Titan Framework has not been supported or evolved at all for several years.
We were partly inspired by this excellent idea to design Sukellos Admin Builder.
This plugin exists in a free version
I have a single page that includes a page-title component using “titan_get_component( ‘page-title’ )” In this single page, I pull a custom field from the post that this single is meant to display. I assign that custom field value to a php var, but if I try to reference that variable from within the ‘page-title’ component template, it is empty. What is the proper way to pass that variable to the component?
]]>Hi everyone,
I have an error from Titan Framework since one hour. On my dashboard, it says “Titan Framework Error: All option IDs per namespace must be unique. The id 2934750b2db6b585 has been used multiple times.”
I didn’t have the Titan framework plugin and to be honest I didn’t know its existence! I use Woocommerce, Divi and a child theme. Maybe someone had the same problem? I don’t even know what this ID is matching with… ??
Thanks in advance
Best regards
How to display titan framework theme options import/export field.
]]>Hi there,
I’m running WP 4.9.7, PHP 7.1 & the plugin seems to have deactivated after the 4.9.7 update & will not re-activate. Are there any dependencies or known issues?
Titan has always had a conflict with Gravity Forms admin side – seems to be a JS issue – here’s examples ..
1) When Titan is activated – clicking ‘New Form’ under Gravity forms left admin menu doesn’t generate the popup modal window – so nothing happens. You have to deactivate titan everytime you want to create a new form – this is such a pane for clients who constantly contact me about it
2) When Titan is activated – clicking on the small column ‘gear’ in entries to add more column fields for entry listing display doesn’t generate the popup modal
There are other related JS issues that happen – usually when something ‘strange’ isn’t working on Gravity Forms – the culprit is Titan – so you just temporarily deactivate then reactivate when you complete the Gravity form task.
]]>Hi Folks,
This plugin hasn’t been updated in 2 years.
Is there any plan to update it?
I have three sites all set up with identical themes and plugins. This morning my testing platform informed me that my theme required Titan Framework. Using OceanWP/OceanWP Child and the only other theme is 2017 for backup just in case. Speaking with the Theme Author, Nicolas Lecocq and he’s trying to figure this out too.
]]>Is there a way that I can create a WPMU network admin page using the framework?
I found that color picker is not working on WordPress 4.9
]]>Using titan framework in combination with WooCommerce breaks the Titan Framework, especially at the select boxes, since WooCommerce uses the select2 v 4 script, which isn’t compatible with the version Titan Framework uses.
It would be an easy fix… I actually did it in a stand alone version of the framework, but I prefer to keep on using the maintained version.
Here is the link to the solution:
Where can i find the name of my options created for a plugin with titan framework (createOption) to build my uninstall file, please?
I have been seeing error logs in my wordpress area that i keep all access logs and error logs related to the site and all php files, this plugin is starting to have major problems the past few months this framework is way out of date. plus a Wordfence the best security plugin for any wordpress site scans for problems and your plugin has many vulnerabilities in it. Will their be any update to this plugin it’s 7 plus months old.
]]>Figured I’d let you all know if you don’t already.
The release version of this plugin is 1.11 but the latest version tagged in github is 1.9.2. Does anyone know if there as there a reason for that discrepancy?
Thanks very much!
]]>You can create “include” or “require” calls to split the titan-options code into multiple files.
Let’s develop a theme with titan framework and each team person will develop a part of the options.
So we would have different files for each part that would be called within the titan-options
Thank you
]]>Hi there, I have found that installing and activating your plugin causes the Appearance – Customise screen to break, and this error appears in the console.
Uncaught TypeError: api.state is not a function
at Function.preview (https://localhost:8888/mysite/wp-admin/js/customize-controls.js?ver=4.7.2:56:46)
at i (https://localhost:8888/mysite/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2:27449)
at Object.fireWith (https://localhost:8888/mysite/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2:28213)
at Function.set (https://localhost:8888/mysite/wp-includes/js/customize-base.js?ver=4.7.2:221:19)
at Function.d [as set] (https://localhost:8888/mysite/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2:3856)
at HTMLInputElement.change (https://localhost:8888/mysite/wp-admin/js/customize-controls.js?ver=4.7.2:2324:23)
at HTMLInputElement.change (https://localhost:8888/mysite/wp-content/plugins/titan-framework/js/min/wp-color-picker-alpha-min.js?ver=1.11:1:1948)
at a.(anonymous function).(anonymous function)._trigger (https://localhost:8888/mysite/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/widget.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11:6177)
at a.(anonymous function).(anonymous function)._change (https://localhost:8888/mysite/wp-admin/js/iris.min.js?ver=1.0.7:4:16005)
at a.(anonymous function).(anonymous function)._change (https://localhost:8888/mysite/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/widget.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11:1032)
I am working locally with MAMP. I have found this problem before on other custom themes and am not sure how to resolve it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I’ve created all the options and the inline css parameter using ‘value’ works fine.
