I think I’ve found a small buglet in the latest version of testimonial slider, specifically, in line 63 of slider_versions/testimonial_1.php
I think that
LIMIT %d %d
should be
LIMIT %d, %d
ie there’s a missing comma there
many thanks
<div class=”testimonial_slideri” style=”width:360px;height:455px;”> <!– testimonial_slideri –><div class=”testimonial_content_wrap” style=”background-color:transparent;border:0px solid #dddddd;”><div class=”testimonial_content” style=”font-family:’Lucida Sans Unicode’, ‘Lucida Grand’, sans-serif;;font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;color:#606060…..
]]>I see a section to import slider settings, but how do you export the actual sliders?
]]>Is there any sign of continuing life support for this plugin?
iThemes Security Pro keeps spitting out this warning:
Known Vulnerabilities
Testimonial Slider <= 1.2.1 – Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) & CSRF
Note that when I log in the version I have is 1.3.1 not 1.2.1. Either way it’s giving this error and causing me concern.
]]>Hi David, I just updated the plugin to the latest version (1.3.1), after a vulnerability scan with WPSEC.com. This site (using WPSCAN) still indicates the Testimonial Slider plugin as vulneable, since they don’t know if/how the XSS issue has been solved: https://wpscan.com/plugin/testimonial-slider.
Since my website has been hacked twice now recently, I’m checking out every possible vulnerability. Your plugin works and looks great, so it would be a waste (of time and effort) if I had to switch to a different testimonial slider, just because I don’t know if I can trust it anymore. I’m fairly new to cleaning up hacked WP sites, so it would help to know if the scan result of WPSEC/WPSCAN for your plugin is just becaus the fix of the previouw XSS issue has not been reported to them.
]]>I installed the plugin but don’t have the possibility to add the featured image.
can you help me?
I’m using this pligin for quotes, not testimonials. I turned off the avatar and only showing the content of the quote. You’ll see it near the bottom of the page.
I set it’s width to 99% with
.testimonial_slider__default .testimonial_quote { width: 99%!important; }
However, when rotating a phone or tablet, the width of the quote is not adjusting to the new screen width.
If you start at portrait and rotate to landscape, the portrait width is still maintained, but still shows the full quote.
If you start at landscape and rotate to portrait, the quote is truncated because landscape width is still maintained.
Refreshing the page at that rotated layout, it correctly sees the right screen width.
What needs to be changed?
The slider is responsive across all devices/browsers, apart from when using Safari on mobile: all testimonials are displayed (& cut off) and the slider disappears.
Is there a way to prevent this?
]]>This plugin is (October 2018) under new maintainership. The previous maintainer (whom we sincerely thank for his work) was no longer working on it. Security issues had been discovered, and not fixed, and the www.ads-software.com repository had closed the plugin. We have taken over maintainership *solely for the purposes of keeping the plugin alive* (since we were using it on our own live sites) and secure.
No future feature developments are planned, though, you are welcome to send in new code for us to evaluate for inclusion if you are interested yourself. As such, we do not particularly recommend using this plugin on new sites, as it has no planned future of new features, only of being kept alive. Accordingly, whilst users are of course welcome and encouraged to support eachother in the www.ads-software.com forums, we will be quite likely to pass over anything found there except significant bug or security reports.
Does anybody know what the security issue in this plugin that has led to it being closed is?
In the absence of any information, it’s hard to know what to do. (Full site compromise possible by anyone? Or, minor self-XSS possible if you stand on your left leg on the Statue of Liberty during a blue moon?)
]]>The slider is using full size images. I want it to use medium images. There’s no setting for which image I use. How do I do it?
]]>The “Read More” is almost hidden on testimonies that require it. You can see the top part of the words below the testimony but hard to even click on it plus no one would know what it says.
]]>Hello, how do you make the slider height respond to match the height of different testimonials.? I can only seem to find a setting for a fixed height. Thanks!
]]>I cannot link to the page as it is the admin page (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=testimonial-slider-settings)
I am not really sure what has gone on here, as the settings were working fine upon installation (30/10/17), and I have only noticed this today.
Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).wpColorPicker is not a function
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (admin.php?page=testimonial-slider-settings:144)
at i (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.7.7:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.7.7:2)
at Function.ready (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.7.7:2)
at HTMLDocument.K (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.7.7:2)
admin.php Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
jQuery(...).wpColorPicker is not a function
seems to be the main error here, and I’m not too sure how best to resolve. Any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Hello! I really like this plugin but I always have this problem, there’s a setting for Slide (Item) Height that has to be setup in pixels and this doesn’t work for my website ?? some reviews are very short and some are much longer so I either get a lot of empty space or cut off text. Is it possible to have a flexible height? maybe set it up to 100% instead of a fixed pixel height?
