I can only reorder posts and not custom post types or anything else. This used to work.
In settings only “posts” show up for hide or display.
]]>Now a lot worse off than when I installed this.. within the Product Categories list widget subcategories are correctly attached to categories, but categories are in no notable order (not alpha like I wanted, just seemingly random). In the Product Categories page it’s much worse. Now I have 41 categories and subcategories in alpha order (but not related to each other anymore) and the dashes indicating a subcategory are all gone. Dragging and dropping will not save the order, clicking Apply doesn’t help.
How do I fix this now to restore the original dashes to indicate subcategories in the Product Categories page, and put them back in the old order (or alpha order)?
Since the last update the product attributes have been mixed up and there is no way to put them in a meaningful order. Every time the page is refreshed, the attributes get a new order. Can we expect a fixing of this problem or do we have to solve it in a different way?
]]>Same as another topic posted. Somewhere between version 18.2 and 18.5 something has happened that has broken all woocommerce attribute orders. Manual sort would then not work for any attribute and any products using these attributes became unsorted on the live site.
I reverted back to version 18.2 to resolve the issue but please can you fix and confirm when resolved so i can update to the latest version safely without impacting order on front end of site.
Has been a fantastic plugin with no issues until this point. Thanks.
]]>Hi, Team
Really appreciate your team’s hard work and love this plugin.
After upgrading to the latest version, the attribute terms can not be ordered correctly if I choose the custom ordering for attribute name. Dragging up or down for any attribute term, nothing is changed. Therefore the variations are totally messed up for the variable products in the front end.
I disabled all the plugins, enabled one by one, and finally I found this new version creates such an issue. Please check your end and make a fix soon.
Best regards
This plugin is usually installed as a recommended plugin with the Uncode theme, however version 1.8.4 is causing a fatal error.
This appears to be because the theme is using the “TO_apply_order_filter” filter which can no longer be found.
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func_array(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, function "TO_apply_order_filter" not found or invalid function name
Other custom code might be using this filter as well.
Would it be possible to reinstate that filter to prevent fatal errors when the plugin is updated?
]]>Hello, I have created many categories. Can I limit the amount of categories (say 20 items) to show up using Categories List block?
Thank you!
]]>PLEASE help me with this…
I added this plugin because I had moved categories around and figured I could use it to sort them back into alphabetical order without me having to do it manually. Unfortunately, the plugin did not have that option, it is simply a manual move.
I deleted the plugin and now every time I create a new parent category, it is at the top of the categories list. If I create a subcategory into a parent that already has other subs, it will put it under the parent, but at the top of the list of subs and not alphabetically.
This has pretty much destroyed my shop.
I have a parent category that is called US Postcards. Underneath that will be 50 subcategories, one for each state. In each state, there will be hundreds of subs, one for each city I have postcards for. There is NO way I can manually sort all of those alphabetically. There has to be a way to undo what this plugin did to my installation.
Please advise as soon as possible!
We installed this plugin a year ago on a website. At first, no problem was detected. The website have total of 300+ categories (categories with subcategories, subcategories with subsubcategories, etc.).
But since a few weeks, we starting to see some problems with the categories. It randomly changes the order on refresh on page/posts editors, some categories appear twice or more, some don’t appear. The problem is also present with a simple REST api query.
More about the REST API, after installing the plugin, the query parameter “orderby” no longer works.
Could you please take a look at this? Thank you.
using the elementor loop widget to list selected terms, the custom order setted using your plugin does not work. can someone help me understand why?
]]>Hello. I recently installed your plugin, and it immediately worked great on Categories. However, I now added Tags to my WP environment, and I cannot see any of the Tags listed in any place I could reorder them. In other words, I still see the Categories available for reordering everywhere as I would expect, but no Tags.
I believe this plugin should allow reordering both/either? If this is correct, is my next step to try disabling all other plugs to see if there is a conflict, or???
]]>Am I missing this feature or is there no way to drag and drop a category to change the parent/child relationship?