However, I’m unable to generate more dynamic content using the command (directly below creating all the options):
$titan->createCSS( '
.my-custom-var {
height: $logo_height;
' );
I just tried for the first time the Gallery option and I’m facing to a problem. When I upload the second image, it always deletes the first one and takes its position.
Anyone found out how to resolve this issue?
I’m using the last version of TF (1.11) and WP (4.7).
Thank you!
I get a security issue (“Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.”) when i add a simple meta box to the ‘post’ content type ….
$titan = \TitanFramework::getInstance(“ln_post”);
$panel = $titan->createMetaBox(array(
‘name’ => ‘Options’,
‘desc’ => ‘Some article options’,
‘post_type’ => [‘post’],
‘context’ => ‘normal’,
‘priority’ => ‘default’,
I’ve read that “Are you sure you want to do this?Please try again.” is a security token (nonce) issue but i can’t find any solutions to it and it seems like it’s a titan issue? Any one ever see this?
I have using Titan Framework plugin for creating options in my clients websites.its working good. i have a suggestion regarding repeatable fields. is there any option to create repeatable fields in Metabox sections and Admin Options sections.
]]>This plugin is not working on wordpress 4.7, When i Try the documentations code. I Expect that this code will add a wordpress menu and a submenu. But when i run. Nothing Happen.
$titan = TitanFramework::getInstance( ‘my-theme’ );
$adminPanel = $titan->createAdminPanel( array(
‘name’ => ‘My Admin Panel’,
) );
$layoutPanel = $adminPanel->createAdminPanel( array(
‘name’ => ‘My Layout Panel’,
) );
Doesn’t matter what I put in there, whether I leave it blank, whether I try just a date, whether I try adding time, the output is always 1970-01-01.
]]>Using version 1.10, I get a javascript error that _ variable is undefined which comes from lib/class-option-number.php (line 123).
Seems it’s using the _ variable, but it’s undefined. This causes my Yoast SEO plugin to break. I can’t edit the Titles & Metas settings in the admin.
New behavior with 1.10. Did not happen with 1.9.x and prior.
Specific to using a number field.
Offending code in lib/class-option-number.php (line 123):
$( ‘.tf-number input[type=number]’ ).on( ‘keyup’, _.debounce( function() {
if ( $( this ).prev().slider( ‘value’ ).toString() !== $( this ).val().toString() ) {
$( this ).prev().slider( ‘value’, $( this ).val() );
}, 500 ) );
I had to install the underscore.js library from underscorejs.org and that defined _ and _.debounce().
It seems version 1.10 code was developed with this or a similar library, but that library is not included anywhere in the code.
1.9.x and before didn’t have this code, it’s new to 1.10. Options are to remove the _.debounce function that wraps the anonymous function or install a library that defines _ variable and the debounce function.
Any word on when titan will either change/fix this code or include the necessary library?
]]>// if you embed titan framework in multiple plugins, you will get an error.
// the following codes will check if the "Titan Framework" already activated. If not, then use embed codes
// activate titan framework for options
if ( is_plugin_active('titan-framework/titan-framework.php') ) {
require_once 'lib/titan-framework-checker.php';
} elseif ( !class_exists('TitanFrameworkPlugin') ) {
require_once 'lib/titan-framework/titan-framework.php';
// require_once 'lib/titan-framework/titan-framework-embedder.php'; - NOT WORKING
I am running WordPress 4.6.
I have noticed in the Customizer when I am using the Titan Framework as a plugin with some font and color options through Titan, I keep getting an unresponsive script error with the following message:…lists,postbox,nav-menu&ver=4.6:10
When I do debug script, it comes back to the Underscores.js script.
Is there anything that can be done to stop this?
I’m clearly missing something. I’ve hooked into ‘tf_create_options’ to add my post meta boxes but in this function i can’t access the global $post to make decisions about what meta box fields show? I understand from this that obviously ‘tf_create_options’ is called before ‘init’. I know that i could call this in ‘init’ rather than ‘tf_create_options’ but is there any other proper way of accessing global post?
]]>After updating to version 1.10, I can no longer use the WP comment quick edit. It just won’t work. Also Copy/Move Comments plugin stopped functioning. Reverting back to version 1.9.3 fixed those issues.
When I try to insert a shortcode I created in the Editor option, the shortcode is displayed as text in the front end.
Is it possible to allow shortcodes in the Editor option?
]]>How I can create a field with condition from another field?
E.g.: I’ve a Radio Button, when I choose first option Titan Framework show me a new field that depends from my choose.