I get a message: Handlekurven er ute av synk, du m? laste inn kassen p? nytt, og s? fors?ke p? nytt.
But I have some products in my cart, I reload the page, but I get same error.
What could be causing this error?
]]>customer turned 18 in begging of february. yet he can’t purchase items set to minimum 18 of age. with the error “din varukorg inneh?ller varor med 18-?rs gr?ns, v?nligen ta bort dessa f?r att forts?tta”. Han ?r 18 ?r och 3 veckor.
We get a lot of different formatted phone numbers in our orders, and upon checking it is shockingly common that customers enter more or less than the standard numbers used. This leads to customers not getting tracking information and missing collecting their parcels.
Is there any option to force both formatting and lenght of phone numbers in the checkout?
Such as [+46] [Field for customer to enter 9 numbers]
Best Regards
Hi Svea Support Team,
I am experiencing an issue with the validation callback in the Svea Checkout integration on my WooCommerce site. Even though the logs show a successful response for the validation callback, the front-end displays a “Validation callback failed” message.
]]>We are having problems with the checkout on our page. The placeholder for the payment iFrame isn’t removed. There are no errors in the web browser console. If I activate logging for Svea Checkout this is returned after the order information:
2025-01-03T22:20:59+00:00 Info PID: #1455418 - Order creation resulted in the order 81905351
2025-01-03T22:21:01+00:00 Info PID: #1455868 - Received push for order 81905351
2025-01-03T22:21:01+00:00 Info PID: #1455868 - Received push for order we don't have yet. Standing by (81905351)
We do not know how long this has been going on, but it might be all the way back in September.
Have tried:
is it possible to force a minimum age for the entire store so that when Svea checkout is used it always asks to verify agree with bankid?
]]>Hi, we are having trouble with payment for freight to countries outside Europe. If we choose a product that is free but has a freight cost to for example south africa the svea checkout module doesn’t load as i does for countries within europe. If we choose a product that isn’t free the checkout loads but it still doesn’t add the freight cost. We have the same freight settings for all countries outside Sweden
]]>The window for Svea takes a long time before it is loaded and displayed in the checkout.
I tried roughly all the plugins that I could find to print invoice, delivery notes etc.
But, even though the Organization Number is present in the order, it doesn’t show up when trying to print with these plugins.
Just wanted to check if it is related to the checkout plugin, so I can try to get in touch with those plugins support.
For example, I was using this plugin https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woocommerce-delivery-notes/
But now it doesn’t work.
And this is what they have in the help section of the plugin:
Use the
filter hook. It returns all the fields as array. Read the WooCommerce documentation to learn how you get custom checkout and order fields. Tip: To get custom meta field values you will most probably need theget_post_meta( $order->get_id(), 'your_meta_field_name', true);
function and of course theyour_meta_field_name
An example that adds a 'VAT' and 'Customer Number' field to the end of the list. Paste the code in thefunctions.php
file of your theme:
function example_custom_order_fields( $fields, $order ) {
$new_fields = array();
if( get_post_meta( $order->get_id(), 'your_meta_field_name', true ) ) {
$new_fields['your_meta_field_name'] = array(
'label' => 'VAT',
'value' => get_post_meta( $order->get_id(), 'your_meta_field_name', true )
if( get_post_meta( $order->get_id(), 'your_meta_field_name', true ) ) {
$new_fields['your_meta_field_name'] = array(
'label' => 'Customer Number',
'value' => get_post_meta( $order->get_id(), 'your_meta_field_name', true )
return array_merge( $fields, $new_fields );
add_filter( 'wcdn_order_info_fields', 'example_custom_order_fields', 10, 2 );
Wanted to be sure if their premium version would work?
]]>When put items in basket the plugin just thinking nothing happens. can’t enter personal info to order.
]]>With the new update, when people check out, we get the warning “Ditt k?p kunde inte slutf?ras. F?rs?k g?rna igen. Kontakta butiken om problemet kvarst?r.” When i do a rollback 1-2 versions it works fine.
There is a missmatch between on cart and plugin.. This I probably related to desimals in qty field
]]>I am unable to checkout when the amount is 0 in the checkout I am getting this error.
Beloppet ?r f?r l?gt f?r att k?pet ska kunna slutf?ras. L?gg till fler varor eller ta bort eventuella rabattkoder och f?rs?k igen.
The amount is too low to complete the purchase. Add more items or remove any discount codes and try again.
Checkout screenshot: https://app.screencast.com/lhFs2ZbdDeAYE
]]>we are getting loads of orders that get stuck in the waiting payment. When looking at theloggs everything looks ok but when contacting the customers they say when trying to verify that they are 18+ the payment didn’t go through. One customer said that they got redirected to the cart with the message cat is not synced.
we need help.
]]>looks like the Svea modules takesahold of the entire checkout as the normal Woocommerce hooks doesn’t work.
id like to add the mailchimp signup box to the checkout. How would i go about?
]]>Hello Team,
I am selling online course using WooCommerce subscription products but when I am providing a 30 days free trial into that product it is not allowing to do the checkout. Can you tell me if there is any setting that is missing to make it working.