]]>We’re using Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order to sort groups of posts, and the order is saved so clearly the ajax script works. However, when we installed about a year ago we had a function to save the order to the database menu_order column. That stopped working. Do you have a suggestion for a function that will work to post the menu_order values?
Here’s my old function that stopped working:
add_action ( ‘wp_ajax_save_menu_order’, ‘menu_order_save’ );
function menu_order_save () {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->flush ();
$item_id = $_POST[‘post_id’];
$meta_key = ‘_menu_order’;
$int = preg_replace(“/[^0-9]/”, “”, $_POST[‘order’]);
update_post_meta ( $item_id, $meta_key, array ( ‘menu_order’ => $int ) );
$response = ‘
Post order updated’;
echo $response;
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Ect_Admin::$plugin_slug is deprecated in /web/htdocs/www.mysite.com/home/wp-content/plugins/wp-export-categories-taxonomies/admin/ect-admin.php on line 61
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Ect_Admin::$options_name is deprecated in /web/htdocs/www.mysite.com/home/wp-content/plugins/wp-export-categories-taxonomies/admin/ect-admin.php on line 62
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Ect_Admin::$WPB_PLUGIN_NAME is deprecated in /web/htdocs/www.mysite.com/home/wp-content/plugins/wp-export-categories-taxonomies/admin/ect-admin.php on line 66
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Ect_Admin::$WPB_PLUGIN_VERSION is deprecated in /web/htdocs/www.mysite.com/home/wp-content/plugins/wp-export-categories-taxonomies/admin/ect-admin.php on line 67
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Ect_Admin::$WPB_SLUG is deprecated in /web/htdocs/www.mysite.com/home/wp-content/plugins/wp-export-categories-taxonomies/admin/ect-admin.php on line 68
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Ect_Admin::$WPB_PLUGIN_URL is deprecated in /web/htdocs/www.mysite.com/home/wp-content/plugins/wp-export-categories-taxonomies/admin/ect-admin.php on line 69
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Ect_Admin::$WPB_PREFIX is deprecated in /web/htdocs/www.mysite.com/home/wp-content/plugins/wp-export-categories-taxonomies/admin/ect-admin.php on line 71
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Ect_Admin::$WPB_ABS_PATH is deprecated in /web/htdocs/www.mysite.com/home/wp-content/plugins/wp-export-categories-taxonomies/admin/ECT_Admin_Base.php on line 57
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Ect_Admin::$WPB_REL_PATH is deprecated in /web/htdocs/www.mysite.com/home/wp-content/plugins/wp-export-categories-taxonomies/admin/ECT_Admin_Base.php on line 58
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Ect_Admin::$settings is deprecated in /web/htdocs/www.mysite.com/home/wp-content/plugins/wp-export-categories-taxonomies/admin/wp-base/fields.php on line 5
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Ect_Admin::$checkboxes is deprecated in /web/htdocs/www.mysite.com/home/wp-content/plugins/wp-export-categories-taxonomies/admin/ECT_Admin_Base.php on line 165
Hi, so when activating the order plugin it messes with the positions of the menus on my website. And the menu positions settings doesnt even look like they changed.. I would like to only use the plugin for the category ordering and give each category a term_order value. How could i fix the menu issue?
]]>Hi, after the latest WordPress core update, I noticed that my taxonomy terms weren’t appearing in the backend. After deactivating and reactivating this plugin, the issue was fixed.
I believe the cause of this is the term_order
column that your plugin adds to the wp_terms
table. After a WordPress database update, it seems that this column is removed from the database and because your plugin only adds this column on plugin activation, a condition arises in which taxonomy terms in the backend are being sorted by a column that doesn’t exist.
For reference: line 19 in taxonomy-terms-order.php
registers the activation hook TO_activated()
where tto_activate()
is called, which creates the term_order
column in wp_terms
]]>It seems that the plugin doesn’t work when there’s hundreds of categories and subcategories. It lists some of the categories multiple times and cheks all of them when clicked one of their checkboxes. The search function didn’t work either.
