Love the idea of this plugin but I can’t get it to work as either a widget or a plugin. Help?
]]>Great plugin by the way – I have searched loads to be able to do this, the main point being that it will display related posts from multiple categories. Anyway just 2 things I have noticed –
1) Widget displays an empty box if there are no related posts – can this be set to not display a box?
2) I have the setting to display by date descending. However if I select tree view then it seems to lose this setting and displays by date ascending.
Many thanks.
]]>Hi I would like to show link of current post as this needed for this purpose….
at this post the current link disappears,
You have explained how to change icon next to post title in the Related Posts list using CSS
.SPOSTARBUST-Related-Post {
list-style-image: url(images/your-icon.png);
This is working great.
Q: Can I change the icon next to ONE OF THE POSTS only. If yes can you show me the code?
]]>Great plugin. Are yoy still here Eli? (last post one year old)
Q: is it possible to show post thump in postlist?
I love your plugin. I use it for my pro website I would like to add the name of the tag after the link in the footer. How can i do ?
]]>Is it possible to amend the plugin’s code so that if one is looking at single pages in a specific category, only related posts (by tag) within that category are shown?
(For other categories besides the specific category, all related posts by tag regardless of category could be shown).
]]>Hi Eli,
I’m a big fan of the plugin, but lately, some of the related posts show up as URLs that aren’t hyper-linked. The number of non-linked URLs varies each time the page is refreshed and even the particular posts that aren’t linked changes. Here’s a page that provides an example:
Every time you refresh the page, a different set of the URLs show up un-linked. Any suggestions?
]]>I just started using this plug-in and it seems to work great except it’s showing in the article summary on some posts when looking in the category. It doesn’t happen when looking at the post summaries from the home page.
Check it out at
Plus, it shows on some summaries and not on others…BUT, I don’t want it to show at all on the summaries.
In the settings, I selected single posts only. Any ideas????
]]>Is there any way to call the function directly in the single.php, instead of using the content filter?
I would rather this info not show up as part of the actual content of the post, but afterwards. I am doing some pagination printing and printing of share links in the single.php and want the related posts to appear after all of that. Also, I have noticed for really short posts, this related posts info gets put into the excerpt.
]]>I’m getting PHP errors (missing indexes and undefined variables) and I can turn on debug mode and see messages so I know the plugin is doing something. But it doesn’t output the widget contents.
]]>Great Plugin
I would like to use it only in the AFTER POST sidebar in the Eleven 40 theme. The problem is that when I do this on each post there is the related links produce by your plugin after the content and ALSO in the AFTER POST box.
Can I do anything about this?
The reason I ned this is:
1) Looks better
2) The related links if used in the AFTER POST will not appear in the STORE
Thanks in advance for your help
The related posts plugin is great!
But it only shows up for logged in users – how come?
I want my guests to enjoy this service too…!
Thanks for the plugin.
1. It doubles the “Related Posts” in categories whe full posts are displayed in categories.
ELI’s Related Posts Footer Links and Widget.
In settings the option is set to 5 posts, realted by category.
2. I have another site. Has 1 category and 10 posts. I set up the plugin : by category, set to 5. I get only 4 posts to show.
I wonder why.
Thanks for looking into this.
]]>nothing comes up.. other related posts plugins work but not this one.
]]>When using this as part of a widget displayed below a post it would be a nice option to be able to display the featured thumbnail for the post along with optionally displaying the post title and or excerpt below it.
If you did this it would probably make sense to include an option of displaying the thumbnails vertically.
Thank you for making this plugin available. Looks great.
I have a site with 30,000+ posts that I am considering using this plugin on. Is there consideration in the code to limit the impact of the queries to the server?
In looking at the code it looks like you are building a query similar to this:
I wanted to check with you on how it is limiting the amount of data being processed / sorted to minimize impact on the database and web server?
]]>Hi, Related posts appears before the share buttons and I want it after, is possible to insert manually the code and decide where the Related posts will appear? Thank you.
]]>I also use the Graphene theme like another comment in the forum, but for me the widget area version of the plugin works perfectly which for me at least is the most important so thank you !!
I am however struggling a bit with a large number of posts and pages and shitload (technical term) of plugins for social sharing, google ads, and yours for various things. I am by no means an expert on wordpress and wandering around the theme php files if more of a hit and miss until I get something that works, but Im confident enough to add a bit of code into single.php or page.php where I want it and see if it works. My main issue under posts was the order in which plugins displayed, so if I edit the files manually then I get it how I would like to see it.
Ok thats the background. The question for you is I cant find on the plugin site what code I would need to add to make your plugin activate on either a post or page. My site is – If you look around you can see it working in various places but not all (main one being under posts and pages). Im in Tbilisi in Georgia so time differences possibly make things hard to speak to you directly, however it would be good to try and arrange a time !!!
Let me know if you can help with the code I can try to insert myself or any other options ! Thanks
]]>My theme is a 3 column.
I use Left and right sidebar.
After activating the plugin, I tried to see if the related post widget works in each of the sidebar.
It works on the left but not on the right..
When it putting it on the right, the site respond with a server error – it fail down.
Your advice
Hello, ELI, and thank you for this very useful plugin.
I do not want related article links on pages.
I do not see an option in the settings for this, so I am using the “Globally exclude these Posts:” setting and entering the page IDs like this:
But the links still appear on pages.
For example, this is page ID = 2
Thank you,
Hi there
Great plugin.
I would like to use it as a sort of menu, and would like the list to show the post I am looking at in the list as well.
E.g. if i have post a, b, c and I currently look at post b I would like the list to show
and not just
is there a way to do that?
]]>Still having problems with my Slider [theme Graphene 1.6.2] excerpts when Eli’s Related Post Version is activated…it causes the slider to default to the main page Welcome excerpt…I can used the other options of my slider theme Any help would be greatly appreciated!I posted sometime back this same issue! Thanks! Happy Easter!
]]>I just updated from version to and nothing will show up for the Widget, even though I have double- and triple-checked how it’s set.
So I downgraded back to 03.14 and it works perfectly.
WP version is 3.3.1.
Plugin works great on single post pages, however on my blog home page it breaks it. I tried, saying don’t display on my homepage in the plugin settings but issue persists.
Normally my blog homepage consists of 20 of my latest articles, as excerpts with a featured image. When I activate the plugin, I only get one excerpt! Even if I switch to full articles, or change settings when the plugin is active I only get one item on my blog homepage.
This plugin seems perfect for my site if I can just get over this one hump. Can you help?
I use Weaver Pro ii for my theme.
]]>I post review articles. I also have lots of articles from guest bloggers. I only wanted my own posts shown as related posts, so I excluded the 3 categories in the settings from which I did not want related posts to show. Posts from those categories showed up anyway. I was forced to disable the plugin.
]]>Version causes a conflict with Graphene theme and Ultimate TinyMCE, excerpts; it does work…didn’t have a problem with earlier versions. It cause the slider, paging and the widgets to disappear from my front page …I do like the plugin thro when it worked…I have deactivated it and will delete it and re-install an earlier version…if you work out the bug I would like to know! [email protected] Thanks
]]>When I select the radio button to show the links on the home page, I get the full articles, not the links. Any ideas?
]]>The new version appears to ignore hand-edited excerpts, and creates it’s own from the beginning of the article. Is there a setting to avoid this?
Loving random sort BTW!
when enabling the plugin and placing it in my sidebar, i get:
Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/louisbx48/domains/ on line 484
Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/louisbx48/domains/ on line 489
[Remaining, replicated, warnings moderated]