In “Site Health” in WP 6, I had the following “critical” issue:
1. ‘A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.
2. While testing the REST API, an error occurred: REST API endpoint: https://website/wp-json/wp/v2/types/post?context=edit. REST API response: (http_request_failed) cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received.
I used the String locator plugin which allows you to find a php string in the site and that’s how by typing “session_start” the search pointed to 2, 3 plugins. By disabling the Theme Tweaker plugin, the problem (1 and 2 are linked) no longer reappeared. So it is this old and no more updated plugin that is causing this problem.
Theme Tweaker is really great for changing all site colors easily. I couldn’t find a comparable plugin. On the web, I found the page to fix this issue: Especially this:
In most cases, the real reason of the above errors is the incorrect mechanism for using PHP sessions within plugins or themes when they are using the session_start() function.
Now you need to identify what plugin is causing this issue by deactivating your plugin one by one.
Then in that plugin, you need to find a piece of code similar to this:
if (!session_id()) { session_start(); }
then change it to:
if (!session_id()) { session_start( [ ‘read_and_close’ => true, ] ); }
Then you are done. In most cases, this will fix the issue.
I used the String locator plugin to locate the “session_start” string in the Theme Tweaker plugin.
I found the “session_start” as described.
With FileZilla, I modified it as shown.
And indeed, the problem is solved. It no longer appears.
This is equivalent to a Theme Tweaker update for WP 6!
Long life to Theme Tweaker!
]]>It would seem this plugin has been abandoned by the author, as it has not been updated in nearly two years. Will there be any further updates?
– Scott
]]>I’ve got the plugin working well on my desk top version of my site. My mobile version does not carry through the theme as set up in the desk top version. When will this be fixed OR do you have some troubleshooting suggestions?
]]>I love this plugin! I was wondering if it will be getting an update soon? I keep getting a PHP deprecated error, I’m guessing because it has not been updated for a while?
]]>I ran the PHP Compatibility Checker plugin
checking for PHP 7 compatibility and got this result for this plugin:
FILE: wp-content/plugins/theme-tweaker-lite/EzOptions.php
27 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
178 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
205 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
256 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
298 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
317 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
332 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
350 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
370 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
391 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
415 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
440 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
484 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
Can you please drop the dodgy girly images that appear on the plugin pages.
They’re asking for trouble at work.
This is a suggestion, rather than a fault..
On “Create Child Theme”, why not actually create a new theme folder (named the same as the child-theme, of course), and drop the styles.css file into it?
You could also drop a “screenshot.png” file in there so it doesn’t look blank in the “select theme” page.
]]>When I’m viewing it from the dashboard it shows gray which is what I want but when I’m not viewing it on the dashboard it’s showing white.
Viewing from Dashboard:
Viewing when not logged into Dashboard:
My site:
The theme I’m using is “xMag”
]]>when I changed some colors, I lost my header image, when I go to reinstall header, it wont show the header image
the plugin doesnt work with child-themes.
I mean it shows no fields of colors in MH Lite. Is it a bug or is it normal?
i would like to know how can i remove the footer text “Theme Tweaker by Unreal” and change it to my own?
]]>im running with localhost after choosing my like color i click save changes but a popup message say Apache HTTP Server has stopped working. Im using theme-tweaker-lite.4.70.
]]>just wondering.. are there excessive ads also in the pro version?
]]>The original colours of my Theme are not appearing in the “Old Colors” part of Theme Tweaker, any ideas? This was in a local installation of WordPress, is that the reason?
]]>When I change the colors and click Preview, a new window opens showing no changes to the website.
Also, any colors that I’ve changed in the right column, revert to the default colors.
I’m using a child of Enigma theme.
Nothing changed after selecting new theme colors. Tried several times but nothing ever worked.
]]>not compatible with the Parabola theme.
]]>After updating WordPress all the schemes of the sites I have tweaked with theme-tweaker are lost.
Where is the data stored? How can I get the database of the tweaks back again?
Help me.
]]>I am building a site for a friend’s with local business wordpress theme.
I am trying to use the theme tweaker to change the home page colors. I have activated it etc, but I just don’t understand how to read the color bars it shows… which ones are identified as colors being used on the local business . just not sure what it is showing me. Could you please help me to understand this…Thanks so much.
Doesnt appear to be able to load the exitig colour and throws an error message.
]]>When I change colors using theme tweaker, my primary navigation menu gets an additional top border, which occasionally migrates up and down and creates an additional blank space above my menu links.
When I disable the plugin everything goes back to normal. I don’t know how to fix this. Did anyone have a similar experience?
]]>I initially downloaded theme tweaker lite and it turned my blog into a visual feast. I was so pleased with it, I bought the pro version. Easy to work with, very intuitive. I highly recommend this plug in.
]]>If I have all of my child sites using the same theme, would they all be free to modify colors on their sites independently of one another? I.e. Are the color changes stored somewhere other than in wp-content/themes/themename?