I was wondering if there’s a way to add a subheading on my blogposts using elementor? Or what’s the best plugin to use?
If I use the word press editor, the title is already set and there’s no option to add a subheading.
is the Plugin still maintained?
Hi, is the plugin actively maintained any more? I see it’s listed on WordPress VIP still, but on www.ads-software.com looks completely unmaintained.
Is it up for adoption? It’s always done a great job and it would be a shame to lose it.
in the Debug file the following is listed
PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SubHeading has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/virtual/url.de/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/subheading/subheading.php on line 13
Any ideas, how to solve this?
]]>The last Update has been for more than a year. is the plugin still meintained?
]]>Forgive my ignorance, I cannot find anywhere in the description of this plugin where you actually edit the subheading. Do you create a template file? Do you place it wysiwyg style in the post/page?
With all the glowing reviews, it must seem obvious to everyone else how this plugin works. But I’m stumped.
Please tell me what to do. I really need this plugin.
]]>Hi Steve,
Thank you so much for making this plugin available. In fact Subheadings ought to be an option in the standard WP-setup. Therefore your plugin is a relief.
Now, I wonder how I can support with a Swedish translation?
Do you have any po-files for translation?
I would be glad to help if possible.
Best Regards,
I’m pretty sure this is a basic thing… but I can’t for the life of me figure it out.
By default just the title and subtitle are displayed. I want to set it up so that in the event that a content writer forgets to put in a subhead, it automatically pulls in the excerpt.
This is what I’ve got so far
<?php if($post_format == 'video' || $post_format == 'audio')
echo codeless_text_limit(get_the_content(), 60);
function_exists('the_subheading')) { the_subheading(); }
echo get_the_excerpt();} ?>
In the course of a site transfer, we had to reinstall the Subheading plugin, and it looks like this deleted all the subheading data from the wp_postmeta MySQL table. We still have backups of the old DB — is there an easy way to restore this data, other than going back and reinputting it one post at a time?
(I realize this may be more a phpMyAdmin question than a Subheading question, but thought someone else might have run across a similar issue.)
]]>Hello very useful plugin.
Its a good idea to set placeholder in admin input, some users don’t know what is this field.
Is it possible to use it with custom post type for example with “portfolio”?
]]>Is there a possibility to change the text color and background color for the Subheading WordPress plugin?
I have the following php-warning in my error log
preg_replace(): Compilation failed: missing ) at offset 61
Any ideas?
]]>Kept getting HTTP ERRORs on the featured image upload.
Then disabled SubHeading.
Images uploaded fine.
Re-enabled SubHeading.
Can’t upload images again.
Also disables access to the media library.
]]>Getting a lot of the following errors for search pages:
PHP message: PHP Warning: preg_replace(): Unknown modifier ‘f’ in wp-content/plugins/subheading/subheading.php on line 520
I think $wp->query_vars[‘s’] var should be escaped, at least with esc_sql, maybe extra escape for regexp.
i have this template:
* Theme Page Section for our theme.
* @package ThemeGrill
* @subpackage ColorMag
* @since ColorMag 1.0
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php do_action( 'colormag_before_body_content' ); ?>
<div id="primary">
<div id="content" class="clearfix">
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'content', 'page' ); ?>
do_action( 'colormag_before_comments_template' );
// If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template
if ( comments_open() || '0' != get_comments_number() )
do_action ( 'colormag_after_comments_template' );
<?php endwhile; ?>
</div><!-- #content -->
</div><!-- #primary -->
<?php colormag_sidebar_select(); ?>
<?php do_action( 'colormag_after_body_content' ); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
The Subheader should be placed sub the title, but i don’t know where to write the <?php the_subheading(‘<i>’, ‘</i>’); ?>. In content-single.php i write it bevore the </header>.
]]>Can’t create post categories when this plugin is enabled.
After I installed this plugin, it disabled my website, and access to the admin area!
