No plugin de taxonomia, nas taxonomias das marcas apenas é possivel adicionar uma marca de cada vez, n?o é possivel adicionar mais marcas para a mesma taxonomia… é normal?
Exemplo: adicionar varias marcas e colocar 20% disconto, (apenas consigo colocar uma marca de cada vez)
]]>O plugin aplica os descontos mas na pagina de carrinho o subtutal nao aparece com desconto, e na pagina de finalizar as compras os produtos nao ficam com o desconto, mas o valor final sim…
Estou a usar o tema hello do elementor, junto com elementor pro..
]]>Olá, instalamos este plugin para poder aplicar uma % de desconto em determinadas categorias, mas sempre que aplicamos qualquer percentagem, o badge onde aparece a percentagem de desconto mostra sempre 100%. Anexo duas imagens para verificarem. e
Estamos a usar o tema Woodmart. Aplicando um desconto diretamente no produto do Woocommerce este valor de % aparece corretamente. Podem por favor ajudar?
]]>Hi Marco,
kudos for your useful plugin.
I have a strange problem: after adding the product to cart, if I refresh the product page the discount disappears.
If I remove the product from cart the discount becomes visible again.
The logic that handles the discount in cart and checkout keeps working correctly.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
wp 6.4.3
wc 8.6.1
Olá Marco,
O plugin aplica os descontos (neste caso por tag) correctamente no single product e no carrinho, mas no ultimo passo o valor está errado, mas o total está correcto.
podes ajudar por favor?
]]>Parabéns pelo plugin Marco!
Tou com um pequeno problema, em que produtos que têm desconto no carrinho n?o aparece com os impostos, aparece apenas o valor total que fica depois do desconto.
Podes ajudar por favor?
]]>Hi, I’m using a plugin that shows the products of a certain category in tables, but instead of the discounted price, it shows the regular price twice, as if the discount wasn’t applied, while if I add it to the cart, I correctly display the discounted price.
This is the price page managed by the “Product table” plug in
<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly
global $product;
if ( $product->get_price_html() ) :
// Get the prices
$price_excl_tax = wc_get_price_excluding_tax( $product ); // price without VAT
$price_incl_tax = wc_get_price_including_tax( $product ); // price with VAT
$tax_amount = $price_incl_tax - $price_excl_tax; // VAT amount
// Display the prices
<span class="ivaloop2" >iva incl. <?php echo wc_price( $price_incl_tax ); ?></span>
<?php endif ?>
global $product;
$wpt_single_price = false;
//$wpt_single_price .= "<td class='wpt_for_product_action wpt_price' id='price_value_id_" . $data['id'] . "' data-price_html='" . esc_attr( $product->get_price_html() ) . "'> ";
$wpt_single_price .= '<span class="wpt_product_price">';
$wpt_single_price .= $product->get_price_html(); //Here was woocommerce_template_loop_price() at version 1.0
$wpt_single_price .= '</span>';
//$wpt_single_price .= " </td>";
echo wp_kses_post( $wpt_single_price );
Hi, I try to add a discount rule, but I receive an error.
The rule displays in the table of rules but only after I do a browser refresh. The Rule does not apply to the products in the frontend of the website. Anyone has an idea? What is going on ?
]]>We’re trialling the plugin and it’s mostly working fine – thanks!
But we’ve not been able to get this to work where a product has many variations at different prices.
On a standard product, it correctly displays: €100 €50
On a variable product, I would expect it to say: From €100 €50 but it just says From €50, which is correct but it would be good to have the from price too.
Is there a way to force it to display the old price for variations?
Thanks for your help.
]]>We have a simple discount, customer buys 3 products from a brand and the third one is free. But we’d like to make it so if he buys 3 more, the discount stops, so he doesn’t get 2 free.
Is it possible to ignore the taxonomy discount if a normal discount is applied to a product?
]]>I have page with all discount products with this shortcode: [sale_products]
How to display my taxonomy discounts on the same page?
]]>Hi Marco,
How can I insert the discounted products in a custom loop? Which meta query should I specify?
'meta_query' => array(
'key'=> '_sale_price',
'value'=> 0,
'compare' => '>',
'type' => 'numeric'
I should create a page with all the products that I have put on sale, what can I do? With the standard loop
I can't see them
I have group discount brand but I do not want the sales price to be overwrite.
After applying a custom taxonomy discount, the sale labels are showing -100%.
What is the way to address this please?
Thank you in advance
It appears that when adding discounts via custom taxonomy, it is not applied with woocommerce products that already have sale price.
How can we make sure that the adde drule is applied on already sale products as well?
Thank you!
]]>Assim como reportado anteriormente o desconto só aparece no carrinho. Estou tentando fazer o debugging para incompatibilidade de plugins, porém sem sucesso. Por favor, ajudem-me! Obrigada!
]]>I noticed that in checkout, prices for products seems to be discounted twice. Total amount is correct but single prices are wrong.
Any idea why?
I tried to disable othe discount plugins – it did not help.
Great plugin, congrats!
