Hello, is there a way to display the start time in the datetop theme?
This feature would be fantastic!
This plugin is very useful and elegant, thank you very much!
Hi , i have to buy premium version , to change image size?
what is the short code like this demo , with auto play
]]>We just activated Slider Addons and when trying to use its widget within Elementor, the editor doesn’t finish loading. Turns out even though Slider lists PHP 7.0 as the minimum version required, there is a line on Elementor’s widget that does require PHP 8.1+ . I don’t know what’s best for this: use a different syntax to keep the functionality or update Slider‘s PHP minimum requirements.
Thanks in advance, have a great day!
I added this slider for the evnets. There should be not more than 3 events per Slide. But on the Site it shows all events from the site.
[add_mwt_tec_slider slidertype="upcoming" slidertheme="datetop" cevents="" eventinrow="3" eventinslide="3" countdowntimer=false autoplay=true newtab=false transitiondelay="200" colorscheme="#5a30f3" ]
I hope someone can help, because i like that slider. ??
]]>Hello, is it possible to filter by post category yet? Would love to have this functionality. Thanks!
]]>I’m using Elementor 3.21.5 & Elementor Pro 3.21.1, with The Events Calendar Pro WordPress is on 6.5.3, but the issue also happened on 6.5.2. I’m using SiteGround Cloud Hosting. My server memory limit is set at 768M and my WP max memory is set at 512M. I have tried the using Chrome, Safari and Firefox, all with the same result.
When I install Slider Addons for The Events Calendar 2.3.0, opening any page with Elementor causes the Elementor widget sidebar fail to load correctly. It is greyed out with the spinner just spinning endlessly. DIsabling your plugin fixes the issue.
Do you have any suggestions on how I can fix this please?
]]>Hey there!
Im really enjoying the plugin so far, but it only seems to display 15 events in the slider. Is there any way to load all of my 30 events from the events calender into the slider?
Thanks in advance!
]]>My problem is quite simple yet hard to debug: when there are less than three events to be added into the carousel, the single event cards get their width set to a very little number (usually 35px with 2 events and either 13 or 5px with only one event), rendering the whole thing unusable.
On mobile it works fine in portrait mode, but in landscape mode it doesn’t.
I recently installed this plugin and it was working great. Today I noticed where the slider pulls in on my home page, it now says “Event not found.” I checked the settings, and the events, and everything looks correct. I also do not have any errors appearing in the inspector. This is the shortcode I was using: [add_mwt_tec_slider slidertheme=”datetop” slidertype=”upcoming” eventinrow=”2″ eventinslide=”1″ autoplay=false transitiondelay=”100″ colorscheme=”#2b3481″ newtab=true category=””]
any idea why only a set of events are displayed in the loop? Is there a maximum? Currently it restarts after 12 events.
There is a mix of single events and recurring events.
Thank you for your feedback
Kind regards
it would be very nice to be able to configure the duration of the no slide time. I would like to give some time to read everything before it’s sliding away.
Kind regards
]]>I would like to rotate the events of the neibourhood calendar in several locations. Therefore it would be nice to be able to filter the events on one or more locations. Or location categories. Thank you for taking this into consideration.
]]>Hello, is it possible to customize the height of an event block please?
]]>First of all: Thank you very much for you great plugin.
I’ve maybe discovered a bug where the events width are not showed correctly.
How to reproduce:
Show Events with – eventinrow=”3″ – parameter in shortcode
It works fine until there are just 1 or 2 events to display, if that is the case the events are shrinked, see picture below:
2 Events, eventinrow=3
2 Events, eventinrow=3 and with my bugfix [see below]
My Bugfix:
I’ve added “if (count($events) < $eirow ) $eirow = count($events);” after row 53 in file “class-tecslider-function.php”
I have to say that I’ve made some changes to the source code but they should not matter with this bug.
Can you have a look at this? I will try to reproduce it with on a new wp-site with no changes in the source code.
Thanks again,
Call to undefined function tribe_get_events()
Can this be fixed?
]]>Love the plugin and awesome default display options. Just wondering if it’s possible to filter by an event category? We have many different event categories and if it’s possible to filter by category I can see plenty of use cases for this throughout the site I’m working on currently.
]]>It seems the event count is being ignored. I have set this to 3 and I have 4 upcoming events and all are displayed at once (with no left/right slider controls). Even if I set this to 2 or 1 it seems to be ignored.
When clicking on an event in the slider, it opens in a new tab. I can’t find a setting to change that. Is it not possible?
I added the indicated shortcode in an Elementor “shortcode” widget, but it displays as a grid instead of as a slider. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
(I also did it in Guthenberg and the problem is still there)
as soon as I put 3 or 4 in a row it goes down to tiny width and still only displays 2 events?
any ideas?
]]>How can I customize the transition speed on the slider?