The buttons on my site are not showing properly and the settings in WordPress show lots of errors. This is happening in Chrome and Edge.
Some warnings:
Warning: file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed in /homepages/26/d105659269/htdocs/tootinginsider/blog/wp-content/plugins/tibdit/button-factory/button_classes/AdminButton.php on line 24
Warning: file_get_contents(): Failed to enable crypto in /homepages/26/d105659269/htdocs/tootinginsider/blog/wp-content/plugins/tibdit/button-factory/button_classes/AdminButton.php on line 24
]]>I’ve noticed the tibit button on my site () is stuck showing 88 tibs despite there being 100 received. Investigating, I saw that Settings -> tibit -> Customise Button Appearance is showing the following errors:
Warning: file_get_contents(): Failed to enable crypto in /homepages/26/d105659269/htdocs/tootinginsider/blog/wp-content/plugins/tibdit/button-factory/button_classes/AdminButton.php on line 24
Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: operation failed in /homepages/26/d105659269/htdocs/tootinginsider/blog/wp-content/plugins/tibdit/button-factory/button_classes/AdminButton.php on line 24
Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string supplied as input in /homepages/26/d105659269/htdocs/tootinginsider/blog/wp-content/plugins/tibdit/button-factory/button_classes/AdminButton.php on line 25
Fatal error: Call to a member function setAttribute() on null in /homepages/26/d105659269/htdocs/tootinginsider/blog/wp-content/plugins/tibdit/button-factory/button_classes/AdminButton.php on line 28
Is this a problem with the tibit plugin or something else?
]]>Can you tell me how I can use [tib_post] in my posts with a different style and size button to that configured in the plugin? Looked on the website but the button factory doesn’t seem to be working.
]]>Clicking on ‘Show balance’ in the WordPress settings page for tibit should show the balance for the configured bitcoin address. Instead the biteasy page is shown with the following error message:
“The address you requested does not exist in our database!”
Going direct to and entering the bitcoin address shows the balance correctly.
To reproduce in WordPress:
Settings -> tibit – Show balance
When this plugin is active the Add Media button does not work (pressing it does nothing) when adding media to an existing post or other item. It works fine with new posts but must be disabled in order to add media to existing posts.