Hello, this plugin (version 1.0.9) was working on my site; the page with the [submittable] shortcode showed the category’s submission guidelines and a Submit button.
Now when I updated to version 2.0 of this plugin, it no longer shows the guidelines. It only shows a Submit button.
Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to make some kind of update to my Submittable account? Please advise. Thank you!
Hello! I’m planning to use this module on a future project. Are there any plans to update it to be compatible with WordPress 3.9.2 or 4.0?
Is there anyone using it with these later versions already, and if so, does it work?
Thanks so much!
]]>Hello! First I must say this plugin is fantastic. I love how it doesn’t bloat the code when it’s not in use.
However, I’m experiencing some problems with it. Suddenly this error happened:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare return_30() (previously declared in (…)\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\submission-manager-by-submittable\submittable.php:318) in (…)\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\submission-manager-by-submittable\submittable.php on line 318
The Cause: After scratching my head trying to figure out the cause of the sudden errors I’ve narrowed it down to how the function return_30 gets declared inside submittable_get_content. Right after that you have an “add_shortcode(‘submittable’, ‘submittable_get_content’);“. If you happen to have a “apply_filters( ‘the_content’, $truncate );” later in your code—which I had in a custom truncating function for a special post type—it’ll attempt to apply the shortcodes. You can guess what happens when it attempts to truncate two or more posts in the same page.
The Solution: A quick fix would be to add a if(!function_exists(‘return_30’)) in the submittable_get_content. In my case I also removed the submittable shortcode before I execute my custom truncate, for I don’t need it in excerpts.
Also, the submittable is generating a Notice: Undefined index: show_main_description when you don’t tick the “Show Main Description?” option. It’s unrelated to the above problem and it’s a silent notice that won’t appear unless you set the php to show all errors, but, well, no one likes to leave loose ends, right? (:
]]>Hi, I’m on the verge of recommending submittable to a client to handle pay-to-enter competitions, but I need to be sure on how the process would work. I have a couple of questions I hope you can answer>
Thanks in advance for your help…
I installed 1.07 of your plugin and saw the following error where I placed the shortcode:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_Error::enable_order_by_date() in /home/dangreen/public_html/devsites/playboy/wp-content/plugins/submission-manager-by-submittable/submittable.php on line 333
I commented out the offending line which got rid of that error. However, now if you look at https://playboy.tlvwebdevelopment.com/become-a-playmate/ you will see it says my subdomain is invalid. I have followed the instructions exactly so hope you can advise me on a fix. Thanks!
Best Regards
]]>Hi there,
Can I include multiple active submission forms on my site?
]]>Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_Error::set_cache_duration() in /wp-content/plugins/submission-manager-by-submittable/submittable.php on line 322
How to fix?
]]>I installed the plugin and entered my settings information, and I inserted the [submittable] shortcode into a new page, but when I view the page I get the following error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_Error::enable_order_by_date() in /home/jodipaul/public_html/wa/wp-content/plugins/submission-manager-by-submittable/submittable.php on line 322
]]>I don’t know if this is a plugin problem or a WordPress cache problem.
I have edited my Submittable submissions page, but the edits do not show up on my WordPress site. I have cleared my cache, both on WordPress and locally on my browser, but I continue to see the original submissions page before I edited it.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. This is a great looking plugin and I would love to be able to use it.
]]>Regardless of the plugin’s CSS setting, the line breaks do not compute in the category descriptions so a paragraph of text extends off screen to the right on one line.
Submit button placement and boxes are correct, text alignment wonky/unpublishable