Hello. You have an error in this pluggin that gives us next error messages in our error logs, since 26 May 2020 until today:
PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/sitename/public_html/wp-content/plugins/spider-facebook/spider-facebook.php on line 466
Our PHP version is the latest one: 7.4.9
Could you pretty please fix it?
After updating to PHP 7.4, an error is shown on the product pages.
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/httpd/vhosts/fil-magic.ch/httpdocs/fil-magic/wp-content/plugins/spider-facebook/spider-facebook.php on line 466 Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/httpd/vhosts/fil-magic.ch/httpdocs/fil-magic/wp-content/plugins/spider-facebook/spider-facebook.php on line 466 Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/httpd/vhosts/fil-magic.ch/httpdocs/fil-magic/wp-content/plugins/spider-facebook/spider-facebook.php on line 466
Hi there!
Thank you for using WD Spider Facebook.
We’re doing our best to give you the most helpful answers in the shortest time. To make it even faster, please follow these guidelines.
First, make sure to check out our documentation. You can find answers to a lot of questions at User Guide.
If you are a premium user, you can submit a request through our Help Center or contact with the following email address: [email protected] and get priority support. We typically solve issues within 24 hours. Make sure to log in before submitting so we can easily identify your account.
If you’re using the free version, add your questions and requests into this support forum. We’ll respond within 1-2 business days.
To get a more productive response, please describe the issue in every detail. Adding screenshots can always be helpful.
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Do you offer an app that can be used with a WP blog that can update a blog to Facebook from a mobil device?
Thank you,
facebook like and comment causes non responsive on mobile.
I test by facebook comment width, set it 100 width only, it is the same.
any suggestion ?
I hope that you can help me to fix this.
Thank you very much !
For pro or commercial product support please contact the author directly on their site.
As the author is aware, commercial products are not supported in these forums. As you are their customer I am sure they will have no problem supporting you there.
This includes any pre-sales question too.
I downloaded and installed the new version; it has not picked up ANY
of the newly added events.
Please let me know what the issue is.
I’ve tested all my plugins with this PHP linter:
Unfortunately I found a problem with your plugin:
FILE: /srv/www/vhosts/nessuna.ch/httpdocs/nessuna/wp-content/plugins/spider-facebook/spider_facebook_widget.php
4 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
Would be great if you can fix this!
Hello, when I place comment widget within the facebook spider section then comment on the page, it posts the comment right away but does not post on my facebook wall.
]]>Hi There
The plugin currently generates a Facebook Like Box, which has been deprecated since June 23rd this year:
Although Facebook automatically converts this to the new pages plugin, the settings created in the WP plugin no-longer apply. For example, Like Boxes on our page no longer show the cover photo as a background image.
Please look into this and rectify!
Andy M.
]]>Hello. I am using Spider FB and it is working well in all regards.
I am using a single post for my homepage, and do not wish for the plugin to appear on that one only and am having a difficult time accomplishing this.
I have tried setting many different classes, id’s, div’s to visibility: hidden in a style tag upon the page itself with no luck.
When I try the code in different parts through the element inspector on FireFox and IE, it works, but not when the code is placed on the post page itself.
I’m guessing that the style code is being read first, then it starts up the plugin and overwrites the visibility setting.
I was hoping you might be able to let me know if there was a way to accomplish this, thank you.
]]>Hi guys,
Does anyone know if it possible to move the Like button lower? Since I have a NEXT button in the end of the post, the LIKE button is places exactly on top of it, so I would like to move down a bit? Any ideas?
Thx in advance.
]]>On homepage, I have list articles.
Article1 => share1
Article2 => share2
ArticleN => shareN
When I click share2 or shareN. It’s alway share Article1.
Please help
In https://www.formulacoes.com/ the text shared is always os the post/page (main text) and not of the post shared. The URL is OK, it gets from the post correctly.
The image sometimes is of the post, sometimes of the blog.
What I need to do to get text and image of the post/page?
I wanted to ask a technical question.
By registering through facebook, the account information is stored on wordpress database ? If the information remain on Facebook database, is there a way to stored data on wordpress back-end?
Is there a way to change the color and the text “Share” of the buttom?
Thank you.
Is there a way to have the send button send the current page that the member is on?
For instance, if I am on a groups page then it will send that page to the facebook friends mailbox and if I am on a videos page then it will send that page to the mailbox? As of right now, no matter what page I am on it sends the link to the main site only.
Is there a way to make sure that this isn’t included on my homepage? It is causing an error to show up on my theme. Basically, it has box that is too wide so it causes the rest of the homepage to look bad. It also is causing some of my animation features to not work and only by disabling does it start to work again.
The Box is the Recent activity box that says, “Create an account or login to see what your friends are doing” …underneath that it has about 4 lines that says “Be the first to of your friends to recommend this.”
