So I have made settings in the theme.json file, but the settings didn’t create a tailwinnd classes, so I can’t use them. For example I have added a custom font with slug base, but when I want to use font-base, the compiler retrusn error that this class don’t exist.
Here is my theme.json file
"version": 1,
"settings": {
"layout": {
"contentSize": "960px",
"wideSize": "1280px"
"color": {
"palette": [
"name": "Primary Red",
"slug": "primary-red",
"color": "#ed2124"
"name": "Primary Gray",
"slug": "primary-gray",
"color": "#424142"
"name": "Primary Black",
"slug": "primary-black",
"color": "#f7f7f7"
"name": "Secondary Blue",
"slug": "secondary-blue",
"color": "#6c8eb2"
"name": "Secondary Gray Light",
"slug": "secondary-gray-light",
"color": "#d3d2d2"
"name": "Secondary Gray",
"slug": "secondary-gray",
"color": "#787878"
"typography": {
"fontFamilies": [
"fontFamily": "\"Nunito\", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Helvetica, Arial, serif",
"name": "Nunito",
"slug": "base",
"fontFace": [
"fontFamily": "Nunito",
"fontWeight": "400",
"fontStyle": "normal",
"fontStretch": "normal",
"src": ["file:./assets/static/fonts/nunito/Nunito-Regular.woff2"]
"fontFamily": "Nunito",
"fontWeight": "700",
"fontStyle": "normal",
"fontStretch": "normal",
"src": ["file:./assets/static/fonts/nunito/Nunito-Bold.woff2"]
"fontFamily": "Nunito",
"fontWeight": "400",
"fontStyle": "italic",
"fontStretch": "normal",
"src": ["file:./assets/static/fonts/nunito/Nunito-Italic.woff2"]
"fontFamily": "Nunito",
"fontWeight": "700",
"fontStyle": "italic",
"fontStretch": "normal",
"src": [
"fontSizes": [
"name": "Extra Small",
"slug": "xs",
"size": "0.75rem"
"name": "Small",
"slug": "sm",
"size": "1.125rem"
"name": "Base",
"slug": "base",
"size": "1rem"
"name": "Regular",
"slug": "regular",
"size": "1.5rem"
"name": "Large",
"slug": "lg",
"size": "1.75rem"
"name": "Extra Large",
"slug": "xl",
"size": "2rem"
"name": "2XL",
"slug": "2xl",
"size": "2.68rem"
"name": "3XL",
"slug": "3xl",
"size": "3.56rem"
"name": "4XL",
"slug": "4xl",
"size": "4.75rem"
"name": "5XL",
"slug": "5xl",
"size": "6.31rem"
"name": "6XL",
"slug": "6xl",
"size": "8.37rem"
I just notice this on my website. When you have long image caption, your image size stays the same. But if you have short image caption, your image gets smaller
How to fix this ? I just encountered this bug today
]]>Issue after a couple hours the style weren’t anymore applied and after click clear css cache for all pages the style was applied so all was again styled but it seems it the style is on some time stopping to be applied!
]]>A lot of classes are not applying. None of the bg-[color]-[x]
or text-[color]-[x]
or any positioning classes like absolute
or fixed
work. However, many other classes work, such as those related to width, height, borders, etc. What might cause this issue?
I have a problem that some classes are still being hashed. This particularly happens for my custom posts on wp-admin/post.php.
E.g. list-wrapper and list-element. My custom post type plugin uses these classes. How can I resolve this conflict?
I’m currently in the process of evaluating the Tailpress plugin for potential use in my WordPress projects. Before diving in, I have some questions regarding its compatibility and integration with the new block theme system and the theme.json
global styles:
and TailwindCSS configurations?theme.json
to ensure a consistent and optimized frontend experience?I’m keen on understanding how these elements work together, especially as the block theme system becomes more prevalent in WordPress development.
Any insights, guidance, or user experiences related to this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and for developing the Tailpress plugin!