When svea is activated i can’t remove the order notes field. Any solution? below is the code
add_filter( 'woocommerce_enable_order_notes_field' , '__return_false' , 9999 );
Hi, we have updated plugin to 2.8.9 and after this we started getting errors in our log:
Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Utils::chooseHandler() in /public/wp-content/plugins/svea-checkout-for-woocommerce/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/functions.php:61
The files users upload on the cart page don’t appear on the order page.
trying to buy something but after i input my credentials i get
“Kontrollera de angivna uppgifterna och f?rs?k igen, Kontrollera de angivna uppgifterna och f?rs?k igen”
this is after i write my email, zip, phone and my personal birth number.
also if i change zipcode in this step the shipping (connected to nshift’ is nt updated
]]>In one of our website we are using SVEA Checkout along with the WooCommerce subscription but its stop working now and I am not able to checkout a product that has subscription.
Check the screenshot attach of the error I am getting.
Sometime I got this.
Tyv?rr verkar det inte finnas n?gra tillg?ngliga betalningsmetoder som st?der prenumerationer. Kontakta oss om du beh?ver hj?lp eller vill g?ra alternativa arrangemang.
I noticed a bug in the Polylang_Compat::change_push_uri() method.
The order of the arguments in the str_replace functions is wrong.
Instead of:
$data['MerchantSettings']['PushUri'] = str_replace( pll_home_url(), home_url( '/' ), $data['MerchantSettings']['PushUri'] );
It should be:
$data['MerchantSettings']['PushUri'] = str_replace( home_url( '/' ), pll_home_url(), $data['MerchantSettings']['PushUri'] );
Please compare it with the WPML_Compat::change_push_url() method that seems to be written correctly.
]]>Noticed the themes setting for disabling/hiding the order note field in checkout have no effect, nor does the filter:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_enable_order_notes_field', '__return_false', 9999 );
So without checking any deeper in your plugin I just assume you have some own logic loading it no matter what, and thus I would request adding a setting for it in the plugin, as some store owners doesn’t want to have the field available in checkout.
]]>I have a website in WooCommerce and using SVEA checkout plugin, how can I change the quantity of the products on the checkout page.
]]>I think it would be a good idea to start writing on the missing documentation for everything soon, especially the new Instore feature, where the only “doc” you have seems to be this: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/new-feature-where-is-it/#post-17829973
Meanwhile, could you please describe how it is supposed to be used and how it should work here, step by step?
I’m asking because I’ve tested it, created an order for myself from admin, having the ‘Awaiting payment’ status, and saved it. Then I pushed the new button who appeared for sending the payment link, and the screen refreshed and added an order note: ?Instore order created with Svea ID: …?, and it’s also added some info in the order details section (Payment link is sent. SMS sent successfully). In spite of this I received no mail or SMS, and can’t see the order in Payment Admin (test environment).
Maybe it’s something wrong somewhere else, but hard to tell if we don’t know how it’s supposed to be used, and how it should work in Woo.
Sidenote! minutesUntilLinkExpires is set where? By the the Woo stock hold?
]]>We found some issue in checkout. As soon as customer go to checkout it create the order. if customer leave then it stay as pending. Even if customer get back to website and change cart item then go to checkout it create another pending order in backend. This create lot of issue.
We can not use other payment system in website because when It create pending order then later when order is mark as Processing then svea override it and set pending.
I think create order as soon as customer in checkout is bad for us. anyway to stop it?
I noticed in the changeling that the following feature has been introduced:
Instore: create a new order as an store manager and send a payment link to the customer via email/sms.
I’ve tried it but can’t see it anywhere? Is it supposed to show up in the Admin order section?
Thank in advance!
]]>While testing in the test environment I got this interesting behaviour;
First I created one order, checked out, and the order got this famous ‘Awaiting status’.
Later when I tested another order with a different product, Svea Checkout recreated the old order with this non matching total.
If this happens to regular customers, it’s quite probelematic. Don’t know how long after this can happen, and normally someone wouldn’t add two orders in a row, but it sure happens from time to time – thus this should probably be looked into more closely. I recall seeing some recreating order code added in the plugin, and guess it’s related.
I can’t tell you how to recreate it though, if it happens just now and then for whatever reason I don’t know. But I trust you know Svea Checkout API well, and can trigger such behaviour as the ‘Awaiting status’ etc. for testing.
Anyhow it also happened with just Storefront, Woo and Svea active.
]]>Sometimes when the customers adds an order note in checkout it’s being lost, because of the previously mentioned issues with the cart not refreshing and storing data added to the “Woo parts” of the checkout.
Tested and confirmed with just Storefront, Woo and Svea active.
Go to checkout and start the payment, select t.ex. card payment and select ‘Go to payment’ in Svea Checkout. When the card fields open, add a order note, and then complete the payment – and the order note is lost.
]]>Using PHP 8.0 I found this being logged:
PHP Warning: Undefined array key “billing_address_1” in /wp-content/plugins/svea-checkout-for-woocommerce/inc/Webhook_Handler.php on line 615
PHP Warning: Undefined array key “shipping_address_1” in /wp-content/plugins/svea-checkout-for-woocommerce/inc/Webhook_Handler.php on line 615
Yeah, it’s just warnings, but still. ??
]]>Hello there! I have an client that has reported an issue that I cannot make sense of.
Svealog says this:
Order ID:1021066
Order Number:1021066
Svea order ID:68223241
Payment validations #:3Payment type:Currency:NOK
Order final:No
Order final (formatted):–
The order notes can be viewed here. https://det.maksimer.es/i/YPxU5n. But in short; first note says that “Error received when trying to cancel order in Svea: Order cannot be found”. Second note says that “Order cancelled by customer. Order status changed from Pending Payment to Cancelled”. Then there is a stock reduction – and then then it is moved from cancelled to processing.
Any idea how this can happen and ever heard if this before?
Plugin version: 2.2.1
WordPress version 6.2
WooCommerce version 7.6.1