Hey guys,
looks like that the plugin is not compatible with PHP8. When I try to visit the plugin-settings, I get
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func_array(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, non-static method sg_subscribe_settings::options_page() cannot be called statically in /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:307 Stack trace: #0 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array) #1 /wp-includes/plugin.php(476): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #2 /wp-admin/admin.php(259): do_action('settings_page_s...') #3 /wp-admin/options-general.php(10): require_once('/p...') #4 {main} thrown in /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 307
Tried to look into the code, but was not able to find a fix (I’m not a developer nor do I have any experience in PHP-development)
Final result at least for me:
– you can not configure the settings for the plugin
– (and with that) also not make it work for the frontend
Bei der Einrichtung des Plugins ist mir aufgefallen, dass der Seitenbesucher nach Validierung der E-Mail keine Abos verwalten kann. Bei dem Klick auf Abo verwalten, erscheint die Meldung “Du kannst diese Seite nicht ohne einen gültigen Key aufrufen.” im Browser.
L?sst sich da vorab etwas machen? Ich bin mir auch nicht sicher, ob es ein allgemeines Problem ist.
Ich bin bei meinem Blog auf das Problem gesto?en, dass die Checkboxen und die Label in der Kommentarsektion nicht einheitlich untereinander standen, besonders der Eintrag von diesem Plugin stach heraus, weil der Text direkt an der Checkbox klebte. Eine einheitliche Formatierung und Ausrichtung per zus?tzlichem CSS schlug leider deswegen fehl, weil der Text und Checkbox zusammen im <label>-Tag stecken.
Ich habe also die Zeile 64 in der subscribe-to-double-opt-in-comments.php wie folgt ver?ndert:
<input type="checkbox" name="subscribe" id="subscribe" value="subscribe" <?php if ($checked_status) echo 'checked="checked" ';?>/><label for="subscribe"><?php _e($sg_subscribe->not_subscribed_text); ?></label>
(Original sah sie so aus:
<label for="subscribe"><input type="checkbox" name="subscribe" id="subscribe" value="subscribe" <?php if ($checked_status) echo 'checked="checked" ';?>/><?php _e($sg_subscribe->not_subscribed_text); ?></label>
Das macht es einfacher, die einzelnen Elemente zu formatieren und hatte auch sofort den gewünschten Effekt, dass nun alle Checkboxen und die dazugeh?rigen Texte sauber in Reih und Glied standen. Wahrscheinlich gibt es noch mindestens einen Weg, wie das auch ohne ?nderung an der php_Datei m?glich gewesen w?re, ich bin jetzt nicht der CSS-Profi. Aber ich denke, diese ?nderung würde es generell allen anderen Laien leichter machen.
Das nur mal als Anregung für das n?chste Update eventuell.
]]>Hallo Zusammen,
ich habe da seit neuesten (ein paar Tagen) das Problem, das ich jede Menge Mails (Rückstreuung, Backscatter) erhalte. Ich konnte das Ganze nun soweit zurückverfolgen, das es damit zusammenh?ngt, das Spammer versuchen ein Kommentar in den Blog zu schreiben, dieses von AntiSpam Bee gleich aussortiert wird. Leider verschickt das DOI-Plugin dennoch eine Mail mit dem Best?tigungslink, die natürlich nicht zugestellt werden kann, da die Mail-Adresse die ein Spammer so angibt nicht existiert. Folglich erhalten ich st?ndig Fehlermeldungen der Mailserver.
Ich meine das Verhalten des DOI-Plugins w?re früher mal anders gewesen, so auf die Art “Nur verschicken, wenn zugelassen”. Jedenfalls suche ich eine L?sung für dieses Problem.
Die ?nderung wie hier https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/keine-benachrichtigungen-mehr-seit-update/ habe ich testweise auch mal versucht, das ?ndert leider nichts.
Evtl. hat ja jemand eine Idee oder einen Tipp für mich.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
seit dem letzten Update bekommen die Abonennten keine Mails mehr, woran kann das liegen? Vielen Dank für die Hilfe.
]]>Is the plugin designed to work in case of nested comments? For me an error message appears, saying the dsgvo checkbox has not been ticked.
]]>Also, not compliant with AMP.
You see the checkbox to subscribe on a cached AMP page but the confirmation email never gets sent.
]]>In a future version would love to see the opt-in email go out ONLY AFTER the Admin approves a comment. That way you don’t end up on spammers email list.
]]>Hi, I’m testing the plugin, but it seems that the notification emails are sent on only the third of the following scenarios:
Is there an issue or is this how it is meant to work?
at first: thanks for your plugin! ??
I have two issues with the subscription email text. It seems that changing the text in the settings does not change the text of the actual emails. And: line breaks appear as \n
in the email, not as actual line breaks.
