I try to use your plugin but I encounter an issue but no way to solve it.
When activated, my VAT is not rounded the same in cart lines and in cart total.
In the total section, the VAT is multiplied by 100 and rounded correctly.
In lines section, the VAT is NOT multiplied by 100 and is not rounded properly.
Any solution?
I’m working with the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce.
]]>Hi HostBliss
Do you know of any discount plugins that are compatible with your rounding plugin?
I thought about using this plugin, but it calculates prices differently and your plugin has no influence on it: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woo-discount-rules/
I need catalog wide discounts and quantity discounts but it must be rounded like in Switzerland…
Thank you and best regards
]]>Take the following cart:
1 x CHF 219.00
+ 1 x CHF 189.00
+ 2 x CHF 2’458.00
= Subtotal: CHF 2’866.00 excl. VAT
+ Shipping: CHF 12.00
= Total: CHF 2’878 excl. VAT
So the exact VAT amount is CHF 221.606. WooCommerce calculates it as CHF 221.60 – but when I activate your plug-in, the resulting VAT is CHF 221.55!
To me it looks like there’s something going wrong here.
A question about calculation. According to law, VAT WITHOUT rounds must be calculated to two decimal places. Only at the END may the Payable Tax be rounded to 5 centimes in favor of the taxable entity.
I.e. CHF 950.54 becomes 950.50 and e.g. CHF 950.51 becomes 950.55
See here item 6.2: https://www.ech.ch/de/dokument/c1c91d58-22be-4410-af40-d9baf7c8b3ae
However, with your plugin, only the total of the WMST is taken as a basis and then rounded down, which is in my point of view wrong.
Can you give me your feedback on this topic.
Thanks a lot.
PS: I’m not a VAT Specialist – it is just a question because im really not sure about that.
With some products the Rounding is not working Properly . Kindly check