It seem plugin is not compatible with current WP version , after clicking setting tabs page is not displaying. Can anyone help?
I am trying to setup redirection based on on roles. It its not working through superslider but it does when I go from /wp-login.php. I am guessing the plugin is overriding this somewhere can you instruct me on how I can acheive this ?
function users_login_redirect($redirect_to, $request, $user)
return (in_array('administrator', $user->roles)) ? admin_url() : '/members';
add_filter( 'login_redirect', 'users_login_redirect', 10, 3);
Everything is in the title.
I’m testing my site so I have to switch themes or disable/enable plugins, but the plugin resets.
]]>WordPress version: 3.7 – 3.8.3
Superslider plugin: 3.2
Welcome. Slider works correctly. Only CLOSE does not show in the panel horizontal position. Where to look for the cause. Does not work with any template.
This option shows after disconnection plugin Contact Form FREE ver 1.6.3 (
I’d like to remove the register form and add my own content there, while keeping the login form. Is this possible?
Thanks for your assistance.
]]>I have the most reent version of WordPress and the plugin. I have a dedicated page where users can update their profle without accessing the wordpress dashboard.
Is there a way to remove the links to the profile and dashboard from the slider once a user has logged in? Eg. So it only shows the log out option.
WordPress version: 3.6.1
SuperSlider-Login plugin version: 3.2
I did this:
Personalize Slidein Panel:
Panel Type: Login
I expected the plugin to do this:
I click Login
and throws me to the page https://mysait/login/
Instead it did this:
How to do so when you click login
occurred entrance to the site?
I am looking for a way to remove the borders between widgets. I managed to remove the of them by changing the css:
#loginpanel .widget-second {
padding: 0px;
border-left: 0px;
border-right: 0px;
#loginpanel .second {
padding: 5px;
border-left: 0px;
border-right: 0px;
I am desparately looking for the class that removes the borders between widgets, but I cannot find this. Is there anyone who can shed a light on what to do?
Many thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Hi David,
wonderful plugin! works also nearly out of the box, only thing is I cannot get the registration form to work within the panel… it always redirects me to the registration page.. any ideas on this?
thanks and regards,
how can I make Super slider login to be fixed in its position so by scrolling website page it stays at the corner of window and always available .
thank you
]]>my super slider is working fine on all other pages except my home page, when i click the super slider the URL just shows
and nothing happens.
i have re installed the newer version but the problem is as it is ?
]]>Hello ??
I meet a problem of display. I selected well the widget option but nothing displays when I activate them while the headband (banner) works well.
What may I make by knowing that I am not developer please?
Although, I find more attractive such as it is at present, but I should to move the tab in the center because it hides a top menu which I cannot delete. Is it possible?
Thank you very much in advance of your help,
Very cordially.
I realy would like to use your plugin.
The screenshots you show on this site is not showing like that at al.
Also, the login/register doesnt work. Eventhough I have the latest plugin.
The only thing that works are the different colors and the logout.
Further, nothing is workin at all. (no login/ no register/ no slides)
I must say: My compliments for the support you give.
I notice you have a quick respons..
Keep up the good work!
daydreamshotel dot com..
]]>Superslider plugin: Superslide Login
Plugin version: 3.2
The plugin is working nicely. I like it, but wondered if there is a way to turn off the Dashboard for any user except the Admin.
Thanks for your consideration.
i’m using wo 3.4.2 and the super slider login plugin. In the frontend all is working fine but in the admin the option panel is not working. what ca i do? i can see only the menue but this is not working.
]]>I use the SuperSlider Login on my homepage since quite a time now, it always used to work perfectly.
Since the recent upgrade to WordPress Version 3.5 however, the SuperSlider would not slide any more. Any hints are appreciated?
]]>I was following the “Read first” topic in your forums, so here are the details you need:
WordPress version: 3.5
Superslider plugin: 3.0
Plugin version:
I did this: I installed the plugin and tested it –> only the logout button is working.
Then, I deactivated all plugins except the SuperSlider Login and activated the default theme –> Same problem
I expected the plugin to do this: To open the Dashboard when I click on the Dashboard button
Instead it did this: nothing
Can you please help me? I would love to use your plugin.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi, I have the same problem as there:
But i don’t now how repair it, How I can fixed problem with Javascript? .. Thanks a lot!
good to see you on the Superslider support forums. Please read this and follow these guidelines before opening a new thread:
First, ensure you have the latest version of the plugin and check if your problem still exists with that version.
Second, search the forums for similar threads and see if any of the proposed solutions work for you.
Third, to test what’s wrong, disable all your other plugins and switch to the default WordPress theme for a bit. If the problem persists, open a thread, if not, figure out which plugin is the cause of the problem and open a thread mentioning both plugins.
Finally, if you decide to open a new thread, Use this template:
WordPress version:
Superslider plugin:
Plugin version:I did this:
I expected the plugin to do this:
Instead it did this:
]]>How can I translate this plugin into my language?
Please, post information about this.
]]>Love your Slider Login,
great alternative to the Buddypress Super Slider,
Why does the registar slider request a Frist and Second name as required? how would i go about disabling this feature?
so i only need to request Username and Email and have the passwrd sent via Email
]]>super-slider does not work at all on my side.
It is installed and activated but you see nothing on the home page.
]]>hi there, is this plugin work on Multisite??
]]>Hello there!
Yes, i want to know if this pluyin has more themes to use?
]]>Just thinking how can i make this float when scroll down.
]]>The plugin superslider-login has been updated to version 2.0,
And domain for superslider has moved, demos here.
demo 1 says:: failed to load page content
]]>For some reason the superslider login quit working on my website. When I am logged in and I press the Dashboard button nothing happens. the Logout button still works but I cant get the slider to activate.
]]>Hi there is a error with qTranslate enable. THe url form path is genereted by wordpress function bloginfo(‘wpurl’).
login_panel.php ( row 138)
<form class=”clearfix test” action=”<?php bloginfo(‘wpurl’) ; ?>/wp-login.php” method=”post”>
The results is wrong because if user click to change language the URL to wp-login.php is wrong.
EX my blog is
and my wp-login.php is located in
When I change my language. For example Espa?ol my location is
so <?php bloginfo(‘wpurl’) ; ?>/wp-login.php” in the login form return and it’s wrong!
I resolv this issue using <form class=”clearfix test” action=”<?php echo(site_url()); ?>/wp-login.php” method=”post”>
But if wordpress is installed in a subfolder tha path has to be adjust!
]]>Is there a way to separate between the register and login in two links options?