Has all the right features for automatic blogs expired post removal, including images and duplicates! Been searching for months for something like this
Dude what is going on, hope all it well! Any chance you can get this plugin working with the latest versions of WP??
Looking forward to any advancement in your development, bravo and well done on making something so simplistic to setup!
Hi, I need to delete thousands of duplicate posts caused by the workhorse plugin – same titles. The T1E plugin worked the first time, but doesn’t work now. I installed another plugin to check the duplicate count and there are lots. I tried deleting it and re-installing it but it still doesn’t work. I have Dupe Checks and Notifications turned on and my email address at the bottom. Help appreciated.
]]>So i noticied plugin doesnt run cronjob on activation hook. I want to test or want run cronjob whenever i want. So i added do_TIEtools_all(); on do_TIEtools_activation() function. Tested deactiving activing its working its seems is it ok to use like that ? like creating page with this function and trigger visiting that page?
]]>Hi, Is there any plan to add tag to one of the expiry options?
]]>It would be great if we could choose from our custom post types. I believe it currently only effects the generic post post type.
]]>Great plugin but worried about the development.
Is there and update in works? The plugin reports only good up to version 4.0.12
]]>How to Create a Cron Job for this Plugin
Do you just add link My Website in Cron Job
Or path link Plugin
and thank you very much
]]>Once a post expires – is it moved to trash? deleted? or just marked as expired?
I was wondering if the plugin also removes featured images?
I am trying with the following settings, no luck:
]]>This plugin does exactly what I’m looking for, but unfortunately as you noted in the FAQ it doesn’t seem to work in multisite. I’ve tried the trick of deactivating/reactivating but it still never expires my posts.
This is the only plugin I’ve found that will expire posts automatically based on age and category. I’m still searching for another solution, but hoping there will be a multisite-friendly version of TIEtools soon! Are there any plans to make that happen?
]]>Hello, I have admin rights in a mutli-site but when I try to make changes in settings on TIEtools Automatic Maintenance Settings, I get: “You do not have sufficient permissions to modify unregistered settings for this site.”.
I can make changes as SuperAdmin in the same domain.
Can you take a look and advise?
I have Post Options checked with Keep oldest copy and checked for posts. Drafts is checked. Categories have 0.
The site admin alert email I am getting shows:
Hello Admin,
This is an automated message from …… to inform you that the post titled …… by …. has expired.
The post was expired because it was detected as a duplicate.
Message generated by TIEexpire for …..
The problem I have is that it only expired a single post. The other duplicates from the RSS Feed (I have several with same name in the draft) are still there.
The first time I used this plugin two days ago did the job.
But now, something seems to be broken.
Can you point me in the right direction?
]]>Hi, on your site you mention this –
“If you want to get really psychotic about catching dupes, you could even switch out the scheduling code and replace it with a single action that kicks off whenever a new post is published – provided your server can handle the query load, you’ll have a very clean database:
add_action(‘publish_post’, ‘do_TIEdupedeleter’);”
In what file would I need to do that, I want to stop the duplicate posts ever being published as they get broadcast to twitter etc.
]]>Would it be possible to indicate for each individual post what the expiry date is? Or is it always a “general” setting (as I understand when playing around with the plugin), based on certain criteria like category etc. ?
But for me not all “category A” posts might require an expiration date (and those that need it, might be not always the samen period)…
If we can solve the above, would it be possible to have a notification mail that a certain post will expire in the near future (X days before)?
]]>The overview page says to 3.8.
Is TIEtools supported to 3.9.1 and 2014 Theme?
]]>I’m really enjoying the plugin! It manages posts and attachments really well. One question though. Is it possible for the plugin to delete the images from the actual upload directory as well as the attachment and post? This would provide much greater value and really complete my needs as far as maintenance for my site goes.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks
How to make the post when expires to change only category and not deleted?
Thank you
]]>Hi, I also have a question about Custom Post type and custom taxonomies. I have a travel site with a CPT of ‘Properties’ (hotels). There is also a custom field ’email’ with the hotelier’s email address.
I would like to be able to set an expiry date for each hotel, and an email notification to be sent to the hotelier to warn them that their listing on my site is due to expire.
Is that something that could be built in?
Would be happy to pay for such a feature.
Great Plugin. I would like to ask is it working with custom post types and custom taxonomies?
If not yet, do you consider to implement this in a future update?