line 154 should be
$image_html = '<a href="' . $edit_post_link . '">'. get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, $size, array('style' => $style, 'class' => $child) ) . '</a>';
instead of
$image_html = '<a href="' . $edit_post_link . '">'. the_post_thumbnail( $size, array('style' => $style, 'class' => $child) ) . '</a>';
The original code has echoed the thumbnail right away, while the new one returns it. This bug causes the edit links to be out of place.
All the best,
With WP_DEGUG active, I get the alert “_get_post_ancestors is deprecated since version 3.5” instead of thumbnails on my admin page for pages.
The fix I found was to replace _get_post_ancestors()
on line 117 with get_post_ancestors()
]]>Hi Giorgio, I’m still enjoying this great plugin.
I would like to suggest a very minor edit for the next version to prevent the following alert notice from appearing in admin when WP_DEBUG is set to true:
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in /home/sites/ on line 3551
line 179 changed from
add_options_page('Thumbnails for Backend', 'Thumbnails for Backend', 8, basename(__FILE__), array(&$this, 'admin_page') );
add_options_page('Thumbnails for Backend', 'Thumbnails for Backend', 'edit_posts', basename(__FILE__), array(&$this, 'admin_page') );
]]>Don’t know what I’m doing wrong … are there some prerequisites I have to fullfill? When going to the Articles or pages in the Backend, I only see this in the Box:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_post_thumbnail_id() in … /wp-content/plugins/thumbnailsforbackend/thumbnailsforbackend.php on line 109
Which is:
$id_thumb = get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID);
Where should this function be defined? Is it missing in my template?
]]>Thumbnails for Backend is a useful plugin, however if not all of the posts/pages/cpts have a thumbnail, or the thumbnail is smaller than 80px tall, the lower border does not line up and this makes the list look a little messy.
As a quick fix on the site I am using this on, I have added the following to the css the plugin generates:
td.column-preview {height: 80px;}
It looks neater now – perhaps this (or something similar) could be included in the next version of the plugin?