I set a minimal height to the welcome page image of my storefront webshop, so now it shows how I want it to show on my laptop.
However, on phoneview it now is now too big. Is there a way I can apply this minimal height only to big screens but not to phone screens?
Thank you!
]]>Hello everyone,
My storefront webshop is showing double a double menu bar on the homepage. Is there a way to remove the menu to the right of the Bitcoin Vietnam logo, whilst keeping the menu below the Bitcoin Vietnam logo?
When clicking the Add To Cart button on the front page of my client’s site it adds to the cart but doesn’t show it as it usually does. The button just greys out.
When items are added to the cart, nothing appears in the Cart widget on the right hand side.
This was all working correctly yesterday.
I decided to update to Storefront 1.5.3 and now the cart widget is appearing in the header again even though I already used the code to get rid of it.
If everything was working correctly yesterday, what could have gone wrong?
when I post a product, in the long product description area it makes a break line and then adds: Product name by Author
Is there a possibility to remove this?
I have added the following in CSS which only removes author information on blog posts and I would also like to remove the same on product pages:
author {
display: none;
.entry-date {
display: none;
.posted-on {display: none;}
.single .byline, .group-blog .byline {
display: none;
Your solutions are welcome.
]]>Hi, can any help? I am trying to replicate the dropdown menu under Shop in the Storefront demo. I want to add menus from the product categories of starters, main course and desserts. I have created a page ‘Menu’ but in Appearance | Menus I can only add post categories.
Hi there,
In the Homepage Control, when I try to re-order the homepage components, it isn’t working. No matter how I arrange them, there is no difference in display seen on my Homepage. I have arranged them so that my on sale products should be second in view after my homepage content but the sale items are nowhere to be seen on my homepage. No matter how I try to re-arrange the components, there is never any difference in appearance on my website – it just shows all of my products in alphabetical order. My site is https://www.dnawild.co.za Any help and advice with this would be very much appreciated!