This vulnerability is highly dangerous and expected to become mass exploited.
]]>I am having an issue with this plugin in form. I have set the default value for the country code and flag to the USA but it is showing Canada’s Flag why?
]]>I am using your Startklar Elementor plugin. However, the functionality is currently not working correctly and the country code is not being displayed automatically.
The dropzone button message not translatable with wpml.
Can you add __() to the text print so I can find it it in the wpml string translations?
Or it’s another way to translate this button?
good job with this plugin.
As i write in the subject:
Honeypot need to be set required or not?
Hi. Plugin had worked well until now for uploading to Elementor. Since around May 5th, a trojan has been uploaded directly to the server in uploads in all projects where I have installed the plugin. Although on some sites I don’t show the upload field on the page.
There is a conflict with the ‘Elementor Forms Repeater Field’ plugin which is hiding a lot of key fields for our client to register users. This is causing a severe loss of earnings for our client and needs to be address ASAP.
]]>Hi there!
Please, I notice you stoped the support of the plugin just since some weeks ago, i have donated a few € as I can allow my self. This new problem its making my client to desist of our job together. All the erased files still being sent, please check this as it makes all the drop zone not being usefull for profesional work. Thanks!
Once I enable Defer JS & Delay JS the field doesnt work
]]>Hi there!
I love that you are actually taking care of this so helpfull plugin. It is a very important help to be able to have a much more effective and attractive file container.
But I’m having a big trouble to send the email to the user that register to our website. Since they are recibing the files attached into the email of confirmation, so as they are submiting more than 25MB, gmail isn’t recibing those emails. As they have the files attached to every email, not considering if is email or email 2 of the after submit actions. So, I see the commun file uploader has an option to remove the attached files on emails but this plugin isn’t. I have tried a lot of hook modifications but as any of the 30 codes I tried, it seems to me all the email code is being overwriting by the plugin. Is there a way you can implement this or maybe tell to me if there is a hook modification that I can implement on functions.php? Thank you so much guys!
Also, I notice that elementor can’t give acces or even open files that has % character on their name, so I add this line in the 287 line, so you can manipulate those files individualy:
$encoded_filename = str_replace(“%”,”_”,$encoded_filename);
(I have copied all files in another part of the server that is being cloned to a google drive cloud, so I needed to be able to copy them).
]]>When we click on the country field; the modal will close
]]>When autocompleting a phone number in the form, with the phone number prefix field configured, an error occurs because the form fails to detect the autocompleted phone number accurately. Manual entry is required for it to function properly.
Is there a solution to resolve this issue and ensure accurate detection of autocompleted numbers, thus allowing the form to be submitted?
This error prevents users from completing their phone number, as they encounter an error each time they attempt to autocomplete it.
]]>Hello; how to change country code format (+33) to +33 ?
in value of mail
Hi I didn’t understand where to set now specify in the country code selector’s configurations that it should be used with pop-ups. Can you send me a screenshot? Thanks
]]>When the page loads the dropdown shows another formatting of the dropdown
]]>Hi there!
I’m tryng to made mandatory requires for 4 dropzones that i have added to my form but the form doesn’t can be send because all files are been stored on the first dropzone variable, so when it tries to submit the form, detects the form has other dropzones empty with the required abled, so it shows error and don’t send it. I need to get those files in their sepparate variable of the form. How can i solve this?
Thank you in advance.
I add an example of how it sees on submissions page:
its not working with elementor popup
]]>Hi, great plugin! but the phone number prefix selector is not working correctly when we use it in multiple forms on the same page. Is there any way to fix it? Thanks
]]>I have the latest version of WordPress, Elementor, and Elementor Pro. The flag is not displayed in the prefix box. So the visitors see an empty box with an arrow. Can you fix it?
Using it on different sites and looks great but we find out that “many” times the flag or code is not showing on Android phone. Any idea how we can investigate the error and try to fix it ?
Cheers keep up the good work
]]>When i selected a new country, the font-family changes and not stayed the same as the font-family that i am using on the website.
I tried add css with important! but still not working.
In the display of countries there is a flag image, which makes it easier to find and makes it richer. When displaying an empty value, there is an automatic determination of the current country using geolocation based on IP identification.”
Hi, great plugin but looks like this part does not work. Seen some other questions but no answer. I deactivated cache and all other things i could do but nothing.
As it shows now a empty field (we dont use labels but show info in the placeholders. It is for a lot of visitors unclear what this is until they click on it.
You have any solution for this. Text in placeholder (country) and how to get auto detect IP running ? Dont we need a ip list > country to install ?
]]>When uploading files with the dropzone field, where the file name contains a space, the file link in the email cannot be clicked as the url does not sanitize the space.
For regular Elementor file fields, the file name is changed to a random unique string, which solves this issue.
]]>I use an Uploads-to-Email Attachment snippet, but the Drop Zone files are not being picked up by the snippet.
I tried Drop Zone via URL, Name, Absolute, but none of them are being picked up.
Could you maybe see why that is happening?
Here is the code snippet I use
* Class Elementor_Form_Email_Attachments
* Send Elementor Form upload field as attachments to email
class Elementor_Form_Email_Attachments {
// Set to true if you want the files to be removed from
// the server after they are sent by email
public $attachments_array = [];
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'elementor_pro/forms/process', [ $this, 'init_form_email_attachments' ], 11, 2 );
* @param \ElementorPro\Modules\Forms\Classes\Form_Record $record
* @param \ElementorPro\Modules\Forms\Classes\Ajax_Handler $ajax_handler
public function init_form_email_attachments( $record, $ajax_handler ) {
// check if we have attachments
$files = $record->get( 'files' );
if ( empty( $files ) ) {
// Store attachment in local var
foreach ( $files as $id => $files_array ) {
$this->attachments_array[] = $files_array['path'][0];
// if local var has attachments setup filter hook
if ( 0 < count( $this->attachments_array ) ) {
add_filter( 'wp_mail', [ $this, 'wp_mail' ] );
add_action( 'elementor_pro/forms/new_record', [ $this, 'remove_wp_mail_filter' ], 5 );
public function remove_wp_mail_filter() {
foreach ( $this->attachments_array as $uploaded_file ) {
unlink( $uploaded_file );
$this->attachments_array = [];
remove_filter( 'wp_mail', [ $this, 'wp_mail' ] );
public function wp_mail( $args ) {
$args['attachments'] = $this->attachments_array;
return $args;
new Elementor_Form_Email_Attachments();
I noticed this issue because my Unlimited Elements for Elementor plugin was not working which I use on all my sites. Had their support check it out and they sent me an error Uncaught error: Dropzone already attached.
I tried deleting just the Dropzone files in File Manager but that did not work.
Is there a fix for this? Love the country code widget for forms.
]]>Is it possible to set a default country or manually change the country order?
]]>Hey Team, I saw that the plugin provides auto country detection, but It doesn’t seem to be working for me. Could you look at the below url and guide me if I am doing anything wrong?
What can I do to make the Country Selector open in popup
]]>Hi there,
great plugin so far!
I am using SendinBlue as Email provider.
They need the prefix formatted like this “0049”. But using your prefix it only formats it like this “(+49)”. Can you provide a fix so the first format will be available? Also if the phone number is empty, no country code should be submitted on form submit.
Second request: Is it possible to remove the Flags (only show country code) and limit it to specific countries?
]]>it’s not working on popup forms. I think problem with js.