Het lijkt erop dat deze plugin niet meer onderhouden wordt?
Voordat ik hem ga gebruiken, vraag ik me af of er nog actief support wordt verleend en de plugin verder ontwikkeld wordt.
]]>First of all I am a complete newby with wordpress so can be that questions can be a bit stupid for the advanced users.
I am now bussy for about 2 weeks with wordpress and sportpress to build a new website for my footballteam. https://www.racingkiel.be
Fascinating world I must say. Lot of complex hings are free to install. great.
My goal : 1-Inform our fans with the latest results and news
2-keeping an online administration for yearly membershipfees
3-Automate sending the membershipfees and reminders
For 2&3 I try to find out how to do it with Sports Club Management
My questions :
1-What is the advantage of this plugin compared with for example google sheets ?
2 -Is there a way to filter all the members that didn’t pay and send them a reminder with a click on a button (not one by one but in bulck)
3- Is there a way to get a memberlist with all the data (like address,dob,….all the info inserted). I get only a list of names
4- If I go to a memberpage I only see a picture and an arrow to go to the next-previous
I am yet not skilled enough to see the possibilities
Anyway thanks in advance. Great job !
Hello Pieter
I’m sure I’m missing a very basic step or setup.
I’d like to have events appear in the WP calendar widget.
The default calendar is set up to show days when new posts have been published.
However I’d like to show a calendar on which future events are shown.
Is this possible?
What am I missing?
Many thanks
]]>Hi Just wondering if it’s possible to have more than 4 custom fields?
I need to add at least 2 emergency contacts with name, relationship, address and phone numbers. I also need tick boxes for gender selection and a DOB section, then there’s all the medical information/consent etc., I’ve got a registration form that’s 3 pages long.
Thanks, Kathy
Hi, I tried creating a ladder. But I’m not sure on how best to run it. Is there any information anywhere that I can look at on how to use this function? At first glance it doesn’t seem to work as I thinj a ladder should. Just needing some info on this.
]]>Dear creator
Let me start by saying your plugin is what I need. However, I am incapable of making the competitor function work. That is I have made both members and competitors, yet it does not create a list of matches (league) and if I try to add a match manually, I cannot select any of the competitors I made.
I hope you can help.
Kim ??
When I want to export the members I get the following error :
Deze site is niet bereikbaar De webpagina op https://www.vleugttrappers.be/wp-admin/admin.php?page=scm_export_data_page&noheader=true is mogelijk tijdelijk uitgeschakeld of permanent verplaatst naar een nieuw webadres.
exporting competitions is working …
Any ideas ?
]]>I get the following error: Error: Bad Request (400) – Missing parameter (s): name, first_name.
This even when I use the sample file that can be created on the relevant page:
name,first name,middle name,street,number,zip,city,e-mail,phone,cell,date of birth,gender,level,start date,end date,custom1,custom2,custom3,user name
Doe,John,,Main Street,2,5672,Nuenen,[email protected],ph1,cell1,4-12-2001,female,12,3-1-2013,0000-00-00,890906,53287,413,
Kennedy,John,Fitzgerald,Church Road,21,5672,Nuenen,[email protected],ph2,cell2,5-12-2001,male,3.7,3-1-2013,0000-00-00,872967,3149656,351,
Cruz,Ricardo,,Penny Av,29,5673,Nuenen,[email protected],ph3,cell3,6-12-2001,female,,3-1-2013,0000-00-00,890917,6565,396,rcruz
Hi Pieter,
great work, i really like your plugin!!
I have one problem with the ranking of the table (league).
If the number of victories (e.g. 3-0-1), and the number of points (e.g 8-2 -> +6) is the same for more than one player, it ranks not correct.
Next metric would be number of games (tennis, e.g. 46/23 -> +23 | 39/19 -> +20 | 42/28 +14).
Is there any trick to sort it differently, or manual?
Or is an update necessary?
If you want, i could translate to german?
Thanks and best regards
Is het mogelijk om een wedstrijd aan te maken, met een bepaalde start-en einddatum, en dat gebruikers er op in en uit kunnen schrijven?
]]>Hi, I’m interested in using the Sports Club Management plug-in but need the ability for people to register and pay online to join the league. Is that something that the plug-in can do, or can it be configured along with another plug-in for the payment part?
Another question we have is whether you can send an email out to specific users that have been organized by team, region, etc. Can this be done through the plug-in and if not, is there another plug-in it will work with to achieve this?
Thank you!
I would like to have a league where each members can be added their matches (against other member) without have a restricted calendar at start of league.
Is is possible?
]]>hi Peter
i developing for eventserve.nl.
I would like the option to put a link in the my account page sidebar, which gives the member access to his personal details and to the invoices created for him.
Is this possible?
]]>Hallo P. Struik
Is het misschien mogelijk om er een extra score mogelijkheid bij in te zetten?
Bij een wedstrijd gaat het om het gemiddelde (Moyennes) , als men de wedstrijd wint krijgt men 2 punten. Heb je ook je gemiddelde gehaald krijg je 1 punt meer.
speler 1 heeft een gemiddelde van 32 en speler 2 een gemiddelde van 20.
Speler 1 scoort 31 caramboles en speler 2 scoort 20 caramboles, dan wint speler 2.
formule: speler 1: gemiddelde(32) – Caramboles(31) = -1, speler 2 : Gemiddelde(20) – Carambolse(20) = 0. Ik hoop dat ik zo duidelijk genoeg ben.
Bert de Groot
]]>Hi, I’m struggling a bit with whether to add users and/or members to best utilise the Sports Club Management plugin. Are SPM members also, separately meant to be WP Users? There’s a username field for members that I assume relates to the WP username and I can see that there’s an option under the member categories to specify privacy settings based on wether a user is logged in and their Community Role.
Is there a way to avoid duplication of effort?
How do members log-in if they aren’t also a user? If there’s no log-in then can members edit each other’s pages (for example).
I’m also trying to use the Ultimate User plug-in to make parts of the website a “Members Only” area. Is there any conflict between UM and SPM?
]]>The plugin integrates with buddypress or there is some complement for integralo.
]]>This looks like just what we need. However, where can I find the shortcodes that are mentioned several times in the description?
]]>In knockout competition format:
When one of the competitors in a match is ‘unknown’ (= bye), an ‘undefined offset’ error occurs. This happens when the match result is empty.
Result must be ‘bye’ to fix the error.
Proposed fix: enforce that the result is ‘bye’ when one of the competitors does not exist.
]]>Access rights to edit competitions and matches is currently restricted to the ‘editor’ and ‘admin’ (WordPress) roles.
Would be nice if a user (member) can enter results for a match he/she participates in (either individually, or as team player).
1. Efficient way of working for large competitions in which user ‘communities’ participate.