I need them round…..
I run two websites SingleMomSmiling.com and TRPLifeCoaching.com. I’ve done the same thing for both sites and for SingleMomSmiling, everything works great, but for The Right Path Life Coaching the color boxes work well, but the buttons do not work at all. I’ve hidden them with the , but removing that makes the actual words [color-button} etc show up on the page instead of a button.
Thanks so much for your help!
The site it does not work on:
The SUBSCRIBE should be boxed in. It appears both below the header image and in the footer.
]]>Hi, is there a way to set the colorbox to be 80 or 90% transparent?
]]>I’ve used Standout Color boxes and Buttons to create a box on the home page of my website (https://aenigma-images.com).
The box contains a paragraph of text followed by three bullet points. But the margin at the bottom is much bigger than the margin at the top. This seems to result from adding the bullet points.
Please can you tell me how to reduce the size of the bottom margin.
]]>Hi All,
Anyone know how I would go about specifying the width of a box (currently they take up the full width of my page).
Also how to indent a box, or change its horizontal position on the page?
Many thanks.
]]>Why is the plugin writing to custom.css every time the shortcode is executed?
The following code is duplicated:
$myFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/css/custom.css';
$fh = @fopen($myFile, 'w+');
@fwrite($fh, $options[SCBB_DEFAULT_CUSTOM_CSS_NAME]);
I moved it into the scbb_page
without issue. I also call scbb_custom_styles
each time to ensure colors can be overridden.
]]>When I place a hyperlink with data attributes inside a [color-box] shortcode, the data attributes get stripped. I have to resort to using div styling instead.
Why does the shortcode strip data attributes?
anyone know how to make the box responsive?
Can this be used to create a horizontal stripes on the home page?
Like on the following site https://cileos.com/
]]>Hello ??
I installed the plugin. With the widget I made a color box. Where I inserted code: `[color-box color=”mycustomcolor” rounded=”20″]</code>
<hr />
<code><span style=”font-size: 14pt; color: #ffffff;”><a style=”color: #ffffff;” title=”SWAK Toothbrush” href=”https://www.swak-shop.com/swak-toothbrush/”>SWAK </a></span></code>
<hr />
<code><span style=”font-size: 14pt; color: #ffffff;”><a style=”color: #ffffff;” title=”How to SWAK” href=”https://www.swak-shop.com/swak/”>How to SWAK</a> </span></code>
<hr />
<code><span style=”font-size: 14pt; color: #ffffff;”><a style=”color: #ffffff;” title=”Videos” href=”https://www.swak-shop.com/videos/”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”>Videos</span></a></span></code>
<hr />
Everything works just fine. But I would like to have a mouseover. When you drive over it, it will appear red and stay red when clicking. Can someone please help me there?
Thanks very much!
Kind regards
]]>Plugin Version 0.7.0
If [color-box color=”blue”] is the first item of content, Firefox only shows white space where the color box should be. Both IE and Chrome show the color box and the content in it. If I have text or an image before the color box then it shows the color box and the content in it.
When I use a vimeo video inside the shortcode, the video does not show. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards,
]]>Hello, is it possible to implement icons with buttons? My site https://www.infoparrot.com/free-tattoo-fonts-for-body-tattoos-tattoo-writing-fonts/ where i already am using Forget About Shortcode Buttons plugin to create buttons. But since i also would like to use color box, and this plugin provides both – it would be realy helpful if there are any ways to implement custom icons in the button.
]]>I followed the instructions in the FAQ and created a class in the css portion of the plugin:
.scbb-content-box-aboutcolor { background-color:#e2f1fc }
However when i used [color-box color=”aboutcolor”]text[/color-box], it still uses the default color i set in the settings page.
How can i use different color in the box?? It always uses the default color.
]]>color-box shortcode is fine, but for color-button, nothing is rendered in output.
I love your Standout Color Boxes and Buttons plugin.
Only problem I’ve encountered is that I can’t stop Buttons opening their links in a new tab.
I have unchecked the “Open links in new window” option in the Settings.
I have tried inserting the shortcode opennewwindow=false or opennewtab=false .
Nothing seems to stop a new tab opening.
Any suggestions?
]]>Is there a possibitly to remove the frame around the boxes?
I am glad to find this great plugin.
I want to add “Standout Color Boxes and Buttons” short codes to a specific php file.
For example, I wanted to add “[color-button color=”purple” href=”https://www….com/”]Return to List[/color-button]” into a php file of a WordPress plugin.
