Hello Theme,
I wanted your help as Themes Zone Ajax Quantity plugin doesn’t work with my current theme (Woodmart). And I really need a system like that, So please help me.
]]>can the plugin work for current woocommecer version?
]]>Hey God,
Please update this plugin and make sure it will work with Oxygen Builder and if you need payment for update this then contact me on [email protected]
I tried to resolve some jquery and other issues and I was able to but it’s still isn’t that compatible it will be great if the devs will update it to support for latest version.
@vgstudios Can you please tell how you get it to work? Link
Uncaught TypeError: $(…).live is not a function
$('.tz-qty-cont').live('click', function(){
var qty_input = $(this).parent().find('input[name="quantity"]');
if ( $(qty_input).prop('disabled') ) return;
var qty_step = parseFloat($(qty_input).attr('step'));
var qty_min = parseFloat($(qty_input).attr('min'));
var qty_max = parseFloat($(qty_input).attr('max'));
if ( $(this).hasClass('minus') ){
var vl = parseFloat($(qty_input).val());
vl = ( (vl - qty_step) < qty_min ) ? qty_min : (vl - qty_step);
} else if ( $(this).hasClass('plus') ) {
var vl = parseFloat($(qty_input).val());
vl = ( (vl + qty_step) > qty_max ) ? qty_max : (vl + qty_step);
Hi there! i use Martfury theme. and i need this your plugin! its amazing in demo page. but not work on my site. page preloader not to end.
i install this plugin and this problem solved.
Enable jQuery Migrate Helper
but i still now see minus plus buttons on loop.
please develop & update this plugin. Thanks.
]]>Hello, first of all thanks you because this plugin completely meets my expectations.
Despite everything I encounter a problem with your plugin and yoast seo.
When the plugin is activated I can no longer modify my pages because it gives me a registration error.
Can you help me to solve this problem?
Hi there!
I need to modify the min value the plugin adds to the cart for certain products.
I found this code and applied a filter for the quantity in class-tz-wc-ajax-qty-public.php
public function custom_template_loop_add_to_cart( $args = array() ) {
global $product;
$defaults = array(
‘quantity’ => (has_filter(‘custom_tz_wc_ajax_qty_min_value’) ? apply_filters( ‘custom_tz_wc_ajax_qty_min_value’, $product ) : 1),
By any chance, could please implement a filter in the plugin in the next update so the changes will remain as needed?
Thanks so much in advance.
Thank you for this great plugin.
I have adjusted it slightly, because I need to have min quantity and step defined. My only problem is, that the user can write any value inside the box neglecting the steps and it is added to cart.
How can I make the quantity box read-only? Or to not accept any value that is not aligned with the step value?
Looking forward for your answer!
Thanks in advance
Hi there!
Thank you for this great plugin, this is exactly what I am looking for. Only thing is, that I would need it to work on Single Product pages. How can I do that?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Hello Guys
Thanks to everyone using the plugin.
I have updated it and tested with the lates version of WooCommerce and WordPress, so no more notices and warnings. I have added a global option to enable/disable the quantity filed for all products, also added an option in the product admin page so that one could enable the plugin for individual products, and added a filter so that one could control the wether the field appears or not to your custom need, for instance you could enable this plugins for one particular category and so on.
The plugin was primarily tested on storefront theme so I could not address the issue of duplicate buttons, but usually the duplication appears if there is “hidden” class is overridden in your theme, so make sure you have something like this in your css:
display: none;
Such a great rare and important plugin.
I seems to need some updating.
there are 2 problems:
> double increment buttons
> in some cases there is a duplicate add-to-cart button
please update this slick plugin!
]]>Our site have two duplicate add to cart button after activate this plugin.
]]>hi on activating this plugin Add to cart button gets replaced with “Notice: Undefined variable: link in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/themeszone-woocommerce-ajax-quantity/templates/qty-form.php on line 12”
Any Solution?