Un plugin como éste será muy útil en el mundo después del Covid-19.
Creo que sería muy interesante actualizarlo y mejorarlo.
Un saludo.
]]>Hola @gtamborero
Estamos interesados en poner en marcha un banco de tiempo en Murcia.
Nos gustaría instalar el plugin y he leído que recomiendas que se instalen varios plugin, como buddypress, WP-SMTP, WP SSL, ?nos podrías indicar cuáles son esos cinco que mencionas en la sección de instalación?
Vemos que https://time-bank.info/ no está activa y nos gustaría poder tener toda la información disponible posible, esperamos que nos la puedas enviar.
Banco de tiempo de Murcia
Hi Mr. Guillermo Tamborero and hi to all the TimeBank plugin growing community, congratulations for this great plugin!
I’m just having sometime a cookie problem to access the timebank/currency page after login (with Chrome and Firefox too, on Windows 10 OS)
I mean, i login my WP site, then it happen that when I paste the URL of the timebank page I read that I have to log-in in order to access my user’s TimeBank stats’ page.
But i was already logged-in, so it is weird.
I’m using the version 1.60 (maybe it is just a cookie issue of my laptop).
P.S.: also, an extremely good feature should be the possibility for many local editors with the right role assigned by the site admin, to add points/minutes or any units to a specific group of users only.
As example:
“editor 1” can add timebank/points units only to “province 1 group of users”
“editor 2” can add timebank/points units only to “province 2 group of users”
“editor 3” can add timebank/points units only to “province 3 group of users”
and so on…
P.S.2: I asked help to better improve the po file because not the whole strings are changeable in your own language, especially if you use the plugin as “points units”, so not as time’s units.
Many string reported “time” was not changeable by the po file…
I also asked to improve the “new exchange panel” in order to show only the 3 fields about “sending” or only the 3 fields about “requesting” for better usabilty.
So, when you press the button to send, then you will see only the related 3 fields, when you have to request an amount of units, then you will see only the related 3 fields about that.
Also the 2 buttons (send/request) has now different colors for better usability too.
below I share the work done in detail:
updated the “timebank-it_IT” po and mo files and added new strings not available there and made some modifications to the plugin core files:
File /user/exchanges_view.php:
Lines 55/56: changed ”Loading GIVEN POINTS” by “Caricamento POINTS Inviati” and “Loading received POINTS” by “CARICAMENTO POINTS Ricevuti”
Line 37: changed “echo ‘<div>’ . __(‘Status’, ‘timebank’) . ‘: <br />’ . $userData->type . ‘</div>’;” by “echo ‘<div>’ . __(‘Status’, ‘timebank’) . ‘: <br />’ . __($userData->type, ‘timebank’) . ‘</div>’;”
Line 50: changed “echo ‘‘ . __(‘NEW EXCHANGE’, ‘timebank’) . ‘’;” by “echo ‘‘ . __(‘NEW EXCHANGE’, ‘timebank’) . ‘’;” (the height)
Thanks SO much for any improving,
please let’s donate asap for this plugin project, it is a great useful plugin! ??
Hi there
I’ve been looking everywhere, and I’m really hoping I’m almost at the right place. Is there any chance that this plugin can be integrated with an existing freelancer theme? So, turning this “credit” functionality into a payment gateway of sorts, which users can then use to allocate funds for payments made for projects on the website?
EG: HIREBEE THEME (https://www.appthemes.com/themes/hirebee/)
I want to give my users 1000 credits when they sign up.
Users can then use these credits to PAY freelancers.
These credits then get added to their balance.
Freelancers can also pay using the credits they receive for jobs.
So, basically, there is no real-world money involved. Just credits. I will give the credits on sign up, and they then spend those credits and can earn additional credits doing jobs for users on the site.
I asked Hirebee if this was possible, but they just gave the standard answers. I would love to use their theme because of the “projects” and “collaboration” etc, functionality, but don’t want any real-world money to be involved in transactions were users pay each other for completed projects.
Also, as a side note, the Escrow thing for the credits would also be fantastic – so a project is paid 50% upfront on acceptance, and a few days after completion by the project owner unless there’s a dispute.
I hope this makes sense, and *please* if you know of someone or if this plugin can do that with some tweaking, kindly let me know.
Thanks so much ??
]]>Hello! First of all, i would like to thank you for this great plugin!
I’m trying to create a time bank platform with a gallery that shows the offers from users. In each offer article, i wanted to insert the ‘New Exchange’ button. Is there a shortcode to place the button at a post or php file?
Thank you in advance!
I am trying to translate the plugin into Spanish with poedit, but there are many words and sentences that the app doesn’t show, so the plugin works in Spanish and English half and half. What can I do?