I found the following information in your FAQ section:
You may also call the shortcode in your PHP code. Example:
echo do_shortcode(‘[color-button color=”purple”
href=”https://www.google.com/”%5DFollow this link[/color-button]’);blcok2I added a similar code into the php file, but it does not work..
I’m new to PHP and I don’t know how to make it worked.
Do I need to add something into the same php file or other php file before it works?
Thanks for your help.
I have set a custom default color #a5cbde, which works great. However, I can’t override this in other text boxes. So [color-box color=”gray”] does not make the box gray, it stays the default color #a5cbde.
Can you help with this please.
]]>Hi there,
This plugin is great! I’m trying to use it with another plugin called ‘Page scroll to id’. It works but the scrolling function the other plugin has stops working when I try to make it a button using your plugin. Any ideas on how to solve this? I really like the other plugins scrolling function.
I’m just trying to use it as a “Back To Top” button on a page.
This is what the code looks like for the scrolling plugin:
Back to Top
]]>Hi tried your plugin which otherwise does exactly what I wanted. But when used with a sidebar it dropped the sidebar down below the main contents on page and posts, tried with between 8 and 10 different themes all other plugins disabled
]]>I’d like my custom box to look just like the sidebar boxes. I followed all the instructions to the letter. The plugin is enabled.
I placed (C&P then added my colors)in the custom CSS text box on the plugin with the following code:
.scbb-content-box-hambone {
border:1px solid #cccccc;
I made sure the custom CSS was relayed properly in the file manager and it was.
Highlighted the code I wanted to place in my custom box and selected SCBox in the bar. Made sure my custom name was entered
[color-box-hambone] my image and my text [/color-box]
and this is what I get when I preview my page (both in private or published mode):
What am I missing? Thanks for your help.
I have been looking around for a plugin like this and you would be surprised how difficult it is to find one.
I was really happy to find this plugin but what I am trying to understand is,
is there really just one color you can set the boxes for the entire site to?
I have changed the color code within the shortcode but it always goes to the color set in the plugin.
Also it would be great if you could change the angle and curves of the edges etc.
Hope to get an answer soon
I am trying to fox the height of the boxes, so I can have three boxes that appear like columns?
Does anyone know how to help me?
]]>Hi There
Please could you let me know how to add 2 Boxes Side by Side Same Width and Height within your plugin?
Love the extension! My issue is, I’m using this in conjunction with PixGridder so I have 6 boxes on one line – I would like to make all the boxes the same height. I have tried setting a fixed height which works but is not responsive.
Is there a better way to make all the box heights equal?
Thanks for the effective plugin!
I came across a little error on the parameters page: the Shortcode Format (Color Buttons) says
[color-box href=” color=” customcolorpicker=” rounded=true dropshadow=false nofollow=true opennewwindow=false ]
Should be
[color-button ….
Maybe you can consider to add the closing tag as well…?
]]>This plugin was working great until the update. I just updated this plugin less than an hour ago and now the photos, buttons … which I had inside all of my color boxes are not showing up on my webpages.
]]>Hi there,
Sorry, I’m very new to WordPress and just downloaded this plugin to create some highlighting boxes. I’ve been searching for hours, but I can’t work out how to remove the rounded corners!
I just want a grey box, with no rounded corners, can someone please help me write the shortcode for this, or tell me where to place the rounds=”0″ part? Where do I put the short code once it’s written?
I’d so appreciate your help on this one, thanks in advance ??
]]>I activated Version 6.0 and text formatting, headers, line breaks and text color inside the box no longer work. All text inthe box now just looks like unformatted plain text, in default color. Here’s a sample of the formatting in one of my boxes.
[color-box color=”blue”]
<h2><span style=”color: #000080;”>Biographies and Memoirs</span></h2>
<h4><span style=”color: #000080;”>Accounts of the lives of famous Americans, political leaders, heroes, pioneers and outlaws.<br class=”none” />
First-person accounts of everyday life and historic events.</span></h4>
<h5>[color-button color=”purple” href=”/great-lakes-biographies-memoirs/”]GL [/color-button]|[color-button color=”red” href=”/ohio-biographies-memoirs/”]OHIO[/color-button]|[color-button color=”yellow” href=”/indiana-biographies-memoirs/”]IND[/color-button]|[color-button color=”orange” href=”/illinois-biographies-memoirs/”]ILL[/color-button]|[color-button color=”blue” href=”/michigan-biographies-memoirs/”]MICH[/color-button]|[color-button color=”green” href=”/wisconsin-biographies-memoirs/”]WISC[/color-button][/color-box]