Hi People, is there a way to change the font and background colour of the Subre parts of the Checkout? looking for black background white text please
]]>on renewal of a subscription when there a few items on renewal order/invoice in the woo order it only takes payment for the last item in the list any ideas?
]]>Hello, I am getting strange messages with my stripe payment renewals. The renewal order notes are showing ‘stripe charge authorized’ Process order to take payment…’ However the money is arriving in Stripe. So the order is sitting on hold even though the payment in stripe was successful. I am going to create a function to trigger the correct status change for the order to send correct emails to customer I think?
There is a setting in stripe to only authorise but this is unticked.
Hi, I have a question about the plugin. I tried a fresh WordPress 6.6.1 + Woocommerce 1.9.4+ your plugin v1.0.7 . I quickly setted up woocommerce and theme with some default settings enabling “cash on delivery payment method”, then I installed your plugin and created a simple product with “Virtual” and “Subscription” setted. Price $ 15 sign up fee none, subscription interval 1 month, no trial, expire after 12 cycles. The product page looks fine, also the cart because it displays all the data like expire date, next renewal date..Then I tried to place an order but, once checkout is complete, the order appears only into “Woocommerce ->Orders” with “Processing” state while it’s not being displayed into “SUBRE -> Subscriptions” .
What could be the issue? Thanks
Does automatic renewal work with WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin?
I tried it but it says only manual renewal
]]>HI, when you see the product page you the price and the subscription length, example: $19.99/Year. I would like to have a space on each side of the separator “/” so it would look like $19.99 / Year. Otherwise it looks to jumbled too close together. Any help where to add the spaces and in what files? Thanks
Is it possible to setup if someone buy month middle made invoice for rest of days then next all payment will charge every month 1st ?
thank you
]]>Mind me if the answer has been staring at me this whole time but…
Is there any way that I can make the subscription price different from the regular one time purchase?
ALSO, is there not a way for the customer to chose how often they’d like the subscriptions to be set? As opposed to me just choosing a 1 week interval.
On the link https://synergizehealth.co.uk/product/cinnamon-date-gel/ (trialing the subscription) it has come up with /Week under the price.. Can this be removed?
And as I continue to look on the website, there is no option for this to be a subscription? Must I MAKE every listing a subscription listing vs regular one time buy listing or is there simpler way to make ths optional for end buyer?
any help much appreciated. thanks
]]>Good morning, I want to prevent the purchase of the product while it is active if the current user has an active subscription for the product they are trying to add to the cart. If so, an error message is displayed and the product is prevented from being added to the cart. Alternatively, if it is possible to proceed with the purchase, I want this purchase to be for renewing the subscription. I’ve been trying to solve this problem with this code, but I don’t know much about the topic
add_filter('woocommerce_is_purchasable', 'restringir_compra_y_carrito_si_suscripcion_activa', 10, 2);
function restringir_compra_y_carrito_si_suscripcion_activa($purchasable, $product) {
// Obtiene el ID del usuario actual
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
// Obtiene todas las suscripciones del usuario actual
$subscriptions = SUBRE_PRODUCT_SUBSCRIPTION_FOR_WOO_Admin_Settings::get_subscriptions_for_user($user_id);
// Recorre todas las suscripciones del usuario
foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) {
// Verifica si el usuario tiene una suscripción activa para el producto
if ($subscription->has_product($product->get_id()) && $subscription->is_active()) {
// Si es así, el producto no puede ser comprado ni a?adido al carrito
wc_add_notice(__('Ya tienes una suscripción activa para este producto.', 'woocommerce'), 'error');
return false;
// Si ninguna de las suscripciones del usuario coincide con el producto,
// devuelve el valor original de $purchasable
return $purchasable;
we test a subscription. payment is by stripe. when is due for payment, no payment is collected (not in stripe too). the subscription showed expired.
where can i check to know where goes wrong?
Any dvise is appreciated. Thank you.
]]>we need to update our tax rate from 8% to 9% on those existing subr .
may you share with me how can we do it? Look up in the database by order id to change each?
thank you in advance.
I recently installed your plugin for recurring payments, and I am still in the testing phase. When subscribing to a product which i have set to charge daily using stripe for woocommerce the subscription expires when it should automatically renew and I get the following email.
Subscription Expired: #2623
Hi User,
We would like to inform you that your subscription #2623 has expired.
If you need to take any actions, please go to View subscription.
I am wondering why this is happening I dont want to go live and have this issue. Additionally I noticed that the last update for the plugin was 8 months ago, is this because there is no need to update or if the plugin is no longer supported.
what i see this is only works for simple product.
I want to use it for Variable product.
How can I did this?
Thank you
]]>The setup fee is still showing in the subscription after purchase it should only be the monthly amount not including the one time setup fee can you advise how i can change this in the subscription.
for example if the renewal is 50 per month and a setup fee of 50 the first purchase will be 100 and then the renewal will be only 50 but shows 100 on renewal date please advise thanks
]]>Hi support,
thank you for this plugin. I like tunderstand where is the data for this subscription is store in database.
like customer sign-up a subscription, where in the backend database tables I can find the info and which field state it is a subscription.
i ask because we have a need to extract the data to our other application system.
Thank you in advance of helping.
]]>Hi. I’ve noticed this plugin hasn’t been updated for a couple of wp releases. Is it still in development? Please advise. Thanks!
]]>free yith subscription only work with paypal, can i move all subscription to SUBRE?
]]>Hi! I’ve been all day looking for a subscription plugin other than the typical ones and suddenly SUBRE came up out of the blue. Looks like I’m one of the first users using it! ??
Needless to say, Villatheme is a quality seal in the plugin repository, and so far the results are amazing. Easy to set up, but powerful and with a promising growth curve.
I’m so in love with it that I’m translating it into Spanish. Expect it to be uploaded soon in the plugin translation page!
Anyway, I’ve faced a couple of issues:
[en]Whatever I enter in English[es]Whatever I enter in Spanish[:]
. This also happens with the renamed “Checkout” button, but not with the “Add to cart” button, which is happily translated using the qTrasnlate-XT format [en][es][:]
. The rest of the strings (My Account, and even the email ones!!! ?? ) can be easily translated via Loco or poedit.Again, congrats for this simple yet complete subscritpion plugin. Keep up with the good work!