is it somehow possible to get some of the data collected of your plugin into my theme? I have a custom login form in the frontend for the not logged in users and User details block for the logged in users. It would be nice when I could show them the last login and maybe the ip they have used.
Hope you get the idea, sorry for my bad english.
Greetings from germany
]]>Really nice plugin, it worked well to me!, thank sharing!
A realy nice feature could be adding the ‘input login page’. That’s because some users could belong to one child domaing mapping site and not to others and if difficult to know by user name in what child site the user login in.
Anyway it work nice perfectly!
]]>There seems to be something weird about the timestamps. They’re stored in the database correctly. I am using the right timezone in WP. Yet. the Login Tracker reports them as being 5 hours off.
This only seems to be a problem when using human readable date differences.
Setting $ago to false on line 327 of ThreeWP_LoginTracker.php causes the correct time to be displayed, as it disables the human readable date differences.
Looks like time zone is not taken into account, maybe?