I just install it (WP v.5.5.1 + Woocommerce v.4.5.2 with Variation Swatches for Woo plugin). The “%” discount seems to work well with my “brands” taxonomy, when the product has no variations. Good!
When the product has variations, in the summary it shows the discount well, but in the total (final) price, it does not apply, it shows the price without discount.
On the chekout page, the correct discount appears in the summary but it does not apply in Total Cart.
Can you tell me what the problem is?
PS: I have tried turning variations on and off, but neither.
On the other hand, despite including the code
define ('WCTD_PERC_SALE_BADGE', true);
in wp-config, discount still shows in numbers, not %.
Thanks in advance
Best regards
After applying a discount all the woocommerce discount labels are showing -100%.
]]>Hi, I am using your plugin “Taxonomy/Term and Role based Discounts for WooCommerce”, but it seems it is not compatible with WPML.
I am having a problem with currency switcher in the cart on my site. I have two languages and two currencies defined for my site (PLN and EUR). When I open my site in default (polish) language, currency is set to PLN. I add some products to cart, subtotal is e.g. 250PLN. Then I switch language to english, currency is changing to EUR. Subtotal remains the same – 250 as well as prices for single products in cart. Only currency symbol is changing from PLN to EUR. Same problem for the oposite EUR -> PLN.
When I disable Taxonomy Discounts plugin issue does not persist.
For both languages I implemented the same discount rules.
Thanks in advance for your support.
]]>When applying Buy X get Y discounts to products, the discount is still provided even if the product quantity is reduced below X in the cart page.
I have a problem where discounts are not applied to prices in custom WP_Queries outside of woocommerce.php. For example, it doesn’t work on the front page.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_format_sale_price', 'wlsn_woocommerce_format_sale_price', 10, 21 );
function wlsn_woocommerce_format_sale_price( $price, $regular_price, $sale_price ) {}
In this filter the $sale_price comes back empty inside of a custom loop, inside of the archive loop $sale_price returns the discounted price from your plugin.
I’m using the exact same code for my product in archives and custom loops.
Any idea why this happens?
]]>Any way to have the ability to markup prices?
we are using the offical Woocommerce extension for subscriptions, if we create a variable subscription and apply a discont to it, we get an error “product not valid” and cannot purchase it.
Is the plugin not compatible with it?
This is the log:
2019-12-23T15:21:40+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Exception: Prodotto non valido. in /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/data-stores/class-wc-product-data-store-cpt.php:163
Stack trace:
#0 /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-data-store.php(159): WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT->read(Object(WC_Product))
#1 /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-product.php(135): WC_Data_Store->read(Object(WC_Product))
#2 /wp-content/plugins/taxonomy-discounts-woocommerce/taxonomy-discounts-woocommerce.php(533): WC_Product->__construct(16189)
#3 /wp-content/plugins/taxonomy-discounts-woocommerce/taxonomy-discounts-woocommerce.php(514): WC_Taxonomy_Discounts_Webdados->on_calculate_totals(Object(WC_Cart))
#4 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): WC_Taxonomy_Discounts_Webdados->on_cart_lo in /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/data-stores/class-wc-product-data-store-cpt.php alla riga 163
Caro Marco,
Antes demais dou-lhe os parabéns por todo trabalho que tem vindo a desenvolver em rela??o ao Woocommerce.
Relativamente ao plugin de descontos, sei que ainda está em modo beta.
No entanto eu próprio realizei umas altera??es ao seu plugin, espero que n?o leve a mal ??
Uma das altera??es realizadas foi porque quando era invocado o shortcode “sale_products”, os produtos n?o vinham com o desconto adicionado (no entanto com os outros shortcodes funciona.
Outra altera??o que realizei, foi no sentido de que quando existem produtos em que está inserido um “sale_price” e depois aplicamos o desconto categoria do plugin,o woocommerce deveria assumir o desconto maior (ou o da categoria ou o desconto individual), no entanto ele o que faz é aplicar o desconto da categoria sobre sale_pricee n?o sobre o regular_pricedo produto.
Adicionei uma verifica??o para comparar as duas percentagens de desconto e aplicar a maior ao regular_price. (No entato só fiz isto para o desconto por percentagem, porque n?o uso as varia??es)
N?o sei se estas especifica??es est?o no roadmap de updates do plugin, sen?o, fica aqui a sugest?o.
Uma vez mais o meu muito obrigado.
]]>I have configured the 10% discount. I’m using the theme emallshop, on the home page shows me the selling price and equal price, same price.
If I enter the product individually if you show me the product with the discount applied. There is some function that I must apply so that the home page shows me the discount applied.
]]>There is issue in Sale Price. In Home page Recent Product and BestSelling Product Sale Price and Regular Price both are same. and in Product Page sale price is working properly.
When I deactivated this plugin, than sale price working properly.
I am a freelancer, got your plugin issue while working for my client. my client was installed this plugin then wocommerce subscription stop working. it says “invalid product” while i tried to add to cart.
Please review it.
Your plugin is good one at free of cost but it affect others plugin.
Thank you.