After a full day of troubleshooting the virus warnings our users were getting we identified the culprit… SweetCaptcha is purposely injecting pop-up ads into the footer of every page. On first user click the pop-up is engaged. Uninstall and reprot.
]]>I had to uninstall SweetCapcha because it was causing malicious popups on my website. The popup ads are being triggered through a javaascript file serverd from The offending javascript-file has this URL in the source: //
There is a reference to a javascript file on This triggers the popup to
How can you insure that this will never happen again?
]]>Hello – we’ve been using your plugin for a year or so and it’s worked really well but this last Wednesday, the 27th, we’ve been getting flooded with spam, we get about 1 new spam user every 5-10 minutes and then tons of spam once they’re registered. Nothing had changed on that day in our server. The only thing i’ve done at this point is upgrade the plugin to the latest version.
We’re a big social site and are sort of in a mission critical situation here – if you could take a look at this we’d greatly appreciate it.
]]>Developer toolbar has revealed a syntax error which is not being trapped.
“Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number”
It relates to the variable sweetcaptchaPluginVersion
You have assigned an invalid number. The variable should be in string format I believe for the versioning style you are using. Two decimal points in a number is invalid.
window.sweetcaptchaPluginVersion = 3.1.0;
I am trying to resolve a problem on my client’s site to do with Google Analytics error “Missing Tracking Code”. The site’s tracking code is fine on pages that do not have Sweet Captcha on and is added to the page via the “All In One SEO Pack” plugin however on pages with SweetCaptcha the Chrome extension “Tag Assistant (by Google)” reports “No HTTP Response Detected”.
Is anyone else experiencing this and could it be due to multiple tracking codes on the page?
Page that is OK (no SweetCaptcha):
Page that is failing:
Thank you
I’ve embedded the shortcode for sweet captcha to my theme template and works well. However, there is no error message should a guest registering try to skip the captcha. So page gets reloaded without submission, and its stuck on captcha step. Anyone know of a solution to get the error message if skipping?
<?php echo sweetcaptcha_shortcode(); ?>
]]>I’m using sweetcaptcha in the contact form 7 plugin on the contact page and every page save for the contact page has a little broken img icon below the footer. Example here.
]]>Sweet Captcha stopped working since we upgraded to 4.1 Now running 4.1.1 and still not working. Forms can be submitted w/o spam control
]]>Using WP4.01 / Woo 2.2.11 / SweetCaptcha 3.0.9
All the boxes are checked for login, lost-password and registration in the SC settings panel.
Sweet Captcha shows up for woo registration, but not on the woo login form. It does show up on the WP admin login form.
So the questions are:
1. Does it work with woo login and lost-password forms? If so, any ideas on how to do so?
2. If it can work with the woo login form, how can I stop it from appearing on the regular WP admin login? — as I have a separate security plugin that works with the admin login and I don’t want sweet captcha to show up there.
]]>Sweetcaptha is no longer working with WP 4.1 on our site.
In search for another tool to block spam.
I just intalled your plugin and when people’s are trying to register, captcha is not appear to be “required” “*” field.
people can register without answering “sweet captcha”.
how can i make this field to be required field?
]]>When using firefox (current browser) the sweetcapcha layout is mucked up on the user account registration page.
It renders fine in Chrome and even IE !!
Everything appears up to date, anyone have any ideas ?
]]>The boxes appear in the app but there are no graphics.
]]>Sweet Captcha’s (3.0.9) drag graphics are too wide for the div and the scroll hides the bottom half of the image.
]]>My site is not online yet. How can I test this plugin in my localhost? It doesn’t accept https://localhost/apoise/ as a website adress.
]]>SweetCaptcha worked GREAT… until I upgraded to WordPress 4.1. It’s as if the spam filter just suddenly stopped working. I sent an email to Support, and I expect to hear back from them soon.
Can I use SweetCaptcha with an imbedded MailChimp form?
If so, how?
]]>Hi, I love Sweet Captcha for our site, but our organization is going 501c3, and we may need to be fully ADA compliant. Currently Sweet Captcha doesn’t support this–or am I missing it somewhere? I’d love to keep it, but this may not allow us to do so if ADA compliance isn’t part of it.
]]>One of the biggest problems WordPress users have is protecting a page. We don’t want to password protect it but it sure would be nice to have to pass a captcha just to get to see the page.
One application is being able to put something like an email subscription or newsletter sign up code on that particular page. Robots always hit that and many newsletter and subscription features do not provide captcha to dissuade robot signups. I’m sure there are other applications for which people would like to protect pages but not use a password.
]]>Hi there,
I installed your plugin yesterday and am so far quite pleased with it. I’m considering upgrading to a premium theme but I have the following question:
Will upgrading to a premium theme remove the “Powered by sweetCaptcha” signature from the login page?
Thanks in advance.
]]>For some time sweetcaptcha is using deafult ENG language even if i have Polish language checked on
Is this gonna be fixed? Because this problem persists for few months now… at least for me.
]]>Hi we can no longer login to our site as the
captcha doesn’t load at /wp-admin
haven’t had any issues up until now.
Also cannot load your site
please advise,
]]>Is your service temporarily down?
]]>Hello! I have loved this plugin since I installed it earlier this year with no issues. I am working to convert my site to HTTPS and while I have been able to fix elements for this, it appears that Sweet Captcha is the last hurdle I have to overcome. When I test using , in regards to Sweet Captcha, I see the following: is valid and secure. SSL verification issue (Possibly mis-matched URL or bad intermediate cert.). Details:
ERROR: no certificate subject alternative name matches
In checking the validity of this, checking yields no SSL. I don’t see a reference to in the source code when doing a search, so I don’t know where this could be coming from. Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
]]>I’m using the WP-Members ( registration form and sweet captcha isn’t appearing on the page. I have a ‘create account’ page and the WP-Members form is a shortcode; will I be able to use sweet captcha with this registration form?
]]>There is “ssl_error_bad_cert_domain”
No one can pay via paypal … What to do?
]]>Hello, plugin says:
“Your sweetCaptcha plugin is not setup yet” on users site, but, it is already activated for WordPress Multisite. or Do I need to set up something more?
Thank you
I think you need to do some little fix. When i look at my Chrome console, it tells me:
Uncaught Reference Error: jQuery is not defined: swtcptcf.js:30
it seems you need require jQuery before your script?
I just activated this plug in and it appears to work fine for the default WordPress Login, but it won’t work for the WooCommerce Log in.
It appears to work properly for “Register” option WooCommerce but no where else.
]]>Since I updated some plugins on the 18th July the sweetCaptcha Contact Form has stopped working. It says “Thank you for contacting us” after inputting the form details but the email is not received.