Hello, If we make donations to Syndicate Press, will we be listed/linked as Donors on the following page now as in the past? https://syndicatepress.henryranch.net/donate/
The site looks a bit outdated to me (I see some errors, etc.) so just want to confirm. Thank you!
]]>We were happy to find a plugin which sends articles directly to another wordpress site because we have a bunch of websites. and its a lot of work to publish news on 20 pages.
So we are really sad that the syndicate out plugin does not work with wordpress 5.0/5.1 Gutenberg.
Would it be possible to get an updated version to get it working again with new wordpress versions?
TWe could not find any alternative to this plugin. Can anyone provide another plugin?
]]>Plugin has been updated to resolve issues with deprecated PHP functions.
PHP 7.x removed a number of functions that had been deprecated in the 5.x release branch of PHP. The removal of those functions resulted in the SP plugin breaking.
The latest version of SP resolves these issues by using the replacement functions in PHP 7.x.
Best regards,
SP Developer
I have installed Syndicate, and it added one feed successfully, but it will not add from the additional 3 I have added.
]]>Upon a fresh, first time installation, I got following error. I disable the plugin.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function eregi_replace() in /home/bosto105/public_html/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/php/TinyFeedParser.php:590 Stack trace: #0 /home/bosto105/public_html/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/php/TinyFeedParser.php(506): TinyFeedParser->removeImages(‘A wordpress plu…’) #1 /home/bosto105/public_html/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/php/TinyFeedParser.php(473): TinyFeedParser->cleanupArticle(Object(Article)) #2 /home/bosto105/public_html/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/php/TinyFeedParser.php(360): TinyFeedParser->addArticle(Object(Article)) #3 /home/bosto105/public_html/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/php/TinyFeedParser.php(258): TinyFeedParser->parseRSSFeed(Object(SimpleXMLElement)) #4 /home/bosto105/public_html/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/syndicate-press-plugin.php(1044): TinyFeedParser->parseFeed(‘/home/bosto105/…’) #5 /home/bosto105/public_html/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/syndicate-press-plugin.php(1318): SyndicatePressPlugin->sp_getSPNews() #6 in /home/bosto105/public_html/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/php/TinyFeedParser.php on line 590
I’m trying to bring in a YouTube playlist that is updated once a week. The RSS feed works and creates the post, but the video isn’t embedded in.
I can use the standard embed code
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/XXXXXXXX” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
But I need to replace XXXXXXX with the uniqiue video ID. This date comes in via [original-url] but is in the format
Is there a way in the post settings I can get the video string from the URL and copy it over to the embed string?
The latest versions of your plugin are not correctly tagged with their version number within SVN.
I rely on these version tags in order to update my platform.
I can see the correct tag for version 1.0.33 but since that release, I am no longer seeing the correct version tags.
Please can you fix this so we can update the plugin?
]]>Hello, i am preparing to update the websites i manage to the new PHP 7. On a test site that uses this plugin with php7, i am getting the following error that blocks the homepage from loading. Other pages that are not using your plugins shortcode, work nicely.
Test site: https://dmc.kodeserver.net/
main site: https://dm-c.it/
Hope you can help.
Here is the error from php’s “error_log” file:
[28-Jun-2016 09:28:52 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function split() in hidden_path/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/syndicate-press-plugin.php:276
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: SyndicatePressPlugin->sp_filterCallback(Array)
#1 hidden_path/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/syndicate-press-plugin.php(162): preg_replace_callback(Array, Array, '<pre class="gdl...')
#2 hidden_path/wp-includes/plugin.php(235): SyndicatePressPlugin->sp_ContentFilter('<pre class="gdl...')
#3 hidden_path/wp-content/themes/goodspace/page.php(63): apply_filters('the_content', '<pre class="gdl...')
#4 hidden_path/wp-includes/template-loader.php(75): include('hidden_path/...')
#5 hidden_path/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('hidden_path/...')
#6 hidden_path/index.php(17): require('hidden_path/...')
#7 {main}
thrown in hidden_path/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/syndicate-press-plugin.php on line 276
Does anyone know how to change the language of the dates of the news feed, for example to turn it in french ?
Thanks for helping
]]>Hi, our requirement is different,
please let me know can we direct import product in woo-commerce via RSS/XML/JSON ?
