As the plug-in hasn’t been updated in over long time, I’m uninstalling it. The problem is that the plug-in doesn’t delete its own tables.
Do you know what tables should I delete from my database?
After using Statpress Reloaded for a year with no problems i was disappointed to see that all my stats had automatically reset themselves the other day and now a few days later the plugin appears to be deactivated on my dashboard… Having checked on the plugin developer’s website it appears that this has been discontinued… Has any one else had similar problems and if so what is the best replacement for this plugin to view visitors , referrers, page hits etc..
]]>I’m running approximately 75-80 plugins each on 3 different sites and statpress-reloaded is a bean counter’s wet dream! Spectacular!
It’s the combo of certain plugins that breaks a site. No rhyme nor reason that I can see, but have had it happen enough to know the serious grief it causes.
For those that haven’t experienced the trouble shooting process – you disable your plugins folder via ftp, then re-enable it and add the plugins back in one-by-one in the wp admin plugins screen. It can be a very tedious process… unless you have a pretty good hunch which plugin(s) that might be the cause of your site blowing up!
Then you start with the suspected bad boys, and disable one-by-one. You gotta love open-source software – especially for the free price in most cases!
I just installed statpress-reloaded 1.5.21 from and there’s little bugs in my WordPress Admin panel.
Then I’m looking for updates on but wow AgenSmith closed comments form since 2009!
So is it true that statpress-reloaded no longer continue?
Or anybody here can give me another plugins similar to this?
thanks before.