So this plugin still works great. You still need to do the install. Activate, deactivate, reactivate to get it working. But once it’s going, A+++!
Question is, is there anyway to add a list of taglines? Where one line registers as one tagline. . . There was another plugin, Random Taglines, which used to link to a txt document. . . but this one no longer works.
I have a list of about 30 taglines and I want these to rotate on all of my blogs, so that I can keep them tied together. Adding the taglines one by one for each separate site is tedious. . .
So if I could upload a list at once, that would be good. . . or if there was a network setting where I could load them one by one and have it work across the network would be okay.
Any ideas?
I like very much your plugin although I could see wanting to tweak it
, the main issue I would like to resolve is how to be able to use, if possible, such a tagline as this one:
I have tried various versions of this type of text, but when I do ALL taglines disappear.
Maybe some kind of html tag would do it?
Any advice?
Thank you!
]]>if tagline rotator is deactivated then activated, taglines previously deleted reappear in the list and there are multiple instances of each tagline
]]>Does the rotator support linefeeds? My tag lines are a series of quotes followed by the author’s name on a new line.
]]>Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in /wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3466
]]>The latest update deleted all of my rotating taglines! ?? Is there anyway to recover them from the database somehow so I don’t have to retype them all? Thanks!