Hey Jason,
On one of our clients websites we’re experiencing an issue with your nice & slim Google Maps plug-in. Once the contact page with a Google Maps integration is opened it shows a gray box and gives this console error: Google Maps JavaScript API error: ApiProjectMapError
Is it something we can fix at our end? Any advices are highly appreciated. ??
Thx and best, Rob
]]>Hi to all!
I want to add more of one marker to a map.
Any suggestion?
]]>After moving to https, maps don’t render anymore. ??
]]>is it possible inside the code to change the marker?
I’m seing a thread from last year and one month back with the same problem.
I’m working on this site: https://www.lemancore.mx/wordpress/contact/
An there’s a big space before the map. Is there a workaround to eliminate it?
]]>Hello, i am new to javascript, and i want to add a styler to the jquery.gmap.min.js.
Please help me where can i add the following code:
var styles = [
stylers: [
{ hue: "#00ffe6" },
{ saturation: -20 }
}, {
featureType: "road",
elementType: "geometry",
stylers: [
{ lightness: 100 },
{ visibility: "simplified" }
}, {
featureType: "road",
elementType: "labels",
stylers: [
{ visibility: "off" }
]]>Hi, I use this plugin and it’s working fine, but with an graphical error in the zoom buttons, in the top left corner of the map. When the width of the map is less than 400 px, more or less, it’s ok, but when you try to make it bigger or if your browser has a bigger window, these buttons desappear or create a strange error/effect. You can see it at https://www.casadio.it/contatto !! thanks for your attention and for your help!!!
]]>Hi, I’m using your plugin and it’s fantastic on mobile version of my websites, but I don’t understand how keep to the center of view my marker.
When I resize my browser windows, it doesn’t scale the dimension of map, but it “cuts” my view and I don’t see more the marker.
The dimension in % doesen’t work, only pixel, but in pixel it’s fixed…how can I resolve?
Please help.
Thanks a lot.
]]>Hi guys great plugin!
Got a problem though, the map stopped showing?! Didn’t change anything and ran all the obvious tests like deactivating plugins etc.
This is my code:
[tb_google_map address=”herman gorterhof 98, uithoorn, nederland” height=”300px” zoom=”11″]
This is the url:
Help is much appreciated!
]]>the popup shortcode is ignored, which wouldn’t be an issue if it wasn’t for the fact that the popup box renders really, really bad. I didn’t notice that the plugin used the zoom bar until I read one of the posts here that pointed out that it doesn’t render properly either. I wouldn’t have brought this up until I noticed that the plugin creator hasn’t been active for support. I recommend to anyone thinking of using this plugin to uninstall and find another plugin.
]]>I see the variables in the plug-in description, but how do you correctly type them? I am trying to change the height.
[tb_google_map address=”address”]
Where do I add the height and how is it correctly typed? Thanks.
]]>Hi, Your plugin seems great it even works with responsive design this is too awesome!
Sadly for some reason I am using your shortcode but it is not showing me the map bit just the box with the button and Marker on it.
please help…:(
]]>Hi, Your plugin seems great it even works with responsive design this is too awesome!
Sadly for some reason I am using your shortcode but it is not showing me the map bit just the box with the button and Marker on it.
please help…:(
]]>I have the plugin installed in your Akita Theme and working on the following page, but it doesn’t seem to be responsive. The shortcode resides on a page titled “Google Map” and that page is in page builder as 50% column item.
Here is the shortcode I’m using:
[tb_google_map address="191 Kingwood Avenue Northwest, Salem, Oregon" zoom="19" maptype="hybrid" width="436px" height="500px"]
If I remove width="436px"
or change it to width="100%"
the map appears as a 1 pixel wide map. Do you have any ideas of what I’m doing wrong?
Thank you,
Paul Bryant
]]>Hi there,
I have Theme Blvd Responsive Google Maps installed on a Pagelines theme and noticed there’s a slight rendering problem in the map. The zoom slider is not fully visable and distorted. Anyway ideas why this might be happening? Here’s a link to the page with the problematic map on it.
Thanks, Phil
]]>I seem to have a paragraph appear before the map. How can I get rid of this?
Great plugin! Thank you!
it works great.
But is it possible to have several markers on a map ?
[tb_google_map address=”” address1=””… ]
Thanks for your answer.
]]>I can’t get GPS coordinates to work as “address”. How do I do that? E.g. +50° 25′ 48.01″, -122° 28′ 22.78″
/ Anders
]]>Hi there,
Nice plug-in ! Really good job !
But is it possible to change colors of the map like here => https://gmaps-samples-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/styledmaps/wizard/index.html ?
Thanks a lot
]]>Hi, the popup parameter does nothing if I set it to “false”… should this work?
]]>I am getting the infamous p tags added by wordpress above my maps shortcode. Any solutions for this?
]]>Is there a max number of times you can call this shortcode per page? I’m using this in your BarelyCorporate theme, and I have 10 maps I want to show on one page, but when I load the page only 6 maps actually appear (the bottom four are just grey boxes). Please let me know if this is a bug and I should use another map generator for this page.
]]>Hi there,
I love your plugin – easy to use, light and very nice looking. But I’m wondering if there’s a way to add more HTML to the pop-up pin.
I’d love to be able to help people get directions on the map, just like they would if they were on the Google Maps site.
]]>the basic map function works, but I can’t the html is spotty at best, adding a
seems to break things…even without it today it would not work when it had worked initially.
I install plugin theme-blvd-responsive-google-maps, but I can’t use.
Google map doesn’t show.
It look like short code not correct.
I tested by using your short code example.
[tb_google_map address=”6921 Brayton Drive, Anchorage, Alaska”]
Could you kindly test.