Style Tweaker was working great. I also have Ultimate Security Checker and decided to run it. One of the weaknesses it found was the ability to edit Themes — I decided to let it fix that, which I believed only involved a line added to the wp-config.php (DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT).
But it must have changed something else, because now even with that line removed, the Tweaker is not working fully. When Activated, it is loading the last Private CSS change I made, but Tweaker is not showing up in the Dashboard’s Appearances area. So I can’t do anything else. I have tried Deactivating and Activating. I have Uninstalled and Reinstalled.
Does anyone know what could be preventing this plugin from fully loading?
i saved some colors by the tweaker but after saving i lost my custom header
and if i delete all settings from database by style tweaker
then i have my old colors and header back
is there a way to fix custum header ?