Best regards,
]]>Is there a way to have “tailwind.config.json” as a regular file somewhere so that it can be version controlled between our dev/stage/prod site deployments?
]]> public function purge_invalid()
//$files = glob($this->get_key() . ".*");
$files = glob($this->cache->get_dir() . "/" . $this->cache->get_url_hash() . ".*");
foreach ($files as $file) {
Hey There!
We encountered a problem with the plugin that may be responsible for the inconsistent behavior that some people have been having.
The plugin page cache generates CSS in a different way from when it is generated live, and the regular expression in the PHP does not match single quotes. This was hard to find, since most browsers turn single-quotes into double quotes in the front-end developer tools, but the PHP analyses the code before that happens.
This is the line in question:
$re = ‘/class=”([^”]+)”/’;
(PageCache.php line 80)
So, either modifying the regular expression to also match single quotes, or only using double quotes should fix this particular issue.
Also, any inconsistencies in HTML that the browser can clean up will work when the CSS is not cached, but then fail once it is cached – for example, an extra space:
<div class =”grid”>
First of all : thank you so much for this plug in . I was so happy about it but for whatever reason it breaks my website front-end and client side bricks loading logo.
Somehow i cannot attack media files here, so i can only copy past an error that i’m receiving
“DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://webwhimstudio.com/wp-content/plugins/tailpress/js/cdn.global.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE”
I would appreciate any help
Sometimes the styles of the page are completely broken. I think they are not even loaded…
it happens randomly not necessarily with a modification, sometimes just with a page refresh.
Is it a known problem ? is there a fix ? because in dev it’s not too annoying, but in production it’s a bit more annoying…
]]>Hi Greg,
Great plugin!
However, classes are not applied in block editor when editing; but it does generate for the actual pages. It’s done on a newly installed WordPress instance with all caches off. Env below:
Hope this gives enough info…
]]>hi i’m trying to add the following to the tailwind config
I hit Save and it just returns {
am i trying to do too much if so how can i achieve what i require
]]>I was surprised when activating this plugin caused all front-end pages on my site to return a fatal error. I did some investigating on my local environment and was able to find the problem.
This code is currently used to load the Composer autoload file:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
Simply adding the __DIR__
in front ensures that the the file is properly loaded.
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
If you can get this updated, I’d love to use this plugin on some sites.
How do I disable the extraction of classes with the Tailpress plug-in?
I noticed that once after I installed the plug-in, the margins on my pages were suddenly lost, as they went the full width of my screen.
The plugin page says that Tailwind “extracts classes from pages and compiles them server-side into Tailwind CSS.” That would explain the Genesis classes from my theme being removed (extracted) and replaced with different classes.
A plugin should not be removing important classes that provide theme structure.
Please advise.
]]>The plugin works great for editing content within the page/post editors, but I’m unable to get it to apply the styling to theme files.
If I edit the styles in the header.php file, it will not load the styles. It only loads them if its part of the post content itself, not the theme.
I tried to use modal and slider, but they don’t seem to work. I got this error from the console:
(index):909 Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
at (index):909:2
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://jb.test/wp-content/plugins/tailpress/js/cdn.global.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
Appreciate any help or leads. Thanks
]]>First time install, attempting to activate this plugin (Tailpress 0.4.2) and I get this error. I’m using WordPress 6.1.1
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/mysystem/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tailpress/src/Plugin.php on line 134
Claps for you !! Plugin is great.
When i put my tailwind config, it told me it’s saved, but console is cleared with :
and my settings doesn’t work (default tailwind config to test).
it’s an issue only with me or someone else has too ?
I don’t know if it’s regular use, but it will be nice to save and get the current configuration and not {
because i don’t remember what i put there before XD
thank you very much for a great plugin! Is it possible to implement arbitrary variants? At the moment, using the tailwind class, e.g. [&:nth-child(3)]:underline, the generated css code contains errors. It would be very useful to be able to use such classes, especially in the case of nested blocks.
