I am getting the issue “Error while parsing file, Bad number of columns at line …” I cannot seem to find a solution. Has anyone solved this?
I have a problem when importing with accents that are in the file.
The letters with accents are removed.
Testing with a file in UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1.
thank you
]]>Hello! I’m using WordPress 3.9.1 and the SpeakUp! Email Petitions plugin 2.4.2. I also have the Speakup! Email Petitions Importer 1.2 installed.
I created a test petition and inserted two signatures into it. Then I exported the signatures as a CSV file. Then I created another, empty test petition and tried to import the CSV file into it.
But no matter what I do, the importer only says “This is not a CSV file.” I looked at the file, and it looks like exactly what the importer wants – 16 columns separated with tabs in exactly the specified order, all values inside double quotes (some of them with no value, just “”, as I’m not collecting all these data in my petition).
I have the “First line contents column titles” box checked, as the first line is just that. This is the unmodified exported CSV straight from the Speakup! Email Petitions plugin itself, so please advise me what to do. I really need the importer, there are some 57000 signatures waiting to be imported…
P.S. I even tried saving the original CSV from Excel as Unicode text, then removed all the quotes using a text editor and replaced all empty field values by a letter x. That didn’t help either.
]]>I downloaded the CSV and used that file as a template.
Made my additions, saved and tried to upload.
Keep getting this: Error while parsing file, bad number of columns at line 0
No idea what to do. Please help.
]]>hi – I have been emailing, and maybe I need to be posting my question here. I need to add a zip code field to an existing petition. Is there a way to do this and if so is there an easy way to explain it to me? I am a code novice. Please help! Thank you so much.
Here is the site;
]]>Hi Bastien,
as I translate SpeakUp!, I did it also with your importer, if you want, just tell me where I can send files to you.
Thanks for your work.