Or Import product in woo-commerce from other websites with same base on woocommerce other platform like magento,opencart,prestashop?
or please add this feature in next version, its our suggestion
]]>Hi, I am pulling data from a craigslist rss feed. I get my listings fine, but I can’t seem to get images. They are housed in an <enc:enclosure> tag, should the plugin be pulling them and displaying them as thumbnails? Thanks!
I get multiple copys of posts in my feed. up to five of the same post. What have I done wrong?
Even if I delet them they come back.
]]>Facebook feed that used to work is now giving an error “Failed to get content from ‘https://www.facebook.com/feeds/page.php?format=rss20&id=%5Bremoved%5D'” It appears that the same error is happening on your website (https://syndicatepress.henryranch.net/feed-tests/facebook-wall-feeds/), so I was wondering if FB perhaps changed their rss structure? Any way to make this work? Thanks for your help.
]]>I must have mis-spelt the Subject line when I first set up this plugin.
Where can I change it please?
How do I stop the author’s name from showing up in the list of posts in my feed?
]]>I have a page dedicated to this plugin, so only thing that shows is the RSS feeds. I have 10 feeds pulling in through the SP feeds, and I noticed that this one page loads very slow, maybe in ~20 seconds or so. Any reason why this would be? Could it be one feed in particular that is slowing the load, or too many feeds, or anything else? Other than that, the SP plugin is pretty awesome.
Can I add a target=”_blank” to the links?
I prefer to have this setting within the admin page.
Maybe with custom field settings?
Gr. Jeen
]]>I’m getting this error:
Sorry, the https://searchenginewatch.com/rss feed is not available at this time.
but, the feed loads fine in Shrook.
Are some sites blocking the distribution of feeds?
Or could it be some other kind of error in my configuration?
Post not published.
I’ve this advises:
Syndicate Press
Version 1.0.30
There may be a problem with your cache permissions:
Main cache: rwxrwxr-x
Input cache: rwxrwxr-x
Output cache: rwxrwxr-x
Please set your cache permissions to rwxr-xr-x.
Your Syndicate Press cache directory is located here: /membri/artikathebastet/nw_wp/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/cache
Error parsing content from https://syndicatepress.henryranch.net/feed/:
Failed to parse given URL reference ().
What I can do to going work the plugin?Also, doesn’t appear any feed on my blog.
Sorry for my english.
i wrote yesterday, making a mistake with the plugin.
I’ve tryed to install your plugin but is giving me an error.
This is the error:
enable = true
enableFeedCache = true
enableOutputCache = true
customCacheDirectory = https://www.columbusprosport.it/category/senza-categoria/
useDownloadClient = true
displayImages = true
allowMarkupInDescription = true
stripCDataTags = true
showContentOnlyInLinkTitle = true
showSyndicatePressLinkback = true
showProcessingMetrics = true
showFeedChannelTitle = true
useCustomFeednameAsChannelTitle = false
showArticlePublishTimestamp = true
limitFeedItemsToDisplay = -1
hideArticlesAfterArticleNumber = -1
limitFeedDescriptionCharsToDisplay = -1
maxHeadlineLength = -1
feedUrlList = https://www.gazzetta.it/rss/home.xml
inclusiveKeywordFilter =
exclusiveKeywordFilter =
timestampFormat = l F jS, Y h:i:s A
cacheTimeoutSeconds = 3600
feedTitleHTMLCodePre = <h2>
feedTitleHTMLCodePost = </h2>
articleTimestampHTMLCodePre = <i>
articleTimestampHTMLCodePost = </i>
articleAuthorHTMLCodePre = <i>
articleAuthorHTMLCodePost = </i>
articleCopyrightHTMLCodePre = <i>
articleCopyrightHTMLCodePost = </i>
articlePriceHTMLCodePre = <i>
articlePriceHTMLCodePost = </i>
articleImageHTMLCodePre = <div>
articleImageHTMLCodePost = </div>
articleTitleHTMLCodePre = <h3>
articleTitleHTMLCodePost = </h3>
articleBodyHTMLCodePre = <div>
articleBodyHTMLCodePost = </div>
feedSeparationHTMLCode = <hr>
addNoFollowTag = true
openArticleInLightbox = false
lightboxHTMLCode = <div id=\"lightbox-external\" class=\"lightbox_content\">
<a href="void(0)" title="click to close the lightbox">X</a>
<iframe id=\"external-content-iframe\" name=\"external-content-iframe\" frameborder=0 width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" scrolling=\"yes\">Hello world!</iframe>
feedNotAvailableHTMLCode = Sorry, the {feedname} feed is not available at this time.
