I have used this plugin for a long time and was sad to see it is no longer being developed. However, I continue to use it and will unless and until it becomes a safety issue. Here is a list of shortcodes tht work with this plugin. I hope this helps other users.
if(function_exists('special_recent_posts')) {
where $args is an array of the following options:
// Change widget title (default: 'special recent posts')
'widget_title' => text
// Display thumbnails? (default: 'yes')
'display_thumbnail' => 'yes' | 'no'
// Hide widget title? (default 'no')
'widget_title_hide' => 'no'
// Set thumbnail width (default 100)
'thumbnail_width' => digit
// Set thumbnail height (default 100)
'thumbnail_height' => digit
// Link thumbnails to post? (default: 'yes')
'thumbnail_link' => yes' | 'no'
// Set thumbnail rotation mode (default 'no')
'thumbnail_rotation' => 'no|cw|ccw'
// Set default displayed post types (default: 'post')
'post_type' => 'post' | 'page
// Set default displayed post status (default: 'publish')
'post_status' => 'publish' | 'private' | 'inherit' | 'pending' | 'future' | 'draft' | 'trash'
// Set max number of posts to display (default: 5)
'post_limit' => digit
// Set displayed post content type (default: 'content')
'post_content_type' => 'content' | 'excerpt'
// Set displayed post content length (default: 100)
'post_content_length' => digit
// Set displayed post content length mode (default: 'chars')
'post_content_length_mode' => chars|words|fullexcerpt
// Set displayed post title length (default 100)
'post_title_length' => digit
// Set displayed post title length mode (default: 'chars')
'post_title_length_mode' => chars|words|fulltitle
// Set post order (default: 'DESC')
'post_order' => 'DESC' | 'ASC
// Set post offset (default: 0)
'post_offset' => digit
// Set random mode (default: 'no')
'post_random' => 'no' | 'yes'
// Hide current post from visualization when in single post view? (default: 'yes')
'post_current_hide' => 'yes' | 'no'
// Set layout content mode (default: 'titleexcerpt')
'post_content_mode' => 'titleexcerpt' | 'titleonly'
// Display post date? (default: 'yes')
'post_date' => 'yes' | 'no'
// Filter posts by including post IDs (default: none)
'post_include' => comma separated list of digits
// Exclude posts from visualization by IDs (default: none)
'post_exclude' => comma separated list of digits
// Filter post by Custom Post Type (default: none)
'custom_post_type' => comma separated list of custom post types
// Set the default 'No posts available' text (default: 'No posts available')
'noposts_text' => text
// Set allowed tags to display in the excerpt visualization.
'allowed_tags' => blankspace separated list of html tags
// Set string break text (default: [...])
'string_break' => text
// Set path to optional image string break.
'image_string_break' => text
// Link (image)string break to post?
'string_break_link' => 'yes' | 'no
// Set post date format. (default: 'F jS, Y')
'date_format' => text
// Filter posts by including categories IDs. (default: none)
'category_include' => comma separated list of digits
// When filtering by caqtegories, switch the widget title to a linked category title (default: 'no')
'category_title' => 'no', 'yes'
// Add the 'no-follow' attribute to all widget links.
'nofollow_links' => 'no' | 'yes'
Example: Show last 5 posts in random order filtering by category IDs 3 and 7. (PHP mode)
// Defining widget options.
$args = array(
'post_limit' => 5,
'post_random' => 'yes',
'category_include' => 3, 7
I’ve tried other recent post plugins but they aren’t as flexible as this one. See it in use on the front page under “Newsworthy” here: https://www.idylwood.org
]]>Hello after upgrade wordpress 4.4 i have problem with posts when i go next post i see from 6 december again next again old post
check here go next
please update this plugin
]]>This plugin will no longer be updated and soon removed from this repository.
In next year, a complete new free version will be available on the github community.
How would I move the date field above the post title? Right now it appear below the post title.
[src] on the page “NEWS” is not working:
Thanks in advance for help
Hi all,
I’d like to render a posts listing with thumbnail on the left and title on the right aligned on top in the same row. Is it possibile?
I’m obtaining just thumb above title at the moment, I tried some css but nothing good. Thank you in advance,
We get a little issue when we update the post thumbnail.
Wordpress show the new thumbnail, but special recent post keep the old image.
If we connect in FTP and delete the image file in the CACHE FOLDER… it’s OK… SRP use the new image.
We change the folder “CACHE” chmod in 777… but still the no update.
Somebody has a solution?
Thank’s for all
]]>Please how can authors name be made to appear in the Special Recent Posts like by author name.
I need to be able to put date below the title and content not right below title. please provide help.
]]>Hi, receiving this error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 19792 bytes) in /home/xxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/special-recent-posts/lib/phpthumb/GdThumb.inc.php on line 111
any ideas how I can fix?
]]>Hello sir
Can i add Post Views Counter in this plugin after to the date?