]]>When installed your category taxonomy order causes issues with YITH advanced product filter. It prevents the filters menus from order the options as specified in the YITH settings.
Term order still works but we have sub categories so we end up with term one from cat one along side term one from cat two and so on, the hierarchy is lost.
Is there anything that can be done to remedy this as it’s an issue with our build at the moment?
]]>When I installed Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order in WordPress 6.0, orderby in wp_query no longer worked. By disabling the plugin, orderby becomes effective, so this plugin seems to be the cause.
]]>Changelog? Github?
Reorder of portfolio items is not working. It will be some incompatibility with the latest wordpress update.
Is there any solution to the problem?
I encounter some issue with this plugin and Polylang Pro.
Actually, the order of the displayed languages changes at each reload of the page. I have the same result in the admin lang switcher or in the select of the menu (Appearance > Menus).
Also, sometime, the order of the terms in front changes from the order defined in the admin of the site.
Could you help me to identify the cause and fix this bug?
Thanks for your help,
Hi, please could you post a statement describing how, if at all, this makes any changes to my WordPress database? Ie any custom options, tables etc?
What happens on uninstall? Will term orders go back to their previous state? Do you run any uninstall actions to tidy up any database remnants as above?
I’m working on launching my food blog, and I have installed https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/taxonomy-terms-order/.
I have been adviced to got to my WP Dashboard > Portfolio > Taxonomy Order page to re-order as needed.
On one of my landingpages I would like the order to be alphabetical. On to other pages I would like the order to be identically with one of the dropdown menues in the main menu. Should this be possible? If so, how?
Looks like the plugin query is not affecting the result at all, My support team has adviced me to forward this issues to the plugin author. Can you please assist?
As the site not yet has been launched it’s difficult for me to send you the url to one of the mentioed pages above.
Looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
Very best, Ulrika Frantzvaag
]]>I have applied the taxonomy to my media images. I have put the image categories in the order that I want them in the backend (alpha order), but they are not showing up in that order. How do I correct this?
I have an issue with my tag cloud: it is missing some terms, and show erratic behavior.
Mainly, the tag cloud should show the N most used tags. For me, it shows N tags, but they are NOT the most used ones.
I spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out the culprit … which appears to be this plugin (Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order). Deactivating it makes my tag cloud display properly: with the most used tags.
See others posting about it too: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44942773/get-terms-orderby-name-is-not-working-wordpress
FYI maintainer, the issue appear on WP6.1.1 when using the native Gutenberg “Tag cloud block”. The solution proposed on SO is no longer possible (no more “Auto Sort” in the Plugin settings page.?).
Update: I replaced it with https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/custom-taxonomy-order-ne/ which automatically picked up the categories sorted with this plugin, but also doesn’t mess up with the tags sorting.
]]>Your plugin is great!
I have a suggestion, because on average I have 1000 categories with subcategories and subcategories from there. now ordering with drag and drop is already difficult. is it not possible to make some kind of accordion / drop-down menu? for example, as soon as you open a main category, the subcategories only appear?
]]>Hi! When I install this plugin (and I assure the problem is with this plugin only because when I deactivated is all OK), image/thumbnail related to categories can’t be loaded OR random image from gallery is loaded.
I mean, if you get a category inside $cat and then do this for getting category image.
get_term_meta($cat -> term_id, ‘thumbnail_id’, true);
You don’t get the thumbnail or get another image. I have this problem in most of my categories
it would be useful to have a filter to add some custom roles to the role selection dropdown.
For example if there is some custom capabilities that we wish to be able to manage taxonomy order.
]]>When you have a lot of terms the interface page freezes/fails to load. Google Chrome literally pops up the alert to say whether to wait or kill the page.
About 61 terms show in the UI before it freezes. In the latest case there are 2500 terms, but we have seen it happen with far less terms.
Click and drag works fine on the normal taxonomy pages /wp-admin/edit-tags.php
I feel like it’s some exponential memory issue. Is there any way to get some form of pagination or limit on this page? Or maybe not load a taxonomy by default.