Version 1.3.1 is currently not functioning on our school’s website. Any chance there will be an update to fix? An absolutely wonderful tool that has enhanced our quality of writing beyond anything else.
]]>Any idea what happened this beautiful plugin?
I’m having an issue and I’m unsure what’s causing it. All my wordpress quotes are straight. Your plugin lets me know this but I have no idea why it’s not using the standard curly quotes or apostrophes.
Any input would be appreciated.
I love the plugin so far; however, I’m finding an issue with its em dash checker. Under the “Your style guide” tab, a checkbox reads, “Long em-dash for parenthetical asides.” When enabled, the plugin is able to flag hyphens that are improperly employed as dashes, but it does so with the warning, “Use – dash,” and what it prints here instead of the lovely, eternally elegant em dash (“—”) is actually that nefarious pretender among punctuation, that ugly cousin: the en dash (“–”).