Rating: 3 stars
Work with strictly auto tags only if you ‘save draft’ before publishing, otherwise it tweets twice.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This plugin is great if you want to do any of the following
-Tweet to multiple Twitter accounts when a post is added OR post to the same account with different formatted messages.
-Only tweet if the content of the post contains certain words, or don’t post if the words contains certain words OR always post the tweet.
-Include a list of “noise/bad” words to ensure a tweet isn’t sent if a post contains those words.
-Add tracking codes (Google) or other querystring values to the link to the post before it is shortened.
-Shorten your URLS with bit.ly before Tweeting.
-Get detailed messages back from Twitter including error messasges if the Tweet is a duplicate or their is an API error.
-Use the Tweet Shrink API to shrink your texts
-Use my Text Shrink API to shrink your texts with “text” speak e.g l8 = later, 2 = to.
-Use Categories, Post Tags or Default Words as #hashtags for your tweets.
-Automatic linkup with Strictly AutoTags so that the Tweets won’t be sent until AutoTags has finished tagging your new article. Then these new tags can be used as #HashTags in your Tweet.
-Prevent Twitter Rushes by making an HTTP request to the newly posted article so that the post is cached before 50+ BOTS all hit the page from Twitter.
–Read more about Twitter Rushes and how they can hurt your sites performance here.