Hi, I’ m using this plugin for “Explanatory Dictionary” and I would like to know if it is possible to order all the items in alphabetical order and create a structure with all the alphabet letters….
]]>I’m trying to assign different categories to different loops using this ‘The Loops’ plugin, but I can’t seem to find the right input field.
I’m pretty sure it is something simple that I’m just overlooking.
anybody who can help me with this?
I’m unable to get the featured image to come through when using loops in the sidebar widget.
I have ‘List of full Posts’ selected on the widget and the template.
Excerpts and title’s pulling in just fine.
Any suggestions.
]]>I would like to show the page image can preview. How can I do that?
In the link you can see within the first posts as I would like to have
]]>Question about pagination, when initial posts are displayed.
I have 4 posts for example, but only want to initially show 2.
But I’d like (directly below the initial 2) to show that there are more available. (Just like if you clicked on one of the two .. how I see the next or previous buttons for example.)
I want to know if there’s a way, when the initial number of posts are displayed .. can I immediately display the pagination so users can (without having to click on one of the initial posts) move through any others .. by clicking a next or previous, etc. buttons?
Can I do this now and I’m just not seeing it?
Please explain.
Love this plugin!! Thanks.
I have some bug-fixes up on Github waiting as pull requests? Could you take a look?
I’d especially want this one to get in: https://github.com/sorich87/the-loops/pull/45
Seems like a bug to be able to use the template just once on a page.
is there a simple way to have the plugin adapt the font specified by my theme instead of overwriting it with Courier New?
firebug told me it was overwriten by this code, and I tried finding it in the plugin files, but I can’t locate it?
code, pre {
font-family: "Courier New",Courier,monospace;
font-size: 1em;
I there a way I can use multiple loops in a single page ?
I have 5 different loops setup, each in a separate page – but I also need to have an archive type page that has all 5 loops in
]]>I tried static dates, and the loop shows up, giving a range with dynamic dates returns blank loop!
Any solution to display articles from the shortcode, in 2 or 3 column ..responsif ?
Because, I am using 2 div for calling differents articles but it’s not really the better solution ..
Thank you for your help.
Hello, I would like to display medias / images.
Then, I choose “medias” and I write for Mime Type :
image/jpg, image/jpeg
But, I have nothing in my page.
I use : .jpg, .jpeg
But, nothing more..
What is wrong ?
Thank you
Maybe it would be a nice addition to be able to sort by post views.
By querying Jetpack’s stats_get_csv for example. Would that be possible?
]]>Visual editor doesn’t work while this plugin is activated. This is the error I get in the Firefox web console when I load a page that has the visual editor (like for a new post):
“Failed to load: undefined/{the_loops()->plugin_url}js/editor-plugin.js”
Same error in each browser. Visual Editor works if I disable The Loops.
]]>Thanks for the update/plugin!
When I click to add a New Paramater, nothing pops up or displays, just take me to the top of the page. Is there something I am missing here?
First thank you for making the loop modif so easy. I wonder why doesn’t use it more. Probably because it is not integrated in WP as it is in Drupal.
I am trying to achieve a loop that queries post accordingly to the rights of the current user using the Groups Plugin fields.
I should have a loop like that:
> General = Products post type
> Custom Fields parameter:
key: groups-groups_read_post = “current user”>wp_groups_user_capability
So I want to query posts based on the capability value of the connected user, but I don’t where (nor exactly how) to write that in the plugin.
Is it possible to achieve? Or If you think you could do it as a custom dev, I can pay you as well.
Thank you for you answer and again great job!
]]>In this site:
The pagination format – numeric dont work.
I press page 2 but i show the same articles…
Someone can help me?
Tnx so much!
Hi, I made some improvements to your code to allow other plugins to register templates for The Loops (which I love!)
I would be glad if you could include that code !
Here’s what I did :
Thanks !
]]>Just one question:
Can the plugin make a Loop and use the sidebars like:
One post widget that displays two post. (1 and 2)
Then an other widget f.ex a text widget for ads.
Hereafter show the next two post (3 and 4)
And at the end of the page show pagination for the hole page.
Drop-down menu for inserting shortcode loops doesn’t work… broken javascript
]]>There are some kind of plugins, from humble authors, which deserve to be more highlighted… This is one of it.
It works like a charm, very easy to use and has all the features needed.
A bit disturbed by the version number with regard to the quality ??
This plugin helps me everyday !
]]>Does not work the number of display posts.
And save the loop permanent errors in the admin panel.