This would be perfect if I could keep it off of the homepage…I am using the widgets only.
I hope that you can help me to fix this.
If I am using the widget then do I still need to add this part to my template file?
2.2.17 Add to <html> Tag. Add the code (ONLY ONCE) to the <html> tag of your template’s index.php file (templates/your_template/index.php).
<html xmlns:og=”https://ogp.me/ns#” xmlns:fb=”https://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml”>
I am new to WP and am having a hard time locating this so that I can add it. I am using a theme called sweetdate. I only want to use the send button but when I use it in the widget area, nothing is happening on the FB friends page…they are not getting anything.
Thank you.
]]>The plugin is great! Congrats.
Only one thing I′m having problem (or I don′t undertand well): on some posts I want to change the image to share. I fill the field IMAGE with the URL of the image (page of past edition, Spider Facebook block), but it do not change when I try to share the post.
I′m doing something wrong? How I can override the standard configuration and share with another image?
Thank you.
]]>hello dear develoers,
if i compare the admin-area of spider – facebook then i see
that we have many many differences between
a. my website – https://www.ex-libri.org
b. your demo site
note: there are many many options on your page – all looks fully fledged
but on my site all looks poor.
see the image that i have send you
see the image here https://www.filedropper.com/spiderfacebook
i love to hear from you
]]>hello dear developers
i use the spider-facebook plugin for 1 week now. i am happy about this
some things on my wishlist: adding the great and featurerich plugin to a widget. That would be great.
any other interested in this feature – plz hang on…!!!!
simoultanous usage of different options. i have no glue how i am able to get a simultaneous usage of the various fb-features that are shown in the top of the admin menu.
As far as i understand i am only able to use one feature a time: eg
– facepile
– like
– send
– comments
– request
– recommendation
– activity – feed
all of them using at once – is not possible afaik – is this true?
say hello
btw: plz help me i cannot log at your forum
how to do that – can you send me the login data
with a mail
– ps send you severayl mails
]]>hello dear developers
i tried to register at your page – but i did not manage to get the login process complete. what is wrong here.
did i do something wrong!? plz advice
btw – i need to have a manual
i am pretty clueless how to manage to get
faces (facepile ) and
stream of activity
at the same time.
how to do that
and how to understand the buttons at the top.
i am clueless how to activate all those features.
plz create a manual – only a short one would help
love to hear from you
hello dear all – hello dear wordpress-fans and developers,
i am happy to have found spider-wp-plugin. it is great. i really love it.
see here https://www.ex-libri.org/?page_id=27
well – all is fine. The great thing is that this plugin adds the images that are derived from facebook.
well one question: where can i find a manual for this great plugin?`
how to add this plugin to a side block _ in other words to a widget!?
are there short-codes to do such things
]]>hello dear developers
well first of all i am glad to testrun the great spider-facebook-plugin
what i need is to have a image-insert option
in other words a integration of images – so that the image of my facebook-stream shows up in the corresponding site
That works perfectly
see the page:
see the website: https://www.ex-libri.org
what makes me wonder – the facebook feed shows up in every (!!!!) post.
that looks very very funny.
can you help here. i give you the data to access the site
see login data – that i have sent you.
i would be more than glad if you can help out
plz help me to get the facebook-feed stop from showing in EVERY post.
look forward to hear from you
do i have the posibility of showing fotos in the stream on wordpress-blog
in other words: is there a facebook feed that is able to include the following in the posts: Photos and videos
DOES SPIDER facebook feed plugin DO that IN THE free VERSION?
does this plugin allow to include photos and videos?
]]>Hello guys,
I haven’t realy figured out how your plung-in works and don’t know if it’ of any good for me. Here’ the thing: I receive a lot of “Facebook likes” on my blog posts on WordPress and I post the same article on Facebook. I would like to link somehow the Fb likes, that I receive on WordPress for my article, with the same article that I’ve posted on Fb.
Is this possible?
I am not a developer or IT specialist. I am just a simple guy with a WordPress page.
My name is PUSUCO.
Your plug-in.
Very thankfully, it’s being used.
By the way.
A comment space on a facebook.
It isn’t translated into Japanese.
It’s transcribed in English.
(Example :Also post on Facebook)
( “プロフィールに投稿” in Japanese.)
Please help.
By the way, the one I’m using?
A free edition.
Hi, from yesterday, since new release of wordpress, Spider Facebook seems not working properly in the shortcode. My page that has always displayed correctly facebook comments about the site, doesn’t recognize the plugin or the shortcode. Could someone help me please??
Here is the link at my webpage: https://www.musica-matrimoni.eu/foto-commenti/
Hi sir,
How can i Add the Facebook Like Box for many users to my wordpress site?
I mean add to each user the facebook own like box ?