I have followed all the instructions and videos to no avail. I just see a blank page and use Firefox Version 45. I am working on an intranet, if that makes a difference. This is for military training so I would appreciate any help I can get. I have several CMSMadeSimple web sites that I need to convert to WordPress but until I figure out the video problem, I can’t.
]]>I can’t add to player playlist in xml format.
Give me please correct example with correct xml tags.
Desperately in need of a wp based player that would be able to play a playlist as seen below
Any chance Stream could do this and how would i add the playlist to the shortcode?
Can your plugin handle running a live webcam feed so that one of my clients can always show the cues using a small video/web camera in the car park?
]]>I need this Plugin with HD function, Related Post & Mobile view. And if possible with “ad to Playlist” function.
Howone can send me the the Sources? Please!
]]>the player doesn’t show
everything is in its place
|– player.swf
|– yt.swf
+– plugins
| |– captions.swf
| |– gapro.swf
| |– hd.swf
| |– ltas.swf
| |– qualitymonitor.swf
| +– sharing.swf
+– skins
|– beelden.zip
|– dangdang.swf
|– imeo.swf
|– lulu.zip
|– modieus.zip
+– stormtrooper.zip
I have already installed the plugin on the site i′ve been working that is based on wordpress 4.1. But when i tried to make a post and i tried to insert the stream code there i have a problem with Stream Video Player Tag Generator. In the generator i cant see the URL Base although i′ve written the exact direction of the upload directory and of course in that directory is lla the videos and files i need. So with this problem i can’t choose any file as video, as xml file or anything else.
Please gine me an advise. Thanks a lot
Best regards
Sandro Gutiérrez
This plug in looks great on the laptop but when i go to the iPhone i just get a blank space. any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve tried this on various websites some with no plug ins.
]]>Hi !
I’m really bored with your plugin. I’m use it since 4 years and I would like to keep it because I have many many video flv worked on.
The plugin doesn’t worked with the last WordPress version (4.0.1).
Could you update ?
If you don’t want to update please delete your plugin to here (registry WordPress)
]]>Please help me to play streaming links
I have positive proof the rtmp protocol and everything is correct
but when playing HTTP gives me error
Please, I need help to play links with HTTP protocol
]]>after trying activation of the plugin it says: plugin does not have a header
]]>hi , first thanks for this fantastic plugin
i have strange problem , all thing works well in full post but in shortpost i get a empty area instead player or (video) text !!
what`s the problem ??
i try various type of post but no success , also i see these line in my content-video.php :
<div class=”post-element-content”>
<div class=”post-video”>
if(intval($video_type) == 0){
echo do_shortcode(‘[youtube id=”‘.$video_content.'” width=”100%” height=”300″]’);
}else if(intval($video_type) == 1){
echo do_shortcode(‘[vimeo id=”‘.$video_content.'” width=”100%” height=”300″]’);
echo $video_content;
is this something related to ?
]]>i need to play this
[video src="https://postgradinstitute.org/downloads/LEGACIES_full_sequence.mp4" /]
on the website. it’s really long and i don’t want to use youtube or vimeo.
and i heard about this plugin. but i tried it and it’s not working…
this is what i did. i typed in a correct URL.
[stream provider=video base=mylink flv=mylink mp4=mylink embed=true share=true width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false responsive=16:9 /]
what am i doing wrong?
]]>i’ve download latest stream video player and wordpress,
but seems not working on my chrome, it says “XXX.com/dwefwfs.mp4 Video not found or access denied: “
But I play in mozilla its work perfectly
any answer for solving this action?
]]>How do I correct this error ? Also, could you please consider showing errors only to admin ? It’s not very appealing to have errors from various plugins displayed all over your site. Thank you
]]>In first of all i would like to thanks you for this really simple and complete player, i’ve spent lot of time trying many players and none of them seems to be complete and simple like this one. For this reason i would like to use it in my website but i have 2 matters:
1) I can’t make it responsive, where have i to set it to make it responsive? Setting up 16:9 or 4:3 in the “responsive” form nothing happend, i’ve cleared the “width” and “height” forms too. but when i go to resize the browser window, the video player keep dimension fixed.
2) Playning the video, i can’t go forward if the buffer hasn’t reached the position that i’m going select, if i load a weight video and i want to start watching it from 30:00 for exaple, i must wait for buffering at latest the first 30 minutes.
Can i solve these 2 matters? Thanks in advance for your kindly and your support and sorry for my bad english.
]]>i used ssl
Page contains insecure items.
This plugin does not work. Also some files are missing.
]]>Hello ?? My client has several addon domains under her main domain. I am having a hard time putting in the correct code for the player since they are on the same server.
I did the crossdomain.xml then figured this shouldn’t be needed.
Here’s the code I have on my where the video is: [stream flv=soulspeaks.net/flash_video.swf img=https://loishollis.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/vid-thumb.jpg embed=true share=true width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false gapro=UA-49267005-1 responsive=16:9 /]
Here’s what the page looks like…click the arrow to “start” the video: <Interview Page>.
Not sure why its telling me the URL is not correct. Here’s the URL to the video on her main domain: Interview Video>.
Any ideas?!?!
Error when I click activate:
The plugin does not have a valid header.
Using WP 3.8.1
]]>Since one of the past Jetpack updates, the Stream Video Player does not show. I either have Jetpack fully running and connected to wordpress.com or I have the Stream Video Player working. I believe that the later versions of Jetpack are not compatible with Stream Video Player.
Any solutions besides replacing Stream Video?
I’m wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to tag the content in the videos by using time tags – links that skips to a certain point in the video, with this plugin.
]]>I just updated Stream to version 1.2.8. Afterwards, I tried to upload an image through the built-in WordPress media uploader on a post but it repeatedly failed, even with different files and formats.
I disabled the Media connector of Stream and I was suddenly able to upload images again.
Installed Stream Video Player. Then I decided to test if I can watch videos in android (iOS) phone. Appears my inscription “Video: Available onlly on desktop browser”. Can anyone help me. I want to movies to see everywhere. The file format is. MP4.
Hello, great plugin! everything is working fine. I just have a problem with ” Media Library” button. I can get on Stream video Player Tag Generator. but “Media Library” button is not working when I click on it. please help!!
Thank you
hey, plugin rocks.
I wonder about 2 things though.
1) can I force it to always show HD version of the youtube videos?
2) in the player tag generator, when I click the media library everything goes black but the browser doesn’t show up. (tried on new installation of wordpress and old). Any thoughts?
U can see a snapshot of the error here:
thanks again
I didn’t really understand how to embed a youtube video.
I need to pase the video URL? I need to pase the embed code?
And where should i paste it?
]]>I get the following error messages when the page is loaded. They are displayed on the page.
Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/destinym/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/stream-video-player/stream-video-player.php on line 169
Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/destinym/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/stream-video-player/stream-video-player.php on line 169
Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/destinym/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/stream-video-player/stream-video-player.php on line 169
Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/destinym/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/stream-video-player/stream-video-player.php on line 169
Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/destinym/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/stream-video-player/stream-video-player.php on line 169
Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/destinym/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/stream-video-player/stream-video-player.php on line 169
Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/destinym/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/stream-video-player/stream-video-player.php on line 169
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /home/destinym/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/stream-video-player/stream-video-player.php on line 125
the initial modal window pops up but then clicking the “media library” button just adds a gray layer into the modal window and does not allow you to browse the media library.
wp 3.8
stream 1.40
While installing : “Not installed. Fatal Error”