Hi dear Valerio
Today is the “Thank a WordPress Plugin/Theme Author Day 2016”, this is a great opportunity to express my gratitude and thank you for all the work you do. Without your dedication in making WP plugins, WP wouldn’t be what it’s now.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
]]>I only want to provide the possibility to share with telegram. Not facebook, twitter or anything else.
Now on a normal Desktop (not Smartphone or Tablet) under my posts there is an ugly “Share with:” with no option to chose, because “Telegram” will only be shown on Smartphones or Tablets.
On Desktop, how can I hide the “Share with:” text, too?
]]>With a single click on the sharing button a new tab is opened where it only says:
Webseite nicht verfügbar
Die Webseite unter tg://msg?text=Look+at+this%3A+Imam+Chamene%E2%80%99i+an+Pr%C3%A4sident+Ruhani%3A+%E2%80%9EIrref%C3%BChrungen+und+Vertragsbr%C3%BCche+der+USA+sollten+nicht+unbeachtet+bleiben%21%E2%80%9C&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.offenkundiges.de%2Fimam-chamenei-an-praesident-ruhani-irrefuehrungen-und-vertragsbrueche-der-usa-sollten-nicht-unbeachtet-bleiben%2F%3Futm_source%3Djetpack-sharing%26utm_medium%3Dtelegram%26utm_campaign%3Dmobile konnte nicht geladen werden als:
But: With holding the button and then selecting open (instead of open in new tab) it works!
]]>Why no display on a desktop? Isn’t that the beauty of Telegram, that you have no limitation on where to use it!
If technical possible, I would love if you could consider to add this function.
Thank you for this great plugin, much appreciated.
Cheers Jakob
i want to thank you first for the plugin first.
when i try to share content to telegram in IOS the link is not included, only the post title! please help