Users that are administrators are not able to use the date and time section under the editor, it is only available when using a super admin account. Can you let me know how I can let people set the time and date?
This plugin is great – exactly what it says. I’m using it and just had to make one tiny change that I’d suggest implementing.
Could you please add “,’with_front’ => false” to line 542 in class-super-simple-events.php? It just removes any custom permalink structure defined in settings from the beginning of event permalinks – something I needed in my environment. I figure if people do want the same thing on their event permalinks they can always add it in your settings page.
]]>Checking “Hide Past Events” in the plugin settings seems to hide the event on the day of the event. Maybe it is using UTC date instead of local date & time?
In my case it is desirable to have the event displayed the entire day of the event, and it’s OK for it to display the day after.
If this a bug that can be fixed in a timely manner I can wait. Otherwise I’ll dig into the code to add 1 day before an event is hidden. Suggestions on where to go in the code would be helpful.
]]>When I finish creating an event it saves, but I get a 404 when I click on it.
/events/ also shows a 404.
Is there a shortcode required?
]]>I’ve got a multisite set up, with super simple events installed on one of these blogs. This plugin hits my needs exactly, thank you!
However… As a super admin I can set/edit the plugin settings and see/edit event settings, but the administrators for the individual blog cannot see these settings. Is there something wrong with my set up or is this a bug?
]]>I like this plugin’s simplicity, and so does my client. However, I had to use the pull request currently on GitHub to be able to save the widget’s settings.
Is this pull request going to make it into a new release of the plugin? As far as I can tell it works great on 4.0.
]]>two questions:
where can i update the mod_rewrite if I wanted to change this from /events/ to /something-else/?
where can i control which template this plugin uses instead of defaulting to my theme’s index.php?
The widget by default only displays 5 events and has the default Upcoming events title. I dont seem to be able to change this. I have tried adding a custom title to the widget and saving it but it doesnt save.
Although it is down as 5 events by default it seems to be showing all events so unsure how to resolve.
Is there any support being provided for this as I would like to continue to use it?
]]>Maybe I am just missing it in the documentation but I am not seeing a shortcode or a way to display the events list besides a widget? Is there a shortcode like [events] or something to this effect for displaying in a page?