I’ve just enabled this plug and forgot to check the authorization code.
I don’t have access to restore it as it’s been hosted by another firm who hosts it with my main website.
is there a way to by-pass the plug?
]]>The plugin does not work anymore in wp 4.7
Call to undefined function register_setting() in /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/stealth-login-page/includes/actions.php on line 17
]]>Great plugin!
Would be nice if it wasn’t visible onscreen while I typed it. Any chance you can make it appear like the password does, all ******** like ?
Thanks ??
]]>I’ve installed add-on but after installation I’ve experienced problems with /wp-login.php. I got constant redirects to blank page, until i deleted Stealth Login page.
My setup is CentOS 7.2, nginx 1.9.1, php5.6, perconamysql5.6
I have had Stealth Login Page working on my site for about two years and I am very happy with it. At this point I would like to switch to HTTPS, since DreamHost has permitted me to add LetsEncrypt to my domain. I installed the Really Simple SSL plugin but am having difficulty activating it because when I switch to HTTPS my login gets redirected to the page I originally set up with SLP.
I have my original setup info for the secret question and answer but I can’t locate the instructions for how to eimpement them in the WP admin dashboard. I will be very grateful if you could help me with this.
]]>I tried this method and it does not work.
“Step 1: breathe Step 2: login to FTP or hosting and rename the stealth-login-page folder in /wp-content/plugins Step 3: login
If those steps don’t work, then it’s possible you have a server caching or a caching plugin or a CDN that is still delivering the plugin files. Clear all caches (not your browser cache).”
When i instaled plugin (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/stealth-login-page/) on my website and make autorization and transper to profile (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/users-ultra/) page is hidden.
If there are other methods to correct?
]]>So this question was asked a year ago by someone else and it didn’t get answered, and the topic is now closed, so here is a new one.
I use InfiniteWP to manage my clients’ updates, and it appears this plugin blocks it. Any chance there is a workaround? Maybe a secret login url query? I’m a web developer and wouldn’t mind making changes to the code if that’s what it takes.
I think a similar question was asked, regarding SLP with other plugins that create login forms. Can it be used if manually creating login forms with wp_login_form()? At the moment, custom WP login forms won’t have the third login box, so logins will fail (redirect to specified url).
Many Thanks
]]>Just a quick note to say that if the plugin is activated (but Stealth Mode not turned on + no options yet set), then /wp-admin will give error:
Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in /var/www/projectx/wp-content/plugins/stealth-login-page/includes/functions-oldsql.php on line 9
and the login form will not render (probably because $slp_options is empty).
Not critical bug but may catch some people out.
]]>Hi, before i try your plugin i would like to know what happens if you call yourdomain.com/login/
There were two users whor rated your plugins with one star and saying that calling /login/ will show the secret URL to the login.
is that solved?
Regards axel
]]>Not really comfortable typing Authorization code in plain text (and big size font) at public space, possible using asterisk in authorization code field just like password ?
Thank you
]]>So I just did some testing and your plugin doesn’t seem to fire until after a username and password is verified AND the authorization code is incorrect. If I log in with incorrect information I just get bounced back to the login screen.
]]>Do you not support wordpress Stealth Login Page plugin anymore?
I hope you do, i like and use this plugin on all my sites
]]>Hi sir,
I am very happy with your plugin, but i installed it on the site, what where every time i tired to login then i redirect to another url that i added when i write wrong password,
Please, what is the name of the field that i edited in the database of the auth. password?
Best regards
Would it be technically possible to have a different wp-admin permalink based on a different user role. This would allow for role-based backend selective plugin loading using plugin filters in the Plugin Organizer plugin. This could allow for a huge speed increase in backend management for non-administrative users.
]]>Hi I just installed this plugin, went to settings to set up redirect site + authorization code.
I tested it and tried to log in with wrong password / authorization code, and it never redirects. Doesn’t do anything and I still get a lock out message and email.
Am I missing something here?
Please return this feature! I know this is bachward compatible and I used it till now but today toggled settings on plugin page and saved, and can’t return this login url! Now only “auth key” is available for me. =(
Or please tell any trick to turn on it again!
]]>Hi, when will this support multisite installation?
]]>When will I be able to use this plugin on the new version of WPress?
]]>Hi, first of all, congratulations! This plugin is very nice.
I have a blog where I’m the only user / author, so it works perfectly.
Now I’m creating a blog open to registration, and I realized that there’s no need for all users to have to type my personal secret code to log in.
Since there’s no way to generate a unique secret code to every single user, I think this plugin should have an option to activate only under admin accounts – after all that’s our biggest concern, right?
I wish I could disable it for users with accounts without any privileges.
]]>hi, when will come a version compatible with wordpress 4.0
]]>hi, i love this plugin but i need to realize a frontend login on one site, where a certain user role needs to be able to login directly from a certain page (not from the wp-admin link) with redirection to another certain page (not the backend) after successful login.
there are plenty of plugins to allow such frontend logins with redirect, but they don’t display the addiional field created by your plugin – and consequently everyone is redirected to the spam page defined in your plugin.
do you know of any frontend login plugin that works with stealth login page plugin?
]]>We have a 3rd party system we use to make new posts on our wordpress install. See: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/XML-RPC_WordPress_API
My question is how can i include the new passphrase with the password so it can actually create posts?
Thanks in advance.
]]>i am sure all my user and pass is correct but i cant login!!
]]>if somebody enter to this url will goo direct to
the admin register if i changed the wp-login.php to
example.php is that effect on the plug in register and sing in or not
because you know that as admin i do not want some advanced users to go into wp-login.php if they are a normail user then they can go from there to the admin panel sign in i want to hide the sing up default WP it it possible ?
i have site the users can sign up in the site with plug in does this effect Login on the admin login Wp-login.php area only
or also effect when users want to sign in the site from plug in
does it effect on users when trying sign in into site or not or only on the admin login area ?
]]>I’m sorry I’m quite a technical person but couldn’t see where I’m supposed to do this?
I’ve installed this plugin on my WP multisite install. I enabled the plugin for one of my subsites (www.mysite.com/blog1). I’ve set my auth code, but when I try to login with the correct username, password and auth code, it’s redirecting me to the URL that I set for bad attempts.
Any ideas?
]]>Hi, i had a mistake unistalling this plugin and now i can’t access to wp dashboard username and password are right but it doesn’t work what i have to do to have login into my blog?
]]>Hi guys,
I just saw your plugin via Spence’s daily tip “Block Remote Bots With The Stealth Login Page Plugin For WordPress” (https://1wd.tv/block-remote-bots-stealth-login-page-plugin-wordpress/)
I use InfiniteWP to manage my sites. Before I add ‘Stealth Login Page’ as a further line of defence I was wondering how your plugin would affect the automated login process?
I have looked through the support forum posts but can’t find an answer to my question.
Thanks and best regards,
]]>Well, I didnt use my site for few months, but now I decided to login, using the correct url (I got it written on paper) but instead of login form i got just 403 error page (not rediracting). If i use wrong login url it redirects though. https://eatalia.ru/wp-login.php?cook=it
Plagin Version: 3.0.0. I`ve trid to just delete SLP files from plugins folder on server – but it didnt work((
What should I do?