thanks very much if you can help.
]]>Plugin Not Working with Multiple Variations Drop-downs.
im using gold cart galleries.. so i have multiple images and not just one. how can i sync this plugin with it?
I think it is really great that you guys made this plugin for us! This is something I was looking for a quite a long time.
Now I want to use this, but I don’t know how to use this. I installed this plugin, made variations (letters) and placed the variations inside a product. What is the next step? how can I give a letter an image that will change when I choose it on the dropdown menu?
Can you guys please give a better explanation how to make this work?