Hi there,
I am using your plugin and it is great! However, I do not like how it adjust the image dimensions in the jetpack lazy loader “blank spaces” as seen in the link given.
I check the settings of the plugin and you gave an option to “Enter Lazy load attribute (if applicable)”.
But no option to “Exclude lazy load attribute by default” as well….How do you fix this?
How to fix this issue so this page looks ok and working fine again please?
Please help. Thanks
]]>Hello! I am investigating php errors on a site that I’m working on and was wondering if I can get some troubleshooting help.
I’m getting messages like this over and over again: getimagesize(https://www.indinero.com/{{ data.sizes.large.url }}): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Image of the errors: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z2Qgkf3HzgRJB20FRKJl-0mNpHclalaP/view?usp=sharing
Thanks for any help you can provide!
Can the plugin edit the page and add missing size too? I see that at the moment, the plugin added missing size to output HTML page.
Thank you.
]]>I use PhastPress for lazy loading and seeing that it adds the loading="lazy"
and loading="eager"
attributes, which attribute would I add to the Enter Lazy load attribute (if applicable) box since I noticed that the plugin removes the quotes after loading=
We’re getting the following error:
“PHP Warning: getimagesize(): https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/…”
Our php.ini has ‘allow_url_fopen=0’ enabled, so not sure why we’re getting that error.
Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.
]]>This plugin is great, and it works well on my website. Could you keep this plugin updated to match latest wordpress version? Thank you!
It would be nice to have a list with all the images that do not have dimensions.
So we can look them up manually and fix them.
Since today morning website got very slow to access article, pages and categories.
After testing activating and deactivating all plugins, i have discovered that plugin is slowing down a lot the all website.
Maybe some conflict with other plugins recent updated…
Please, could take a look?
Dear Sir,
Thank you by your plugin! It works very well!
Please, i have a doubt concerning adding attribute to img tag. Sorry by asking you this, but maybe you could help me.
I��m having difficult to set the attribute loading=”eager” for a section that contains 4 images been loaded. These images are above the fold, so for these images i want to avoid the lazying load.
At wordpress recomendation, it is said to use loading=”eager” to download immediately the image. How could i add this attribute to these img tags?
Thanks and Regards,
Does this plugin work with external images? I mean those hosted on another website.
After activation, the plugin helps to increase pagespeed by 2 points. But it gives an error that slows down the wp-admin area. very slow. When deactivated, admin area speed is fast again.
I tried it both on litespeed and nginx. Both are buggy, with nginx it slows down a lot.
When publishing your plugin on a site with the theme Divi + Wp-Optimize + Cloudflare, the WordPress dashboard stops working!
All wp-admin pages give 404 error!
WordPress versi��n 5.7.2
Tema actual: Usb Memorias (versi��n 1.0.1)
Plugin actual: Specify Missing Image Dimensions (versi��n 1.0.0)
PHP versi��n 7.4.20
Detalles del error
Se ha producido un error del tipo E_ERROR en la l��nea 71 del archivo /home/xxxxx/www/wp-content/plugins/specify-missing-image-dimensions/specify-missing-image-dimensions.php. Mensaje de error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function attributes() on bool in /home/xxxxx/www/wp-content/plugins/specify-missing-image-dimensions/specify-missing-image-dimensions.php:71
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: SMID_end_gathering_data(‘…’, 9)
#1 /home/xxxxx/www/wp-includes/functions.php(4757): ob_end_flush()
#2 /home/xxxxx/www/wp-admin/includes/misc.php(572): wp_ob_end_flush_all()
#3 /home/xxxxx/www/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skin.php(208): show_message(‘Descomprimiendo…’)
#4 /home/xxxxxs/www/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php(307): WP_Upgrader_Skin->feedback(‘Descomprimiendo…’)
#5 /home/xxxxx/www/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php(779): WP_Upgrader->unpack_package(‘/home/xxxxx…’, false)
#6 /home/xxxxx/www/wp-admin/includes/class-plugin-upgrader.php(137): WP_Upgrader->run(Array)
#7 /home/xxxxx/www/wp-admin/update.php(171): Plugin_Upgrader->install(‘/home/usb-memor…’, Array)
#8 {main}
I only post this to say that the plugin fully works with Elementor, so people can read that here.
This topic is the only I could find before, but no solution:
google page insight help with elementor
byu/Present_Commission_3 inelementor
Great work author for making this plugin possible.
]]>I wanted to see if this plugin will also scan images added via a 3rd party CDN where the height/width elements have been left off the image as well. Or will it only pull images uploaded directly to the site itself?
I have a client with many images from smug mug where they’ve only got the basic img HTML code with no height/width values.
Sincere thanks for the time and effort you put into developing this plugin��it seemed to work as expected.
Will all subsequent uploaded images be given size attributes by this plugin if they are not specified via CSS?
Will size attributes later added via custom CSS override the plugin’s added attributes?
What happens to the attributes added by this plugin if we decide to deactivate/delete the plugin?
I think a more thorough FAQ addressing the above questions and perhaps even more on functionality would be helpful.
]]>Yes it work and shows missing width and height of images
But later i notice that most pages are talking too long to load, and server response time also increased.
Any Solution ?