I do not really know for how long this happens, so I cannot say in which version it appears.
Thanks in advance,
Hi there,
I was wondering: After installing this plugin the checkbox for notifications is checked by default. Is it possible to change that?
I also wondered if it’s possible to change the language of the subscription manager. My site is not in English and I’d like all of my uses to understand the subscription manager.
Thanks in advance!
things are getting weird in the current version of this plugin.
Check the following three screenshots to see what I mean.
is the plugin GDPR compliant?
Does it store any personal data in the wordpress database? (I recon email address and maybe the IP?)
Does it send any personal data to an external server?
Thank you!
]]>I love this plugin, I really do. I was just wondering it there was a way to style the page so that it’s perhaps in a centered table? At the moment, all of the content is just squeezed on the left-hand side:
Thank you @tobiask for updating the plugin to make it compatible with WordPress 4.8.2.
Keep up the great work.
Kind regards
after updating to PHP 7.1 I get the following error on the subscription manager page:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in \wp-content\plugins\subscribe-to-double-opt-in-comments\subscribe-to-doi-comments.php:475
May be you can fix this? Thank you.
]]>Fatal error: Cannot redeclare show_subscription_checkbox() (previously declared in /home2/directory/public_html/website/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php:37) in /home2/directory/public_html/website/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-double-opt-in-comments/subscribe-to-doi-comments.php on line 36
I have a Problem with the Plugin. The Plugin have old php visits and everytime by a comment it comes Error lines. Can you fix this is the next Update please
will there be an update for WP 4.6?
Best regards,
I’ve tested all my plugins with this PHP linter:
Unfortunately I found a problem with your plugin:
FILE: /wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-double-opt-in-comments/subscribe-to-doi-comments.php
986 | ERROR | Deprecated PHP4 style constructor are not supported since PHP7
Would be great if you can fix this!
All the best,
]]>When a person clicks to manage subscriptions they get this message:
You may not access this page without a valid key.
How will that be provided?
]]>Disappointing as the commenter sees the option to subscribe, but even if the box is checked they don’t get an email requesting optin and they don’t get notification of a reply to their comment.
]]>Using wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-double-opt-in-comments/subscribe-to-doi-comments.php and the functions wpdb::escape() and get_settings() Deprecated Calls are used.
1.Use wpdb::prepare() or esc_sql() instead.
Deprecated in version 3.6.
2. Use get_option() instead.
Deprecated in version 2.1.
Would it be possible to Change this with the next update?
]]>Hi, I’ve recently been getting a new error on my site. When subscribing to a post without commenting, I’m directed to a page with the error “You may not access this page without a valid key.”
This error was not occurring previously, and I can’t resolve it, especially with my limited technical knowledge. Please help, thanks!
]]>If i activate this plugin, my checkbox has no text. There is only the checkbox. You can see it on:
]]>Please correct this in one of the next versions ??
thanks in advanced!
Notice: Undefined variable: id in
on line 541
Notice: wpdb::escape ist seit Version 3.6 veraltet!
Benutze stattdessen wpdb::prepare() or esc_sql(). in /xxx/wp-includes/functions.php
on line 3391
Notice: Undefined index: subscribe in
on line 549
Notice: get_settings ist seit Version 2.1 veraltet! Benutze stattdessen get_option().
in /xxx/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3391
Notice: Undefined offset: 2048 in
on line 454
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by
(output started at
/xxx/subscribe-to-double-opt-in-comments/subscribe-to-doi-comments.php:541) in
/xxx/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1196
i have a lot of Strict Standards-Error’s in
Strict Standards: Non-static method sg_subscribe_settings::form_setting() should not be called statically in …
Whats wrong?
]]>Hey there,
this plugin is great and it works like a charm instead of one point:
While I’m logged in as the author of an article, the plugin shows me the text for an subscribed commenter instead of the text for the author of the blogpost. Further on the link to the Subscription Manager doesn’t work. The URL of the link looks like this:
By clicking on it i get an error that says there is no valid key to enter the Subscription Manager (of course).
Hope you can help me out!
Best regards
Everything works perfectly apart from the management subscription page – it’s showing as a white page instead of incorporating into my theme layout. I love the options that are provided…is there a way to get it into my themes layout (I’ve changed the path but still white page layout)
Thanks in advance
first thanks a lot for your plugin
I’ve just noticed on my webmaster tools account that Google has been following the subscribe links to the ‘manage subscriptions’ pages, and suddenly every post on my site is generating a crawl error.
A simple rel=’nofollow’ in the link would be a great start, but an even better solution if it’s possible would be to add a ‘noindex, nofollow’ robots meta tag to all of the plugin’s management pages as well.
Google has informed me about this issue, so I add to my robots.txt
Disallow: /comment-subscriptions/?*
thanks a lot!