Best regards.
Hello! I’m really enjoying the plugin so far, thanks for making it.
Is there support for adding plugins such as ‘@tailwindcss/forms’, ‘@tailwindcss/typography’, or any of the other widely-used ones?
I’ve attempted to add this into the config via the “plugins” array, but I’m not sure what syntax to use for the “require” methods since they aren’t valid JSON.
Any guidance would be appreciated!
]]>Hi! So first off, the plugin is great, when its working. The site will load styles for a bit and then randomly stop, and the clear cache function in the plugin has to be called for it to work again.
I can’t replicate the issue. But I noticed one of the lines of code that’s missing when it doesn’t load is:
<style data-twind="claimed"></style>
And the classes are no longer in the hashtag form, but rather their actual name declaration. Any help?
]]>I simply can’t get it to display Tailwind styling within the editor. It works fine on the frontend, but just won’t cooperate within the Gutenberg editor ??
]]>Hi- In my code, I’ll have something like:
<div class=”max-w-screen-2xl mx-auto navbar”>
When I inspect the element, I get this:
<div class=”navbar #9ahoeg #lg8vu0″>
Is this how the update should work?
Hi Great plugin however after recent updates the above image shows the result of the colour picker in my bricks builder not sure why this happen with the plugin activated.
]]>Hi there, awesome plugin!
Question though: I would like to apply multiple classes to certain HTML elements for easy reuse. For example:
@tailwind base;
@layer base {
h1 {
@apply text-2xl font-bold text-green-700;
However, when I put this in my style.css, it doesn’t work. What am I missing?
]]>I got javascript error message : Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
Admin logged “Edit Page” & modify & update & got error message
cache.js call admin-ajax.php & action: ‘tailpress_ajax’
[Solution : Modify Frontend.php]
if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) {
$this->tailpress->assets_js . 'cache.js',
array($md5_name, $this->tailpress->main_script_name)
I saw the windicss. Windi CSS is fully compatible with Tailwind CSS v2.
I read about the compile page. (https://windicss.org/integrations/javascript.html)
I think it’s able to generate the css from db content.
Generate css >> upload by ajax-post >> import css file uploaed
const { Processor } = require("windicss/lib");
const { HTMLParser } = require("windicss/utils/parser");
export function generateStyles(html) {
// Get windi processor
const processor = new Processor();
// Parse HTML to get array of class matches with location
const parser = new HTMLParser(html);
// Generate preflight based on the HTML we input
const preflightSheet = processor.preflight(html, false);
const PREFIX = "";
const outputCSS = [];
let outputHTML = "";
let indexStart = 0;
parser.parseClasses().forEach((p) => {
// add HTML substring from index to match start
outputHTML += html.substring(indexStart, p.start);
// generate stylesheet
const style = processor.compile(p.result, PREFIX);
// add the styleSheet to the styles stack
// append ignored classes and push to output
outputHTML += [style.className, ...style.ignored].join(" ");
// mark the end as our new start for next iteration
indexStart = p.end;
// append the remainder of html
outputHTML += html.substring(indexStart);
// Build styles
const MINIFY = false;
const styles = outputCSS
// extend the preflight sheet with each sheet from the stack
.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.extend(curr), preflightSheet)
return {
const test111 = generateStyles("<div class='p-3'>test</div>");
I’m attempting to activate TailPress to try it out, but it is throwing an error when trying to activate it.
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /home/kpes/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tailpress/src/Settings.php on line 77
Have you seen this before? Any ideas?
I’m on PHP 7.2.34 (no access to update it yet), WordPress 6.0.2, and TailPress 0.2.0
Great work on this plugin (from the simple tests I’ve run so far)!
I noticed the last support ticket has not been responded to and was wondering if this plugin is being actively supported and is it safe to use for a live website? I’d love to implement TW but the plugin would be a critical plugin for a live site’s core functionality so I was wondering about current support and plans for the future?