Thanks in advance.
Is it possible embedding Shareaholic share icons in Special Recent Posts widget or shortcode?
Or any ideas how to do this?
]]>hi, and apologies if this has already been explained but i couldnt find the answer.
I have set up your amazing plugin on my page and it shows random posts from my blog. Is it possible to limit the age of those posts to lets say up until 2014-2015? It shows really old posts from 2010 that i really don’t want popping up :))
Thank you so much!
The excerpts are not showing on my new blogposts. Any advice please?
My website is https://www.hofverbergphotography.se
I used the plugin on my wordpress site available in French and in Deutsch however I have seen that in the Advanced post options of the widget we can put a custom text in place of [… ].
I used the shortcode of the plugin in my pages and I would like to put [Lire la suite] for the French and [Erfahren Sie mehr] to Deutsch .
I managed has changed this value [… ] In [Lire la suite] in the files in the plugin but the same text is also displayed on Deutsch part.
I have tried to make the translation with the plugin loco translate but it does not work.
Do you have a solution for this problem?
Thank you in advance for your help
]]>On my home page, I have a list of recent blog posts using Special Recent Posts (thumbnail to the left, headline/excerpt to the right). It looks correct on Chrome/Firefox, but on IE, the headline/excerpt are below the thumbnail, resulting in a ton of white space. This seems to be a recent issue. Any thoughts on how to remedy this alignment?
The website is winstal.com
Hello guys,
for anyone out there trying to get the right Author URL link using buddypress and WPML, I shared how I solved it (e.g. author url link to take you to /es/members/jose or /en/members/peter or /fr/members/jean).
/classes/class-main.php :
CHANGE the ‘get_the_author_link’ to….
$post_author_string .= (‘yes’ == $this->widget_args[“post_author_url”]) ? bp_core_get_userlink(get_the_author_meta(‘ID’)) : get_the_author();
|____> use the bp_core_get_userlink() instead of get_the_author_link
Plugin author: It would be awesome to have a way of using the buddypress profile instead of the author’s link as an option for the widget, mainly for those using Buddypress and WPML. One vote here.
Thanks for the plugin mate,
Cheers from London
The thumbnail width is 5px on this page: (sandbox) https://pi.mylearningspringboard.com/home/
The shortcode I use:
[srp post_limit=”15″ post_content_type=”content” post_content_length=”500″ category_include=”3″ widget_title_hide=”yes” post_title_above_thumb=”yes” post_date=”no” display_thumbnail=”yes” thumbnail_type=”thumb-post” thumbnail_height=”150″ thumbnail_width=”150″]?
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you so much for your help.
Could someone please tell me how to change the color of the posts listed?
?hey. Just fyi – the no-image thumbnail is trying to find this:
and it should be trying to find this:
I don’t need a fix – just pointing out the issue.
]]>We are using the Special Recent Post on the home page at https://www.uumassaction.org/. The Site Directory for this site is https://www.uumassaction.org/ but the installation directory is https://www.uumassaction.org/uuma.
The problem is that the View All button (in Take Action section on home page) goes to the installation directory where an error appears (https://www.uumassaction.org/uuma/category/action-alerts/) not the site directory (https://www.uumassaction.org/category/action-alerts/).
Please help! Thanks very much.
]]>I’m still getting the “You must have either the GD or iMagick extension loaded to use this library” errors, even though I’ve installed GD on my server. Any ideas?
I saw this suggested answer, but would like to avoid having anything on my server at 0777. Any other ideas?
SRP v2.0.4
EDIT: php5.6 and -gd
]]>It looks like you recently released a new pro version of your product. Unfortunately it caused the free version to stop working and block my home page from loading. I love the plugin and hope you get around to fixing this soon.
I’m displaying the full post using the shortcode, but it’s ignoring any formatting or html in the post, resulting in the post display just looking like a long string of text all run together. Here’s the shortcode I have:
[srp display_thumbnail="no" category_include="247" post_content_type="content" post_content_length_mode="fullcontent" widget_title_hide="yes" post_date="no" post_title_header="h3" allowed_tags="p,strong,a" ext_shortcodes_compatibility="yes"]
My client has this site in Maintenance mode, so I can’t share a link at this time.
Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. I need to display the entire post from a certain category on a page, including any html in that post.
I am trying to add custom links to the title links for each post when it is showing as a widget on a page. I think the h4 class is srp-post-title. Is there a way to do this.
]]>Hi! Is it possible to display the number of posts filtered with your plugin? So, after I generate the code and put it inside a post, I would like to display the number of posts which were filtered. Is it possible? I bought the pro version.
I have a custom post type that is used as an event.
Here are the changes I would like to have:
> post the list order as ascending/descending order of the event date/not when the post was created.
> Add the event date on the list.
Is there a way to do the things above? What file should I edit?
I can use this plugin to display recent posts on the sidebar, but how do I do this on a static page?