Is there any way to apply jQuery’s Select2 styling to drop-downs by “Taxonomy Term Widget”?
Most dropdowns in WordPress/WooCommerce now use Select2, so “Taxonomy Term Widget”‘s look out of place.
Select2 also provide a convenient Clear functionality to reset the menu/page.
i used this plugin. it does what it says. except that the dropdowns are mere dropdowns. when i choose them, i am not directed to another category/ taxonomy page. only a ctegory is simply selected. further, there is no “go” bottom to select the taxonomy so that i am directed to that page. is it achievable with this plugin?
On line 278 it would be good to add
echo "<ul>";
wp_list_categories( $args2 );
echo "</ul>";
Hi there,
i’m using this for my events and it’s working great.
however, when it shows the post count, is there a way to count events with the event day from present to future.
so when there’s 5 events and 2 of them occured in jan 2015, and the rest in dec 2015, it would show a post count of 3, not 5. Possible?
also, i like to display a ‘show all’. Anyway to do this?
I just wanted to tell you that I’ve found there is a bug which fails to append the correct after_widget arg.
if you look at the code, there is an “else” statement which overwrites the $args var, so if the code runs that “else” part, then when it goes to “echo” the after_widget html, it fails.
you could rename the $args var in the “else”, or store the before and after into vars at the beginning of the function, and then “echo” those vars rather than call $args again.