My site is https://www.serbian-metal.org
I tried to delete the plugin manually (via FTP and database), but the page is still down!
Can you please help me with this issue? Do I need to delete something else somewhere, if the plugin created some other stuff through the site structure?
Thank you!
]]>Your plugin is perfect, but I needed to use another plugin to print posts without showing sidebars, etc. I installed Universal Post Manager (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/universal-post-manager/) which is also a terrific plugin. But not being a php coder myself, I cannot figure out how to add subheadings to UPM outputs. I’ve contact that plugin too.
]]>I’m vert happy with this plugin and find it meets my needs very well, but in the last little while, the subheading has stopped appearing in the Post Admin Edit list. I have it activated in the settings, and when i go to the Screen Options on the Post Admin Edit list, select it and hit Apply, the selection doesn’t apply.
Running WordPress 4.3.1
Am using a child theme based on Graph Paper Press’s Berlin theme.
subtitel is not showing.
can the field be a h2?
]]>With the release of the new update that allows translations, I share with the community the Portuguese translation files. Just put the files in the “languages” folder.
PHP Warning: preg_replace(): Unknown modifier 'w' in /var/www/html/fa/wp-content/plugins/subheading/subheading.php on line 491
subheding.php line 483-497 :
483:function search( $where )
484: {
485: if ( is_search() ) {
486: global $wpdb, $wp;
487: $where = preg_replace(
488: "/($wpdb->posts.post_title (LIKE
489: "$0 OR ( $wpdb->postmeta.meta_value LIKE '%{$wp->query_vars['s']}%' )",
490: $where
491: );
493: add_filter( 'posts_join_request', array( &$this, 'search_join' ) );
495: return $where;
dose sahifa theme support subheading? not working in my site rajpath24.com
help me .
I’m bringing this up again because, for the life of me, I cannot find where to put this:
<?php if (function_exists('the_subheading')) { the_subheading('<p>', '</p>'); } ?>
in the more recent versions of WordPress. I’m running WP 4.1 and I created my theme with Artisteer. The website is https://www.workers-party.com.
Any and all help is welcome. Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi – any word on updating this plugin for 3.9.1 compatibility? Curently, an upgrade causes the Subheading text box to disappear entirely from the Post editor.
]]>Not showing subheadings on site after update. Anyone else seeing this issue?
valleyhope .org/cms/donate
]]>I use SUBHEADING for many years now so it’s absolutely integrated into all of posts and supports my SEO strategy. Unfortunately I found a problem caused by the SUBHEADING plug-in when used together with THE EVENTS CALENDAR (TEC) in the newest wordpress version. Maybe you can find the reason.
If TEC its activated and SUBHEADING is with the option “Allow search to find matches based on subheading values.” I don’t receive any results with my usual search on the blog. I thought it’s a TEC problem so I asked in their support forum a while ago but today I found the final cause after reactivating plugin by plugin and option by option.
I receive regular search results when TEC is deactivated (but is required plugin) or when TEC is activated and the deck mark for the “Allow search…” is deactivated. It would be a pitty if the search would ignore the subheading because a lot of my posts contain important keywords. Do you have any clue what’s the reason (because wordpress sorts the results by relevance now?), how to solve it or maybe if skipping the subheading is not that bad?
]]>My server logs have just started showing several instances of this new error:
PHP Warning: preg_replace(): Unknown modifier ‘/’ in /[path]/wp-content/plugins/subheading/subheading.php on line 491
WP 3.8.1 / Subheading 1.7.3
]]>I followed your coding to place the additional CSS snippet in the custom.css file, but nothing has changed.
Do I need to tweak the code being placed in the singlepost template?
]]>Hi, I love the SubHeading plugin. I would very much like to display the subheading in the Genesis featured post widget. Is there a simple way to do so? Ideally, I would show the subheading INSTEAD of a regular excerpt.
Best, Paul.