Under the news tab appear:
Failed to get content from ‘https://syndicatepress.henryranch.net/feed/’
Please can you help me?
Hello, I have not much experience with wordpress.
I’m using the newly installed version “You are using FeedWordPress version 2013.0504”.
My web site is https://www.columbusprosport.it/, we are a sport association, we would have sport news from the feed https://ansa.feedsportal.com/c/34225/f/621702/index.rss
Right now is working, but i can’t see the pictures of the news, can you give me a suggest?
Can be done this?
Best regards
the plugin not import new post from the feed source. It was worked correcltly when I’ve installet three days ago.
Where I can set the fedd for download feed from my FB page, for example, every hour?
Thi is my blog:
Its stopped at 31th march, when I’ve activate the plugin. ??
I have tested everything but unfortunately the plugin doesn′t work.
Maybe some could help me.
Thanks a lot!
I am using this plugin to show news excerpts from different sites on my platform, but since recently it fails to get the content from the different feeds. When I go to the plugin, it shows: “Failed to get content from ‘https://syndicatepress.henryranch.net/feed/’ ” under the ‘news’ tab. I have cleared all cache but that does not work unfortunately. What can I do to fix this. My webpage is: https://www.bigdata-startups.com/latest-news/
]]>Hi i realy like this plugin and i am wondering if i can display all fids in timeline insted off Feed adress.
i have 5 feeds adresses from 5 different sites.
i wont to get the lates bloggpost at the top off my feed.
if [site2] post at am06:00
and [site4] post at am02:00
and [site4] post agen am08:00
then: [site4] post at the top and [site2] post under and [site4] post at last.
to do this i need to catogorate in time i think. but how?
]]>I’m trying to use a Yahoo rss feed and here is what is happening: When I input the feed then save settings the feed works. However if I go back into the feed pane the feed address seems to have changed. For example:
If the settings are saved again it breaks.
Has anyone else seen anything like this, and if so is there a workaround or should this be logged as a bug?
Apart from this odd thing everything is working fine…
]]>Hi will this plug in bring in news from various sources using key wards such as Steel?
Can it then display the news items on the site without clicking on the RSS feed button?
]]>Is there a way to sort the feed contents so that the most recent content from each feed shows on top rather than feed by feed?
I use FeedWordPress on some sites and it does this…
It looks like Facebook feeds use an image that ends in _s.jpg (s means small). The normal sized image is the same URL but ends in “_n.jpg”
Where could I set to remplace the links _s.jpg to _n.jpg?
Thank you, César
Thanks for a great plug-in!
I’ve tried to style the contents using CSS and I’ve bumped into a couple of issues.
First the whole “plug-in area” could need an enclosing div with a unique class (e.g. “sp-feeds”).
This should preferably not be an identifier since that makes designing all usages of the plug-in hard. (I guess a compromise could be a class and an id).
This makes it easier to limit CSS to just the content from the plug-in.
Then each feed could use an enclosing div with a unique class (e.g. “sp-feed”).
This makes it easier to design the display of each feed. The same discussion for class vs id as above can be applied here.
Each article in a feed could use a class (e.g. “sp-feed-article”) to make it possible to design all the articles with one CSS entry, instead of having to design each unique article by it’s id.
Finally the powered by and stats text at the bottom could need an enclosing div (e.g. “sp-footer”), in order to design them separately.
Here’s an example of why I’d love to have the above divs:
I had a design where I made things “float:left”.
I had to add an enclosing div around the short code for the plug-in (which is a bit impractical). This in order to limit my CSS to just the output of the plug-in.
I still had the problem that the “powered by” and stats ended up at the top of the list of articles at the far left.
There is, given the current HTML of the plug-in, no way to place this text at a more appropriate location since I can’t address it with a CSS command without an enclosing div with a class (or id or both).
I hope this rather long entry is of help.
Thanks again for a great plug-in!