]]>Hello Support Team,
We are using your plugin Testimonial Slider on our website https://www.peelzoo.com.au/ but now it is not working on page https://www.peelzoo.com.au/koala-feedingencounter/ bottom of the sidebar. And it is showing “Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).testiMonial is not a function” error in browser console.
Can you tell us exact solution for same issue?
Alkurn Team
Hello Support Team,
We are using your plugin Testimonial Slide on our website https://www.peelzoo.com.au/ but now it is not working on page https://www.peelzoo.com.au/koala-feedingencounter/ bottom of the sidebar. And it is showing “Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).testiMonial is not a function” error in browser console.
Can you tell us exact solution for same issue?
Alkurn Team
thx for your work !
i would like to know can i modify heigh of .testimonial_slider__textonly.
]]>The headings of each slider are maked as h1 in the page code. It wors and looks very fine, but I don’t think that many h1 headings are good for seo. Is there a way to fix it?
]]>I upload image to use as the avatar and getting alert message saying “undefined”
]]>Hi there! First of all, congrats for the amazing plugin you created! I really, really like it. And it’s pretty straightforward to get working.
However, I have a question regarding the cell padding: my slider is not perfectly centered on the page. It is aligned slightly to the left side of the screen (with the following configuration: “round Testimonial Slider Skin” + “Complete Slider Width set to 0” –> in this case the slider takes the container’s width). Which CSS code could I implement to center the slider if the slider takes the container’s width?
Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>Hey There,
I’ve come across the following errors when running a PHP7 compatibility check:
FILE: …../wp-content/plugins/testimonial-slider/includes/testimonial-slider-functions.php
135 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0 – use mysqli instead.
136 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0 – use mysqli instead.
Are there plans to replace the use of ‘mysql_’ with ‘mysqli_’ in the testimonial_slider_table_exists() function in the next release?
I have a website in two languages, Italian and English.
I created two sliders: news_it with ID1 and news_en with ID2.
When the site is Italian news_it must appear and when it is in English must appear news_en.
In the header.php theme file I wrote the following code:
if (is_front_page() || is_home())
if (home_url() == "https://www.nikeconsulting.com/en")
if (function_exists("get_testimonial_slider_recent"))
elseif (home_url() == "https://www.nikeconsulting.com/it")
if (function_exists("get_testimonial_slider_recent"))
Unfortunately it does not work …
(sorry for my english)
]]>I’m getting 2 error messages when I inspect in Chrome for the next and prev images. The plugin is looking for the images at this path, but that folder does not exist there. I manually tried to add it, but that somehow breaks the settings page in the admin.
/plugins/testimonial-slider/css/skins/images/next.png Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
]]>Hi! Love your plugin! Can you tell me how I can hide the arrow that points down? See my screen capture here:
]]>Really love the testimonial-slider plugin. Great work. I just have one question for you.
How can I remove/hide the User and Date on the List View? This is my URL – https://cremefresh.ca/testimonial/
I have tried to hide it using CSS but I’m getting nowhere.
I appreciate your help. Look forward to hearing from you ??
]]>When running on PHP 7, the latest version of the plugin throws multiple deprecation warnings. WordPress has also deprecated the style being used in these places since WP 4.3. Please can you update your code?
]]>Deprecated: Methods with the the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Testimonial_Slider_Simple_Widget has a deprecated constructor in wp-content/plugins/testimonial-slider/slider_versions/widgets_1.php on line 3
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Testimonial_Slider_Category_Widget has a deprecated constructor in wp-content/plugins/testimonial-slider/slider_versions/widgets_1.php on line 79
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Testimonial_Slider_Recent_Widget has a deprecated constructor in wp-content/plugins/testimonial-slider/slider_versions/widgets_1.php on line 153
Is it possible to remove Featured Articles text which is above testimonial slider?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi there,
my slider is located on:
I noticed on your premium plugin page ( https://slidervilla.com/rich-testimonials/ ) that the slider wraps to one column on smaller viewport size. I understand that in some instances the premium version of a plugin has more options, but just wanted to check if there’s not maybe something I’m missing on the free one that allows for this functionality as well.
I would even be fine with adding two duplicate sliders and using bootstrap to hide the two-col instance for handsets and hiding the one-col instance for desktops.
But it doesn’t seem that one can provide different settings for each slider you create. Checked the PHP, the shortcode doesn’t seem to have $atts for column count.
Is this what you intended?
I have a problem with “Testimonial Slider”
Im using generatepress theme. I put the shortcode and I see source code in website.
Can somebody help me?
pd: excuse my english level.