When I use the search tab, and submit, it switches to the first tab (showing all FAQs). If I then click again on search tab, it shows search results. How to fix this?
]]>I’ve been getting badly spammed and have 700 junk questions I need to delete. It appears that I can’t use the bulk feature to delete these and I have to resort to deleting one at a time. Is this a bug? Should I be able to delete more than one at a time. Any input will be appreciated. Thanks
]]>Whenever I select FAQs –> Categories I am getting 404 errors in my log files. My permalink corrects things, but what can I do to correct it?
Requested Page
Referring Page
Request for non WP file:.js
Any ideas how to correct?
]]>We’ve coded some corrections to code missing the domain in the translation function and added the question block only to subscribed users (like the comments feature of WP).
Not sure how to submit them to you in case you want to use them
I have had this question in for a while with no response from you, and have spent alot of time migrating my faqs to your system. I had to hand enter
all over the place to make up for the fact that most html markup is not remaining, such as <p> and
Can you help figure out why this isn’t working?
This page shows how some of the faq bleeds out of the display box due to bullets.
the contact form on your website is not displaying the captcha image.
]]>When I use
I have had to insert
everywhere to simulate paragraph breaks, from the copy/paste process from an older installation of FAQs. But the
I have 11 questions in a certain category, all displaying on front end, but only 7 show in the admin screen, so i can’t edit the non-visible ones. This issue is only in one category. With no search function, I will have to go into db to edit. something must be broken in item 8.
]]>The plug-in wraps the answer in between paragraph tags (<p>).
When using lists (ul / ol), the show / hider stops functioning correctly.
The fix for this is easy:
Inside the “tf-faq.php” in the plug-ins root, simply change <p class=”tffaq-answer …. </p> to <div class … </div>.
The specific lines are the following (line #62 in plug-in version 0.1.2)
$new_content .= ‘<p class=”tffaq-answer sticky” id=”tffaq-answer-‘.$question->id.'” style=”display: none;”> ‘.$question->answer.’ </p>’;
$new_content .= ‘<div class=”tffaq-answer sticky” id=”tffaq-answer-‘.$question->id.'” style=”display: none;”> ‘.$question->answer.’ </div>’;
Hope this will find it’s way into the plug-in’s code.
]]>Hi there Ray!
I have your FAQ-plugin installed on two sites; one “real life” site and one DEV-site.
On the DEV-site everything works as expected; it is localized to Swedish.
But when i copied the whole installation over to the “real life” site; the whole FAQ went over to English!
I have removed ALL traces of the English language files, but still every thing is in English!
Any idea to what is going on here?
I upgraded to the latest version (0.1.2) and the shortcode [tffaq_tabs] no longer work. The text does not show. When you view the page source code you can see all the content being generated by the shortcode but nothing shows on the page. All other shortcodes appear to work fine.
Have now downgraded back to v0.1.1 and the shortcode is working – need to fix current version.
]]>1. When plugin creates tables it sets fields encoding to latin1. It’s not good. I need cyrillic symbols. So, please, set encoding to utf8_general.
2. It will be good if you set plugin’s files encoding to utf8 too.
1. Please, make all text translatable.
For example:
tffaq-questions.php. line 241.
<a title="" href="?page=tffaq-questions&new=new&cat=<?php echo $cur_category->id?>" class="button-secondary">Add a New Question</a>
Make text Add a New Question
2. Can you add placeholders for some strings?
I am trying to translate you plugin to russian language, but in some cases it’s very hard to do. Please, use placeholders.
For example:
tf-faq.php. line 252.
$subject = $cat->category.' '.__('question','tf-faq');
replace with
$subject = sprintf(__('%s question','tf-faq'), $cat->category);
In this way I can change words positions. This is what I need.
]]>Some of the shortcodes do not work properly. In particular [ask] shortcode messes up the headers and it doesn’t work correctly. Support is not particularly great either. Query was sent to the author on their support page and over a month later there is still no response.
first: thx for including so many of the suggestions i made on your website (links, contact etc).
Now i am facing one problem. I have included the [faq_ask] shortcode in a page but though i added it below the other shortcodes and it also shows there in the html code, still the form for asking is displayed above the other elements. Any suggestions?
You can see it on my testsite: https://test.viktor-leberecht.de/fragen
Kind regards, Viktor
]]>I like the concept of this plugin, but there are a couple things not working.
The images for Up/Down are broken and come through as:
<img src=”‘ .plugins_url( ‘images/move-up.png’ , dirname(__FILE__) ). ‘”>
Also, if I had a multi-paragraph “answer” it all collapses and does not retain the paragraph line breaks.