We don’t use cases so much but want to know if the Pro version can allow one to show Invoices, Quotes, etc.?
I came from previous version (1.0.1) which is working great.
Just now, update the plugin to latest version (2.0.0) and I found my portal now stop working.
My customer portal now only displays the plugin short-code “[sugar-crm-portal]”.
How to configure the latest version? Please help. The installation guide not reflect with latest version.
I do not know how to interact with wordpress / woocommerce and suitCRM users ??
Ubuntu 16.04 lamp environment (wordpress and woocommerce) and sugarcrmsuitecrm-customer-portal plugin configured correctly (Connection successful.)
Follow below steps to create these fields in CRM >
1. Create ‘username_c’ and ‘password_c’ fields in Contacts
* Go to Admin -> Studio -> Contacts Module -> Fields -> Add Field
1. Give name and label of the field.
2. Check Required checkbox and click Create.
3. Both fields should be of varchar type.
4. Follow this process for both the fields.
2. Place both the fields in Editview and Detailview.
* Go to Admin -> Studio -> Contacts Module -> Layouts -> EditView/DetailView
1. Drag and Drop field from left side panel to desired place.
2. Follow same steps for both Edit and Detail View.
Installed packages > WordPress 4.6 | Woocommerce 2.6 | SuiteCRM 7.7.8 | SugarCRMsuite-customer-portal 2.0
Is it possible to customise the fields in the profile and sync them to suite CRM. Would also be possible that customer or ourselves could attach documents in the Documents section of the suite with this portal?
]]>I successfully connected the plugin and inserted the short code on our website. The portal login does show up, but I am getting these error messages on the page above it:
Notice: Undefined index: scp-page in /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/sugarcrmsuitecrm-customer-portal/sugarcrmsuitecrm-customer-portal.php on line 1470
Notice: Undefined index: scp-page in /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/sugarcrmsuitecrm-customer-portal/sugarcrmsuitecrm-customer-portal.php on line 1473
Notice: Undefined index: signup in /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/sugarcrmsuitecrm-customer-portal/sugarcrmsuitecrm-customer-portal.php on line 225
What do I need to do to correct this?
I just installed your plugin, it connected to the sugarcrm server perfectly. The only problem I have is that I’m using Accesspress Basic V3.0.5 theme. When I enable the plugin, the style and theme stops working and layout of the pages is all haywire. Need some help.
Pranav Jairam
the plugin is correctly setting up; I can log in and see cases but when I try to add, see case detail or change profil I get an empty page.
Worpress was installed with Project Nami WordPress 4.5.3 on ISS 7 (PHP 5.6) and SQL 2012.
What can I do ? I don’t find any log errors
The plugin was successfully installed. On the sign up page it displays a message successfully signed up but the record details are not displayed on suitecrm contact page and the same with adding cases as well.
Suite CRM Version: Version 7.5.3
Thank you
Great Job!
Is there any Spanish Translation?
If not, how can I translate it?
Thanks in advance.
I am new in WordPress.
I am install WordPress and set my suiteCRM credential.
But now how to display cases list in WordPress portal.
]]>I did exactly as instructed in installation guide, but facing two problems:
1. After plugin activation, my site does not show any post image and sliders are not working
2. I put crm site details, but WordPress is unable to connect
– URL format I used: https://crm.prosperamundi.eu/service/v4_1/rest.php
– admin user and password are working fine
I am using WP 4.3, Divi theme by Elegantthemes, Windows based server.
CRM version used: SuiteCRM ver. 7.3
Please advise what I did wrong.
]]>Good Day,
I’ve installed the plugin, completed the setup (connection Successful) and created the two of contact fields in SuiteCRM.
I can’t seem to figure out what is the URL I would use to access the portal? Would it be:
]]>I would like to know if this portal can do much more than it currently does? Can I provide a customer with access to view their organization (account) data like invoices, contacts, etc?